Friday, November 10, 2017

Information About Avatar 2045 Project

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov, the patron of a giant media company called New Media Stars, has been trying to find immortality since 2001!

With the developing technology, we often hear about "immortality" in science-fiction films and literary works. Immortality, which is medically impossible at all, can be validated in terms of technology according to many theorists.

Especially, as mentioned in the fourth chapter San Junipero, which we mentioned in the review of Black Mirror above, people who died were mentioned in a project named San Junipero, which was given the chance to live forever in a virtual world. Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov, who wants to immortalize people by transferring his brain and personality to the virtual world in close proximity, is entitled to the theory of "2045 Initiative" which was launched in 2011, and as a result of a special work named as an Avatar, it is theoretically transferred to an artificial, it works.

The details of the steps in this project of Itskov, which calls the stages of this work as Avatar, Avatar B, Avatar C and Avatar D

2045 Initiative's Avatar Stages

Avatar; A remote controlled artificial body that allows the information from the human mind to be sent remotely, allowing a healthy return to the brain. It is expected to be completed by 2020.

Avatar B; The artificial body to which a deceased human brain can be transplanted in a similar way to organ naked. This body will make contact with the transplanted brain, keep the brain alive and interact with the environment. It is expected to be completed by 2025.

Avatar C; The artificial body of a dead human brain, person, mind and consciousness. According to the organization, the first successful mind transfer will take place in 2035.

Avatar D; Artificial body in hologram form. It is the main objective of the 2045 Initiative. People with hologram avatars will never get sick, so they will not be immortal as well as sick.

We can say at the moment that we are in phase with the project for Avatar in 2017. The 2045 Initiative project, which is expected to make a significant development until 2020 for a robotic artificial body project that can be controlled remotely, aims to make a perfect biological body for the elderly.

Itskov, who already emphasizes that 60% of the main R & D system of the project is completed, says that already 85% of the Avatar sub-project has been completed. The 2045 Initiative, which already has donated for those who want to avatar for avatar models, will give this service to those who can contribute over 3 Million Dollars in the first stage.

If it is impossible at the moment, if Dmitry Itskov succeeds in this project, the robots, which are artificial human beings that can be controlled remotely after 2020, will be transferred to the virtual environment of the human brain in 2025. Transcendence (Evolution) film-robots may have a new body that was completely transplanted with human personality in 2035, and in 2045 there might be possibilities that the person himself would continue to live as a hologram.

If you succeed, you can learn the details about this project which will start a whole new era for Humanity.

