Friday, November 17, 2017

Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabi Hz.Mehdi and Dajjal

Muhyiddin Ibn al-Arabi, or Muhyiddin Muhammad bin Ali al-Muhammad al-Arabi al-Tawi al-Hakim, with his full name, famous Islamic thinker, sufi, writer and poet. It is also known by the title of Sheikh al-Ekber.

Date of birth: 7 August 1165, Murcia, Spain
Date and place of death: November 16, 1240, Damascus, Syria
Full name: 'Abū' Abdillāh Muḥammad ibn 'Alī ibn Muḥammad ibn `Arabī
Date and place of burial: Ibn al-Arabi Tomb, Damascus
Parents: Ali ibn Muḥammad


Muhyiddîn İbnü'l-Arâbî received his stay seventy years before the establishment of the Ottoman State; "Şereretü'nün-Nu? Mâniyye fî Devleti? L-? Osmâniyye? The Mysterious Signs of the Ottoman Empire

Hazret-i Ali -Radiyallâhu Anh-Shaykh al-Akbar Hadrat Ismail:
Şeyhü? L-Ekber Muhyiddîn Ibn al-Arâbî-kuddise Sırrıh-Hazrat Sheikhset-nu? Muniyye fi i Devlet-l-Osmâniyye? in his book, the state which was not established yet, clearly demonstrating how this information is obtained and for what purpose it is being used; "Allah, in me; ? Elif. Slide. Mime. The Greeks were defeated.

Your supply is nearest to you. They will surely come after this. In a few years. At the end, the commander is Allah. On that day the people will be glad. With the help of Allah. He will help you. He is Aziz, the Rahîm. (7) When he is about to obey the hidden secrets he will make about the commandment, he is in his moods, Ali-kremremallâhu taâlâ vechehû-ya sordum. He answered me with a clear picture; His name is "Şereretü-nu" muniyye? (genealogy)? He said. I too (his) the State of Osmaniye? (8) When I learned that you would be in due time, I would like to reveal to you all who will be able to tell you about this subject, to whom and to whom the Khilafeti is going to be made,

Who is from the Family of the Chieftain and has the Talisman of Halifel? Who?
The Şeyhü? L-ekber Muhyiddîn Ibn al-Arâbî-Kuddise Sirruh- The first of all the talisman of the Prophet Muhammad-Nu? Muniyye, talking about the existence of the first Sîn? The first Selim? den, ie, the first Selim? the Yavuz Sultan Selim who is mentioned as the " (11) points to the fact that it was later that of Fatih Sultan Mehmed, the greatest ruler of his transition to the throne before himself. According to this code,? Mim? Den, Mehmed? Selim? he owns a talisman. That's what's been given to him? what? Hazrat cümlenin continues to tell this story and tells the story of Sin, the greatest and most obvious act that has passed today on the pages of the Talaqh, telling him, "the greatest talisman for him, (12)

Here, with this obvious discovery, the Şeyhü? L-ekber-kuddise Sırrıh- Hazrat, about three centuries before the emergence, this is the Ottoman Empire. Selim? he will pass by.

Now let us listen to the last words of Hazrat, the darkness that we are in, about the people who will appear until the dispatch of Hazrat Mahdi (as).

According to his statement, after the Ottoman Empire collapsed and people fell into this situation, ? The Greek acquires the property by combining the east and the west. As such, Zemzem? Le Safâ is the greatest? Mim? and he who is the transfigured, is in the Qur'an and is allegiant to himself. Then it comes to the slaves, and after it is filled with oppression and evil, it is settled again on the earth. The conclusion of the first Mime is rebirth and the earth is revived with it. (39)


Great Islamic scholar and Sufi Piri Sheikhul Ekber Muhyiddini Arabi (1164-1240) will appear in the book "Dürri Meknun" in the book of 250 (two hundred and fifty) years before the city of Constantine will be turned over to Muslims and converted to Istanbul, Hz. He has shown a great miracle and prosperity by giving the birth date of the Mahdi.

"(Hazrat Mahdi (as) comes from the West .. It is born in the history of" mamah "of" Rahim. "Lakin, Kamer Tulu, when he was born Talia (Star) will go to Istanbul ..... "

According to Cümel-i Ekbere: Ra: 502, Ha: 606, Ye: 575, Mim: 333. If you include these values, you will get the value 2016.

"Me Asfar", not the Jews. If you look at the exegesis of the Greek Cypriot, you will see that "I am as-as" is rum, or romans. If you examine the Tebuk expedition on Byzantium again, you will see why some hypocrites do not take part in the chief, and say, "I have weakness in women, I will see the women of Ben-i Asfar and I will fall in love."
The verb "to tulu" means "to be born one by one, to be born". There is nothing to do with the "birth" verb we know of "to be born". It means getting out.

Şeyhül Ekber Muhyiddin-i Ibn-i Arabi-the father of the Kurdish queen and the 66th father of Fütuhat? Ül Mekkiye

The Mahdi is described as follows:

There is another caliph of Allah, which will appear when the earth is filled with cruelty and injustice. It will fill the earth with justice and calmness. The Prophet (peace be upon him) will go out of his way. He will never be wrong. Because there is an angel of righteousness in the place where he does not see. He will help the holders of the truth, say what he will do,

God will give him so much power that he will revive the religion in one night, to remove the persecution and the people in the middle of the night, to renew Islam, to reassure him after he has become an unreasonable one.

A man who is ignorant, bosomed and cowardly in the first place, will soon become generous and courageous. He will ruin the bride-to-be and the head-bearer against him. Religion, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) will apply exactly the same as it was at the time. There will be no other denominations other than Halis and the truthful.

The Mahdi will take the city of Istanbul from Sufyan. Enemies will be the dignitaries of competent ijtihad scholars. Because they will not like it when they see that the Mahdi has ruled against their own imams, but they will not come against it either. It is his brilliant brothers. Because they are afraid of screaming, they do not want to submit to their dominion.

Its open enemies will be good fortune. If they had no curators, they would give a fatwa with a killing. But Allah Almighty will bury him with the grain and the hair, and they will obey him. Because there will be no privileges among the people, and even their knowledge will be diminished. With the advent of the Mahdi, the disputes in the terms of the scholars will also go away. They will both be afraid of him and expect something. The heart will hate her, but in spite of this they will accept the unwilling judgment.
Muhyiddin Ibnul Arabi ks hz. When Mehdi emerged, his first job informed him that he would start work on digging a root of a taifen who is dominant in Arabia, who is not a beard on his cheeks. This plan is now Wahhabir. There is no beard on his cheeks. The process of swordbreaking will begin with Mekkken.


The dates below are written by Serkan TEKİN based on Muhyiddin-i Arabi? compiled from his book. The sources of history are some verses and hadiths and Muhyiddin's poems. The assumption about the maker of Davud belongs to the Author. (..) The notes in brackets do not belong to the author. This is the interpretation of dates.

1-) 1948 The founding of Israel:
Surat al-Sistani: 104th afterwards, after the Children of Israel; Sit in that land! When the promise of the Hereafter comes, we will gather all of you from different tribes and bring them together. : 1948

2-) 1991 Gulf War:
When Jews and Christians unite ?: (poetry) 1991
And when they wander over the palaces with an iron ?: (poetry) 1991

3-) 2003 Iraq War:
There will be a fire in the Gulf. His flame will rise. And that flame of fire will grow? (poem)

4-) Pakistan-India war:
Before the coming of the Mahdi, there will be a great war between Pakistan and India on the province of Kashmir, and this war will ruin both countries. (Hadith, Davud-i Antaki, Sırrul-mahşer)

5-) The killing of Syrian and Egyptian officials:
A few months before the Mahdi will emerge, the Syrian and Egyptian leaders will be killed.
(Hadith, al-kavlül-muhtasar fi alamati muntazar'da .. Also Imam Suyutinin Kitabül-bürhan fi alamati Mahdi-yi ahirzaman work)

6-) Two people to come before the Mahdi:
1) Hashimi Young: Before Hazrat Mahdi (as), a hushish genus of east of Horasan will be about 5000 soldiers. Fighting and renewing. He will go to the Cluster after he is defeated. He will be killed 18 months after the beginning of the war. (Hadith) (This hadith reminds me of the current events in Afghanistan.)

2) Shuayb bin Salih Temimi: "After the birth of Horasan, Shu'aib bin Salih Temi from Horasan will go to Jerusalem and be rebuilt in Jerusalem. A few months will be lost. However, the Mahdi will then leave the place where he is hidden and join the Mahdi. ? (Hadisi)
(It may be a big Jerusalem event where someone of Horasan origin can play a role.)

7-) Birth of the Mahdi: 1964
The Birth of the Mahdi:? : (couplet) 1385-1964
(C: 300, Guy: 1000, Fe: 80, he: 5 Total: 1385 hijri - 1964 miladi)

8-) The outcome of the Mahdi: 2005
The output of the Mahdin:? His output is the mind:? (Couplet) 1425 - 2005
(Guy: 1000, Te: 400, kef: 20, He: 5 Total: 1425 hicri - 2005 miladi)

9-) Great War: 2005
(The first major to appear in the hadiths, Melhame-i Kubra? Mehdin) is a war.

10-) Preparation of Dajjal: 2005
Then be ready for Dajjal, too? (couplet)
Hijri: 1425? Miladi: 2005 (Dajjal prepares against him when Mahdi comes)

11-) Hazrat Mahdi's (Hz. Taking David's string: January 12, 2006
The date interpreted by Hazrat-i-davud's brutish brass. It may be the sign of the Mahdi to begin wars.

12-) The first victory of the Mahdi: 2008
Surat al-Maid'a: 56. Case: "Indeed, those of Allah's supporters are the ones who win.
Hijri: 1428 Miladi 2008 (The first victory of the Mahdi at the end of the Great War which began in 2005.)

13-) 2008 The demise of Israel:
Isra: 7th: "If you do well, you will do yourself good. And if you are evil, then it is against you. When you finally promise (we send so many servants) your faces are in bad condition. They enter the mosque (Jerusalem) as they entered it in the first place, : 2008

Surat al-Sistani: 8th: "Umarurki, your Lord has mercy on you. But if you turn to corruption; we will return to punish you. We made hell a siege place for the unbelievers.: 2008

14-) Establishment of the Islamic Union: 2012
From the beginning of the Great War of 2005 to the end of 2012, it is the end of the establishment of the Islamic union.

15-) The caliphate period of Mehdin: 2012-2045
According to the hadith book El-Isaa, the Mahdi will govern the future with the title of Caliph for 33 years.

16-) The sum of the Mahdi and the Hz. Periods: 2005-2083
? When the Mahdi will be 40 years old. And 40 years will die on earth and die.? (Hadisi)
Mahdi's 40 years, Hz. Jesus will remain for 45 years. The time that the Mahdi and Jesus stayed together is 7-9 years. The period of sovereignty of Islam is thus 76 or 78 years.

17-) The output of Dajjal: 2037
? It came time to leave? (Couplet) Milady: 2037

18-) The coming of Hz.İsa: 2038
Surat an Nisa: 159. Each of the People of the Book will surely believe in him before his death. On the Day of Resurrection he will witness them. Hijri: 1459 Milady: 2038

19-) Hazrat Mahdi's (Hz. Meeting with Jesus: 2038
Surat al-Maid: 56. Certainty: "Verily, those of the supporters of Allah are the ones who are victorious." Hijri: 1458 Miladi 2038
(Al-Galibun): 1458-2038 with a second account is the victory against the whole world. Mahdi's last win and Hz.Isa's first win. This war is the war that the Antichrist will be killed and its armies defeated. It expresses the whole world being taken under control. They declare that the Prophet Jesus and the Mahdi are united and Islam to the whole world is the right religion.

The great commander called Mahdi makes many conquests in the period until 2037. The Islamic confederation goes all the way to the Danube and Rhine boundaries in Europe. He surrounds England, but he stays there. In the course of this progress of Islam, Turkey controls a wider area than the old Ottoman borders.

Then Dajjal comes out and takes back the lands he conquests. The Northern power in the Book of Worship; it is symbolized by the dajjal which comes from the north mentioned in the hadiths. Nostradamus comments mention the northern confederation with the symbol of the eagle.

Then the Prophet comes down and kills the Dajjal. (2038) destroys the forces symbolized by the Antichrist. In the West, the influence of Islam in America and Europe transforms into Christianity based on purity, which is essence. Hz per head. Jesus passes. He takes back all the places that Dajjal has taken. It is during this period that Islam dominates the whole world. The whole world enters Islam. Thus, there will be two tides.)

20-) Yeoc and Me'cüc output: 2053
After all this has happened, it is called Ye'cüc and Me'cü. And he says,? (couplet) Miladi: 2053
O Rum sea dry! he calls. (couplet) is undated.
(This is a massive invasion movement that will come out of the eastern countries and place the earth in place.) This invasion will be prevented in the time of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), and this invasion movement will come from the east and end in the Middle East.

21-) Dabbetül-output of the supply: 2064
Surat al-Nahm: verse 82. When it comes to the beginning, we bring a dick to them, which tells them that they have not given a definite faith to our verses. Milady: 2064

22-) Ahirzaman: 2038
Ahirzaman word: Hijri: 1458 Miladi 2038 The end of the time, the beginning of the events of the beginning of the breaking of the doomsday ...

23-) The distortion of the world's balance: 2068
Surah Sutra: 1. verse.When the time comes? Hijri: 1490 Miladi: 2068

24-) Wart splitting: 2120
Surat aphitous: verse 1. When the sema split? Hijri: 1543 Milady: 2120
The emergence of a splinter in the sky .. The so-called black hole singularity ..

25-) The end of the Ummah: 2132
After me, my nation will not exceed 1500 years. Hadith.
If we take the solar year: 632 + 1500 = 2132. The forecast for the month is 2087.
(It is in accordance with the date of 2087 Bediuzzaman's Hijri 1506 = Miladi 2083 from a hadith.
On the other hand, in Fatiha? Hurricane: 1570 = Miladi: 2145, which is the closest of the Sun's year-end.

From these dates, it can be pointed out that the Islamic state of 2083-2087 dates to the eradication of the Yada states from the earth. The history of 2132-2145 may indicate that the Muslims will rise from the earth.

Hz. In the time of Jesus, the religion of Islam dominates the whole world. There is a very superior material-spiritual civilization. Human beings reach Ulker team star. Richness brings lame. Then, again, a flow of atheism begins. Islamic countries regress and lose all political power on earth.

It seems that this crash process will be very fast. The withdrawn Islamic religion disappeared in Mecca and Medina, where it emerged. The date may be 2083 or 2087. North irrationality After the political power of Islam has broken, a black African invasion movement destroys the holy places in Mecca. The cabin is destroyed. Muslim countries and states do not exist in the world.

Muslims then begin to hide, hide, pursue and slaughter. This situation is defined as the evil-ul-beter that people have demonized in the sources. 2132-2145 ..

