Mevlânâ and Shams, these two abilities, these two lights, these two souls, finally met and argued. In this date, Shams, sixty, Mevlânâ, thirty-eight years old. These two divine lovers, for a while, only withdrew to a corner and gave themselves to Hakka completely, and they entered into conversations with the divine inspiration that came to their hearts. Sultan Veled says: "Suddenly Shams came and reached him, told him about the martyrs (being loved, being a lover), and so he had a glorious glory, and Sems called Mevlana a wonder, He is not Arabic. " 31
About Hazrat Mevlana and Shams
Mevlana was a completely different person when he met in Shams and Konya. Shams There was a mirror to Mevlana. Mevlana fell in love with his own unique beauty, which he saw at the same time as Sems. In other words, Mevlana lived his love of God in his heart in Shams.32 Mevlânâ's love for Shams is the measure of his love for God. Because Mevlânâ saw the brilliant manifestations of Allah's mercy in Shams. Mevlânâ is a groom to open. Shams was a generation to him. Mevlana was a love wine, Shams was a drink to him. Mevlana was already a great man, and Shams made one round trip and one cheerful change. 33 The promise of Shams and Mevlânâ is inexhaustible.
As a final word, let's say, Shams fired Mevlana, but he caught a volcano in front of him and burned himself in his flames.34 The departure of His Excellency Shams-i Tebrizi from Konya
Mevlana, who met with Shams, He was devoted to his conversation, buried in the shadows of Shems, went into a whole new era. She turned sideways in the attraction of Shems, and she was wondering for a while when she passed through herself with divine love. Those sacred secrets in these two divine friends' conversations have begun to talk back and forth. As a result, Shams went to Konya from Damascus (March 14, Thursday, 1246) despite the incitement and begging of Mevlana.
35 Return of Hazret-i
Şems to Konya Mevlana, who fell deeply when Sems had left, sent a beautiful letter, written as a verse, to Shams, to Shams, in custody under the presidency of Sultan Veled. Sultan Veled, was in Damascus with his head, found Sems, and presented his invitation letter, along with the gifts, to Sems with respect. Shams, " The desire of Muhammad and the moral Mevlana is the cage. How could he get out of his word and his sign? " 36 He responded to Mevlana's invitation and returned to Konya in 1247 with the sultan of Sultan Veled .. Disappearance of
Hazrat Shams Everyone was delighted with Shams coming back to Konya Mevlana was also freed from the hardships of the time, and the Sema councils were organized in honor of Sems, but the days of peaceful, communion, friendship did not last for so long, the rumors and boredom resumed.Sams, the unfortunate gossip society, , Understood that the heart of his heart was fleeing from his heart, that his mind was captive to the souls of his mind, and that he had tried to lift himself from it, said to Sultan Veled: They see me in the right way, they want me to separate me from the presence of Mevlana, who is not his wife in wisdom, to take me away and then to rejoice, this time I will go so far that no one will know where I am. He will not even find an engagement so that it will be many years away and nobody will even see the powder of the eye. " 37 That is how Shams complained to Sultan Veled, who suddenly disappeared from Konya on 1247-1248. 38 After the disappearance of Sems, Mevlânâ was asking about his news. Whoever gave him a message that was not original, he said, "I saw the Sems or something, and he was thankful for giving this gospel his hymen and his soul. One day a man, Shams 'Damascus' I also saw that I saw. Mevlana was so happy that it could not be described, and he forgave that man if he had a nail on it. One of his friends, the news of this man gave a lie, he did not see Sems, Mevlânâ gave this answer. "Yes, I gave him what he had in my supposed lie, if he gave the right news, I would give it to him." 39
Hazret-i Mevlana went to Damascus to call His Beatitudes Sems-i Tebrizi Mevlana searched a lot for Shams. With his departure, he said nice poems, which tormented and disturbed the hearts. He went to Damascus two times to look for him. He could not find Sems again. Although the dates of these last two journeys are not known precisely, it can be said that it is most likely between 1248-1250. By the expression of Sultan Veled Mevlânâ, He could not find the Sems of Tebrizi in Damascus, but he found it in his own sense. He saw himself in his own presence like the moon and saw himself in his own way and said: "I am separated from him for the sake of the body, but both of us are lifeless and we are a light." O seeker, see him, whether he is me. 40
About Hazrat Mevlana and Shams
Mevlana was a completely different person when he met in Shams and Konya. Shams There was a mirror to Mevlana. Mevlana fell in love with his own unique beauty, which he saw at the same time as Sems. In other words, Mevlana lived his love of God in his heart in Shams.32 Mevlânâ's love for Shams is the measure of his love for God. Because Mevlânâ saw the brilliant manifestations of Allah's mercy in Shams. Mevlânâ is a groom to open. Shams was a generation to him. Mevlana was a love wine, Shams was a drink to him. Mevlana was already a great man, and Shams made one round trip and one cheerful change. 33 The promise of Shams and Mevlânâ is inexhaustible.
As a final word, let's say, Shams fired Mevlana, but he caught a volcano in front of him and burned himself in his flames.34 The departure of His Excellency Shams-i Tebrizi from Konya
Mevlana, who met with Shams, He was devoted to his conversation, buried in the shadows of Shems, went into a whole new era. She turned sideways in the attraction of Shems, and she was wondering for a while when she passed through herself with divine love. Those sacred secrets in these two divine friends' conversations have begun to talk back and forth. As a result, Shams went to Konya from Damascus (March 14, Thursday, 1246) despite the incitement and begging of Mevlana.
35 Return of Hazret-i
Şems to Konya Mevlana, who fell deeply when Sems had left, sent a beautiful letter, written as a verse, to Shams, to Shams, in custody under the presidency of Sultan Veled. Sultan Veled, was in Damascus with his head, found Sems, and presented his invitation letter, along with the gifts, to Sems with respect. Shams, " The desire of Muhammad and the moral Mevlana is the cage. How could he get out of his word and his sign? " 36 He responded to Mevlana's invitation and returned to Konya in 1247 with the sultan of Sultan Veled .. Disappearance of
Hazrat Shams Everyone was delighted with Shams coming back to Konya Mevlana was also freed from the hardships of the time, and the Sema councils were organized in honor of Sems, but the days of peaceful, communion, friendship did not last for so long, the rumors and boredom resumed.Sams, the unfortunate gossip society, , Understood that the heart of his heart was fleeing from his heart, that his mind was captive to the souls of his mind, and that he had tried to lift himself from it, said to Sultan Veled: They see me in the right way, they want me to separate me from the presence of Mevlana, who is not his wife in wisdom, to take me away and then to rejoice, this time I will go so far that no one will know where I am. He will not even find an engagement so that it will be many years away and nobody will even see the powder of the eye. " 37 That is how Shams complained to Sultan Veled, who suddenly disappeared from Konya on 1247-1248. 38 After the disappearance of Sems, Mevlânâ was asking about his news. Whoever gave him a message that was not original, he said, "I saw the Sems or something, and he was thankful for giving this gospel his hymen and his soul. One day a man, Shams 'Damascus' I also saw that I saw. Mevlana was so happy that it could not be described, and he forgave that man if he had a nail on it. One of his friends, the news of this man gave a lie, he did not see Sems, Mevlânâ gave this answer. "Yes, I gave him what he had in my supposed lie, if he gave the right news, I would give it to him." 39
Hazret-i Mevlana went to Damascus to call His Beatitudes Sems-i Tebrizi Mevlana searched a lot for Shams. With his departure, he said nice poems, which tormented and disturbed the hearts. He went to Damascus two times to look for him. He could not find Sems again. Although the dates of these last two journeys are not known precisely, it can be said that it is most likely between 1248-1250. By the expression of Sultan Veled Mevlânâ, He could not find the Sems of Tebrizi in Damascus, but he found it in his own sense. He saw himself in his own presence like the moon and saw himself in his own way and said: "I am separated from him for the sake of the body, but both of us are lifeless and we are a light." O seeker, see him, whether he is me. 40