Saturday, November 25, 2017

What is Black Friday

What is Black Friday?

Fear of Muslims under the Consciousness of Christians?

It was first called Black Friday in 1961, and Black Friday in English in 1932, the beginning of this shopping madness. Black Friday is the first Friday after US Thanksgiving.

The day is considered to be the beginning of the Christmas shopping season since 1932. The stores open their doors very early and close late. They make discount sales at the level that customers do not expect. Black Friday is not an official holiday. Canada and England also have Black Friday day. In the last 3-4 years, this interesting madness has started to be implemented in Turkey. Large shopping sites and various companies make discount sales on this day.

Black Friday Date
For the first time in history, in 1961, newspapers referred to it as Black Friday. That day, in Philadelphia, this name was given due to the heavy traffic and difficulties caused by shopping. Many companies are participating in this day, which has started to be implemented in Turkey in recent years. The stores open their doors early on this day and for this reason the worker's occupation is more intense.

Black Friday Versus Exit
On the Black Friday, Black Friday practice, some people who believe in Islam are opposed to the Turks who oppose the life of the Turks because they harm the way of life of Turks, because Friday is a holy day of Muslims. In Families Hamza Yerlikaya opposed this practice. In addition,, which sells hosting and site names, initially opposed Kara Cuma with Mutlu Cumalar campaign, followed by Vestel, a large Turkish technology company, with its No Cumartaş campaign.

Are Christians Fearing Islam Under Black Friday Psychology?
The Turkish Islamic states that dominated the world in the past have ruled for centuries with justice. Many states of the Christian world have formed a consciousness against Muslims because they have lost their independence. There have been many wars and sorrows between the Crusaders and the Turkish Islamic world. As a result of their experience, the Western world is fearful and anxious about the Islamic world. In order to dismantle the Islamic world, they also want to finance a lot of terrorist organizations like IŞİD and to settle the Islamic world's reputation. In addition, these terrorist organizations have exhibited many non-Islamic behaviors despite the Islamic masquerade, and have constantly smashed Muslim blood.

With the application which can be called the mad-madness which started in 1932 and took the name of Black Friday in 1961, business places and stores in the western world opened their doors early and made big discounts. People have tried to fill their bags hastily as if they were coming to the end of the world or as if they were in a big catastrophic door.

In recent years, on the Black Friday day, there has also been an increase in accident rates due to overcrowding. For example, cars used for shopping cause them to hit or injure customers or employees. For example, in 2006, the rebellious Wal-Mart customers of the United States in Columbus, Ohio, opened doors inexplicably, causing workers to be hurt and injured. In 2008, customers waiting for the United States to open the Valley Stream in New York City at 5 in the morning, the doors opened inexcusably, causing both the door knockers and the 34-year-old to smash an employee. Clients have been observed to feel guilty for the sad thing that happened to this employee.

In 2010, Buffalo was a similar event in Target store in New York. Some customers have attempted to enter long queues, threatening other customers. In 2010, a woman from the US, Madison, Wisconsin, was arrested for threatening to hit those who objected to the queues at Toys 'R' Us store. In 2012, the US was hit by a two-person parking issue at Wal-Mart's parking place in Tallahassee, Florida. Despite the violence on the Black Friday day, this day is very famous in the US.

This practice, which will be the subject of scientific researches, is to make purchases and exchanges with the losers of Christians on the sacred day of Muslims, if they are preparing for the disasters that they think they are likely to come from without damaging their environment. This day was called Black Friday. Perhaps it is not known whether there is a conflict between the Christian and Islamic world, where for centuries the war and therefore the blood prevailed.

