The death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the death of Hz. What is the connection between the Mahdi?
According to the hadiths of our Prophet, the death of the King of Saudi Arabia is the coming of the Mahdi.
Ahir time is so different, it is such a special period, every incident, each wars has a wisdom. Living events, people, selected places are all very special, planned in destiny, all gather and unite at one point. All of them will come true sooner or later. It is locked in the presence of the Mahdi. Prophet Muhammad in a hadith. He reports that the appearance of the Mahdi will take place after Sufyan's departure
"Imam Kaim (a.s), do you think he will come before Sufyan comes? It will not be. It is inevitable that Kaim will appear and at the same time Sufyan's departure. Imam Kaim (a.s) will appear immediately after the emergence of Sufyan.
Hz. The characteristics of Sufyan mentioned that he will live in the same period as the Mahdi will show great similarities with Hafiz Asad and his sons who have carried out massacres against Muslims.
With the death of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, There is also a connection between the appearance of the Mahdi. Our Prophet says in his hadith:
The Prophet said: A man with an animal name called Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) will administer it.
When you look away from a distance, you will see that your eyes are squinting. If looked at soon, it will look normal. It will be supported by his brother Abdullah. Be glad that they have gone after them. Rasulullah repeated three times. Give me the news of his death (Abdullah) that I will inform you of the appearance of the Mahdi. (Ahmad bin Hanbal's hadiths, 250 books, page 122)
Imam Jaafar Sadik (as) said: "Whoever guarantees me the death of Abdullah, I guarantee him to come to Kaim (the imam Mahdi's salutation)." Then he said: "After Abdullah was killed, and this conflict and conflict will continue as long as Allah wills until the Sahibul Emr (Imam Mahdi). Imam (as) said: "This will be a long way." He said: "Never" (Biharul Envar, C .52, page 21)
The eyes of Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the king of Saudi Arabia, are astonished as they were reported in the Hadith. Fehd bin Abdulaziz "Fehd" is an animal name called Persian Pars. The Prophet sad (s.a.) has been worshiped because he is in the Wahhabi sect, a corrupt belief.
According to Imam Cafer, King Abdullah will be the last king of Arabia. Because Hz. Who will come shortly after his death. Until the development of the Mahdi, the kingdom will be chaotic and a short-term government will be established.
Shortly after the death of King Abdullah Hz. The coming of the Mahdi is heralded in the hadiths. Our Prophet Muhammad described the events that will take place in time as if he had seen them in the hadith. This is indeed a great miracle. Hz. Those who do not expect the appearance of the Mahdi will be very embarrassed because of their attitude when they appear.