Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (King Abdullah) and Hadith About the Prophet

عنرسول الله (ص):

(يحكم الحجاز رجل اسمه اسم حيوان, إذا رأيته حسبت في عينه الحول من البعيد, وإذا اقتربت منه لاترى في عينه شيئا, يخلفه أخ له اسمه عبدالله. ويل لشيعتنا منه, أعادها ثلاثا; بشروني بموته أبشركم بظهور الحجة)

مئتان وخمسون علامة: 122

Rasulullah (salallahu alleyhi and alih) said: A man with an animal name called Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) (Fahd) will administer it. When you look away from a distance, you will see that your eyes are squinting. If looked at soon, it will look normal. It will be supported by his brother Abdullah. Be glad that they have gone after them. Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi and alih) repeated three times. Give me the news of his death (Abdullah) that I will inform you of the appearance of the Mahdi. Ahmad bin Hanbel, hadnned hadiths, 250 signs book, page: 122

سمعت أبا عبدالله (ع) يقول: من يضمن لي موت عبدالله أضمن له القائم, ثم قال: إذا مات عبدالله لم يجتمع الناس بعده على أحد, ولم يتناه هذا الأمر دون صاحبكم إن شاء الله, ويذهب ملك السنين, ويصير ملك الشهور والأيام, فقلت: يطول ذلك? قال: كلا

بحار الأنوار- ج 52: 21

Imam Jaafar Sadik said: "Whoever guarantees me of Abdullah's death, I will guarantee him to come to Kaim (anti-Mahdi's salutation)." Then he said: "After Abdullah had died, and this conflict and conflict will continue as long as Allah wills until the Sahibul Emr (Imam Mahdi). Many years governments will come to an end, and now a few months and a few days will begin to establish governments. "Rami said," Imam (aleyhisselam) says: "This will be a long way." He said:

Gaybet'ül Sheikh Tusi S.447, Bihar'ül Envar c.52 p.210, İsbat Huda c.3 p.728, Biseat'ul Islam p.118, El ihra'ec c.3 p.1163

The Bezenti portrays a narration from Imam Riza: "One of the signs of Ferec (the appearance of the Imam Mahdi) is an occasion to be experienced between the Mecca and the Medina. After Abullah's death from the Hijaz dynasty, a conflict will arise and troubles will be experienced, and Sufyan will be revealed. Challenges will arise and there will be popular massacres. They will take refuge in the dangers of Allah and His Messenger (salallahu alaihihi and aliah). "

Certainly; Fahd is the person with strabismus in his eyes and whose name means animal. And the death of Fahd; Hz. The appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.); the death of his brother Abdullah; Hz. The Good News of the Mahdi (as) reigns. And all this is the news of us that the tyranny of the tyrant will come to an end.

Imam Bakir (a.s.) says: "Part of the rule of King Abdullah, Hz. It shows that the Mahdi (a.s.) facilitates the appearance of the coming of war. Also; King Abdullah's reign; The Sufyan power will continue, with the entry into Iraq and in later periods. "

Imam Bakır (a.s.): "Sufyani; Abkaa, Mansur, Kindi, the Turks and the Greeks; It will go towards Iraq and that's when Abdullah is destroyed. "

 Mu'cem Al-Mawdui Li-E hadithil-Imam al-Mahdi, El Sheikh-El Korani p.553

King Abdullah's brother Fahd bin Abdulaziz was the king of Arabia from 1982 to 1995. He passed away in 2005. Shuan brother is Abdullah Saudi King. The Fahd's eye is astonished. Fahd bin Abdulaziz "Fahd" is an animal name called Persian Pars. The Prophet sir (salallahu alayhi and aliah) has been attracted to us because he is in the Wahhabi sect, a corrupt belief.

King Abdullah will be the last king of Arabia, according to Imam Cafer Sadik (aleyhisselam). Because Hz. Who will come shortly after his death. Until the development of Hazrat Mahdi (as), there will be turmoil in the kingdom and a short term government will be established.

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (King Abdullah) Life in Brief

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz was born on August 1, 1923, in the Riyadh district of the Necid Sultanate. His father was Abdul Aziz Al Suud, his mother Fehda bint Asi Surayim. He is a member of the noble family of Saudis.

The first public service was the mayor of Mecca. Then his father, Abdul Aziz Al Suud, became the commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard. When his brother Fahd bin Abdul Aziz died he replaced it on the throne. Having control of the National Guard plays an important role in being the crown prince and the king. Finally, on August 1, 2005, he becomes the official king. His wife Fehda bint Asi Surayim has 25 children. The custodian Salman bin Abdulaziz el Suud has been.

At the age of 91, King Abdullah suffered major health problems in recent years and has been hospitalized many times for this reason. King Abdullah, who has not appeared in public in recent years, was represented by the crown prince in the ceremonies. He was killed at the age of 91.

