The Solomonian Temple (Jerusalem Temple Solomonian Temple - Templars - Covenant - Freemasonry - Sirius Cult)
B.C. In 950 Hz. It is the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem, according to the Torah. For this reason it is also known as the "First Temple". [3] The master of this temple is Hiram Abiff, the founder of the Freemasonry. [2] According to Jewish belief, even the only wall standing still will not come to an apocalypse, but when the Apocalypse will be left behind, there will be nothing left.
The western wall of the Solomonian Temple is important to the Jews. His name is "Kotel" in Hebrew. The Jews cry in front of this wall for the condition of Ma'bed and call on God to rebuild it as soon as possible. [5] The names given to the structure in Hebrew script are "Beit HaMikdash" or "Holy House" and it is the only temple in Jerusalem called by this name. The temple is also referred to in Tanah as "Beit Adonai" or "Beiti" or "Beitechah".
Süleyman Mâbedi was made by God on the basis of a special plan given to King Dawud. Hz. Dawud had hoped to build this temple; But God told him that one of the sons of the First Temple will do it. Hz. During his reign, Dâvud began to collect unprocessed materials needed for the temple, such as wood, large foundation stones, gold, silver, bronze and other metals to be used. Temple,
The House of the Covenant was designed for people from all nations who could worship God, especially to the Children of Israel. It would be a mistake to say that the First and Second temples were devoted to Judaism; Because this system of beliefs, after a few centuries, was shaped in ancient Babylon, now known as Iraq. The first mention of the Jewish term in relation to the citizenship of the Kingdom of Yehuda (Dawud) in the Bible is based on the fact that the kingdom of Yehuda (Dawud), who lived just before the destruction of the first temple (this event took place approximately 590 BC) Has not been before King Zedekiah, the last manager of
This first temple, called the Solomonian Temple, was built by members of the 12 tribes of the Children of Israel who joined together under the rule of King David and Solomon. Because of the arrogance of Rehoboam, the son of Suleiman, who ascended to the throne after the reign of Solomon, 10 tribes from the Israelites left the unity and established the kingdom of northern Israel, while the majority of Jehuda, Bünyamin and Levi tribes left in the kingdom of Yehuda. The Second Temple was rebuilt by the remaining Jews from Nebuchadnezzar's 6th century exile. The other 10 tribes were scattered a few hundred years after their kingdoms were destroyed by the Assyrian king. [6]
The Temple of Solomon has become a center of worship and sacrifice (korbanot) in prehistoric Judaism. B.C. Completed in the 10th century, It was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586. [7] Despite all calls, the remains of the first temple were not reached. Only pool residues thought to belong to the altar in the vicinity were found. [3] Today's Wailing Wall is thought to be the last wall left from that building. [7] It is the western wall of the third god which has remained today, which is the holy cry of the Jews. The first and the second temple, which has been done in place, are completely destroyed. The construction of the Solomonian Temple yielded many legends, and the freemasonry took its basic teaching from the construction of the Solomonian Temple. [4]
In addition to the sacrifice described in how Tanah is to be practiced in the temple, the temple was also the place where the Sabbath and other Jewish celebrations were held special and every day in the morning and after the afternoon. The Levites also spoke of special occasions such as the day lecture, the special lecture of the new moon, Hallel who was spoken during the great Jewish holiday, and the "Şükrân kurbânı sayzru" [8], as they read the apostles they memorized at the appropriate time during the sacrifice.
A prayer prayer was performed as a part of the day-to-day presentation in the temple, by reciting prayers in which the well-known prayers, including the well-known prayers of Barchu, Schema, and Birkat Kohanim, were built on the basis of the traditional morning worship of the Jews.
The Biblical prophets describe the extraordinary images they see in the presence of God, who has overshadowed the Temple. Joshua writes: "I have seen the Lord of the Most High; He was sitting on the throne, and the horses of the garment were filling the temple. »[9] "We despise us for the sake of the name" [10], and this is what it means and says, "The place of our temple is a glorious throne from the beginning." [11] Ezekiel says, "It was in the glory of the God of Israel, as I see in the ovary." [12]
Yea, he speaks of the importance of sacrificing as much as praying in the temple, and of a universal cause: "I will bring the holy mountain, and I will love the prayer in my house. His burnt offerings will be accepted in the presence of the victims, because the house will be called 'the prayer house of all nations.' [13] [6]
When we can think of Süleyman mosque with its old style, old plan and mosque, we are amazed at the magnificence of this building built in the Israeli capital. The work was led by two Palestinian architects, who could perform in seven years with great material and human labor. The walls were adorned with cedarwood ceilings from the inside. The people were free to enter the mabad but only the priests could enter the sacred relics section. After the destruction of the city of Jerusalem and of the Solomon, King Herod the Great made a new temple with the remaining stones from the old temple. B.C. This new mosque, which was built in the 20th year, still has only one wall. The western wall, also called the cry of the waters, is so holy that the Israelites are in front of this wall of Solomon's mausoleum and old Jerusalem. [14]
The building of the temple was begun in the time of Hz. David, but David could only finish a wall. Since David is highly religious and just, God has told him that his kingdom will last forever. After which the temple was completed by Suleiman the Exalted. Solomon said that he will not last his kingdom forever (4) because he is a sinner (the sin of the Prophets, Christian and Jewish sources, in Islam, all the prophets are sinless and have the title of Ismet.
According to legend, Hz. Solomon says in his dream that one of the angels of God will appear in his dream after he has decided to make a faction, saying, "You will do this to the temple to honor the name of God, and all the people will participate within their own possibilities." Then Süleyman invites every class of people to his palace, and he gets a division of labor, the construction of the western wall of the long-lived short of fakir and needy cuts. The people cut the koskoca stones with a difficulty, unlike the rich people who bought the necessary construction materials and foremen, and this is the last section of the temple. When the task is finished, God examines the resulting work, stops his gaze on the western wall, and says, "The hand and forehead of the poor and needy people is the most precious thing in my life, I will bless this wall forever, and God will not abandon the western wall forever." He says. Indeed, despite decades of Babylonian, Greek and Roman assaults, this is the only part of the original maim which has not been destroyed. [4]
The Solomon, the Solomon, the Temple of Jerusalem, or the temple, which Solomon, the son of King David and the king of Israel, built one of the most spectacular monuments of ancient times in Jerusalem before Jesus in 950 BC This well-known structure was demolished by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC [2] [14] Babylon Exile, King of Babylon II After Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem and put an end to the Kingdom of Judah, the Temple of Solomon and the destruction of Jerusalem and the removal of prominent Jewish families to Babylon and a period of time in Babylon. The event is described extensively in the Book of Mormon, in the twenty-fourth and twenty-fourth books of the II.Rules section of the Old Testament section: [15]
... In the days of Nebuchadnezzar came the king of Babylon, and Jehoiakin served him for three years ... »[16]
"Then the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came out to Jerusalem (Jerusalem) and the city was besieged. And Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon came to the city ... And Jehoiachin king of Judah came to the king of Babylon with his servants and his chiefs, and his daughters' branches, and the king of Babylon took him. And as the Lord had said, he took all the treasures of the Lord's house, and the treasures of the king's house, and took away all the gold vessels which he had made in the Lord's house of Solomon the king of Israel. And all Jerusalem, and ten thousand exiles, with all the chiefs drove all the brave valiant men and all the thugs with the swordsmen; Nobody remained except the poor of the country. And YEHOYAKIN'S BABIL'DA SUDDU. [17] [15]
According to Talmud, there is an Ezrat Nashim (Female court) on the east side of the Temple; The actual structure was on the West side. The main area consisted of a sacrificial area and a Mizbaeach (outer altar) where some parts of the altar were burnt and the blood was shed. The large building consisted of a Ulam (front room), Heichal and Kodesh Kodashim (sanctified sanctification). Heichal and Kodo Kodashim were separated by a wall in the first temple, while in the second temple this process was done with the help of two curtains. Heichal had a menorah, bread table, and incense burner. [6]
M.S. Muslims who conquered Jerusalem in the 7th century, Ömer Camii and the Dome of the Sahara are built. [18] When the caliph omer entered Jerusalem, the chief patriarch asked him to be taken to the Temple Tepes (instead of the ruined Solomonian temple). The area was filled with rashes; Because this part of the city was used as a stone quarry and dumps in the time of the Christians. A Jewish revival called "Ka'ab al-Ahbar" showed where the Jews were worshiped with the help of their religious knowledge. Hz. Ömer found the rest of the worship, and this time in Mesopotamia the Prophet's mescidine made a similar mosque.
Hz. Ömer worshiped this place for the first time after the destruction of the temple along with 10,000 people in 70 years. Hz. He also forbade you to sacrifice here. Hz. Ömer was searching for the Dome of the Sahara, which was accepted as the rise of the Prophet of Islam to Mirac about 20 years ago, while Kaab was looking for "the sanctuary of the sanctuary". When the rubble of the place where the "sanctuary of the sanctuary" was supposed to be found was cleaned, a large stone emerged, surprising everyone else. Hz. Ömer had a bit of fence around the stone because he saw Ka'ab wandering around the rock with bare feet. On the area where the stone is located, Kubbetü's Sahara was built between 687-691 during the reign of Umayyad Caliphate Abdülmelik. [6]
Another story is about Yavuz Sultan Selim. Yavuz Sultan Selim, who conquered Jerusalem, meets an elderly Christian woman with a basket at the beginning, who was in the bloodstream while walking through the city with her son Kanuni Sultan Süleyman. They tell us that they are being ordered by Christian clerics, that they are animal scum and garbage to shed on the sacred mosque of the Jews in the basket, and that they have been tried to destroy this place and to cover its tracks by pouring garbage every 30 days for centuries.
When Yavuz Sultan Selim confirmed the event from other sources, he gave orders and prepared a lot of sperm containing gold and silver coins. He buries them in different parts of the scum. Then he shook the paddle and bucket, and said, "Take the gold." To clean the garbage mountain. More than 10,000 people work for 33 days to reveal the western wall as it is today (even if he even said that he entered the digging shovel and said, "Love the sultan, get the feather from him, do what you do!"). Yavuz Sultan Selim is very pleased with this and commands the beautiful cleaning of the old place of the temple and the washing of the wall with rose water.
Solomon and Templars
Establishment of Templars
The Templars believe that the Crusaders seized Jerusalem, and that they built a Latin Kingdom
After 20 years, they are on the stage of history. The full name of this sect, founded in 1118 and widely known as "Templars" or "Knights Templars" (in English Templars or Knights Templar), was the "Poor Knights of the Temple of Jesus and the Solomon". ("Pauperes Commilitones Christi Templique Salomonis") The founders consisted of a total of 9 knights: Hugues de Payens, Godfrey de St. Omar, Godfrey Rossal, Gundemar, Godfrey Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Archibald des St. Oh, Andrew de Montbard and the Count of Provins. One of the strongest, most influential and most talked-about organizations of medieval Europe, this sect was founded in Jerusalem quietly. (A significant portion of the information about this order was reached daily by the historian Guillaume de Tire, who lived in the 12th century.) [25]
The founders of the order were King of Jerusalem II. They appeared before Baldwin and declared that they wanted to protect the goods and lives of the Christian pilgrims who flocked to Jerusalem after the First Crusade. The King knew Hugues de Payens, the first "Great Master" of the Templars. He gave them great support; And at the same time gave them a region (including the Masjid al-Aqsa) where the Temple of Solomon took place. The "Temple Hill" became the center of the Templars for 70 years until Saladin Ayyubi, the Great Islamic Commander, took Jerusalem back after the Battle of Hattin. It was also the reason for giving them a name associated with the "Temple of Solomon". Especially if they determine their base as a base, it was not a random choice but a conscious choice. Temple, Hz. It was a symbol of Solomon's power; The rest of the temple contained great secrets.
According to the founding knights, the purpose of their coming together, in other words, establishing this sect, was to ensure the security of the Holy Land and Christian circles. But the real purpose of the Templars was very different. [26]
Templars' Hidden Aim
It was physically impossible for them to protect a region from Haifa to Jerusalem on their own, as the nine Temple Knights declared during their establishment. It is clear that the Templars are not in favor of, but are in pursuit of economic and political interests. In his book, Morals and Dogma (Morals and Dogma), one of the most recognizable names of Freemasonry, major master Albert Pike (1809-1891), at the 33rd degree, described the true purpose of the Templars as follows:
"... The task of the Templarians (the Templars) was to preserve the Christians from the holy places, and their secret purpose was to rebuild the Solomonian Temple in accordance with the fashion Ezekiel had informed ... The Templars were from the very beginning of Rome Papal) and the domination of its kings, whose purpose was to obtain wealth and power and, if necessary, to place the Kabbalistic dogma in battle. " [28]
The English authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both of whom are Mason, have included the Templars' roots and purposes in their book "The Hiram Key". In addition to the information given by Pike, they emphasized that the Templars had really undergone a great change in their time in Jerusalem, and that they accepted other teachings instead of Christian belief. According to the information given in the book, on the basis of this lies a "secret of discovery" in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. [29] Already the Templars' original goals in Jerusalem have been to investigate the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. The authors explain that the Templars' use of the image of "preserving the Christian masses going to Palestine" is only used as a cover, and that the main goal of the order is much different:
"There is no evidence that the Templars' creators at any time provided protection to the pilgrimage, but on the other hand we find extremely convincing evidence that they have made intensive research excavations under the destruction of the Temple of Herod (the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon)."
The writers of the book "The Hiram Key" write that the Templars did not conclude that their investigations were fruitless, but that the order really found something important in Jerusalem that "changed worldviews". Many researchers have the same opinion: Templars must be a "source" to be born in a Christian world, which leads them to deviate from Christianity in a completely different sense of guilt and philosophy, despite their Christian origins, turning them into perversely rituals of black magic rituals.
Süleyman Sahib and Masons
The Temple of Solomon and Christ are the two main symbols of the global financial oligarchs who want to establish a New World Order. Those who use many sacred symbols of Judaism and Christianity to persuade people belonging to these beliefs actually believe in Kabbala, or Lucifer (Saturn), based on the Egyptian-Babylonian occultism. [30]
Freemasonry and the Zionist organizations, which are organized in many countries of the world, claim that if you ask them, they have no relation to each other. However, these two organizations work in different ways for the same purpose. The purpose is defined as the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon for the purpose of the union, while in one it can be explicitly described as a service of "Zionist Jewish interests", while the "Jerusalem" is almost blessed in Masonry. Those who will do this are "wall workers"; That is, members. [26]
For the freemasonry, the most appropriate structure in this regard was influenced by the gnosticism of Hasan Sabbah, who is a gnostic and essentially Muslim, such as hermetic, gnostic texts, Knight Templar, Rose and Cross organization. Sabbah is one of the most feared rulers of the time and is almost half legendary. The businessmen, who need a lot of courage to enter the sultan's bedroom and leave their death notes, are able to do so without hesitation, making it a center of attraction. The Templar knights and the Rose and the Cross have been influenced by it, but the treasure and gnostic information alleged to be in the Temple of Solomon is, in fact, a fiction product. This is more based on the documents that the fas- ticas make up, but there is no reality. [31]
"New World Order"; That is, the concept of "New World Order" seems to be very new to us, in fact, it is an ideology based on ancient times. This is the first time in 1918 that US President Wilson wants to balance the world politics we see. Wilson has presented this to the states of war, following the process of bloodshed in the blood of the states, and then presented it on the basis of the new world order. The extent to which these peace principles are accepted is discussed. But with these issues we need to get to the roots of the "new order".
All the events begin with a few knights in the Middle Ages who are allowed to preserve the relics of King of France to Jerusalem. That's not really the point, of course. The real purpose is to have hidden Kabbalah residences in the Temple of Solomon which was destroyed in Jerusalem. For this they are building a network from Scotland to Jerusalem. The Templar Knights, which have strengthened over time, are among those who fight against the Muslims in the Crusades.
With its increasing prestige, both its reputation and its wealth are growing. It is time for the King of France to arrange a sudden raid and execute his ringleaders. The remaining knights disappear with their fortunes. No information is available about where they are going. Those inside them are the strongest possibility that they hide themselves in wall work and other works in Europe. We are confronted with a new formation around this goal; The counterpart in the European languages is the Mason who comes to the meaning of the "wall worker". They are gathered around a certain purpose, that is to say, for their brotherly life of all humanity, and work in this direction. All that is done is to accept the Kabbalah principles and work to make the world one piece. [32]
There is a great deal of praise and affinity in the Masonic sources for Pharaohs, who are not just general Egyptians, but cruel rulers of this system. Another article in Mimar Sinan's magazine states:
«Pharaoh's main duty is to seek Nur. If we Freemasons, how we are building the Solomonian Temple, the ancient Egyptians would work to build the Ehrami, the Nur House, as well. The rituals performed in ancient Egyptian temples were reserved for some degrees. This was two parts. Small and big grades. Small grades, one-two-three separated; After that the Great Grades began. »[33]
Masons, Hz. Adopting a crooked point of view about Solomon, he regarded it as the representative of pagan teachings from Ancient Egypt, and for this reason, They have given Solomon a great place in his teachings. American historian Michael Howard, in his book "The Occult Conspiracy", since the Middle Ages, Hz. The fact that Solomon (as he is supposed to be) is perceived as a sorcerer suggests that some pagan ideas have been accepted as representatives in Judaism. [34] Howard, because of this point of view Masonic people Hz. Sulayman notes that they perceive their mabedin as a "pagan temple" and that they give importance to the temple. [35]
All of this above shows that Masons have identified themselves with the Süleyman Temple and Hiram Abiff, who undertakes the construction of the Temple, in an extraordinary way. What is it that influences Masons so much in the Temple of Solomon and Hiram Abiff? The previous pages saw the source of the attraction of the Temple of Solomon, and according to the Temple's Qur'an, there was a perverse devilish interpretation of the Jews. We have seen that Solomon represents power and power. So what is the status of Hiram Abiff?
Very interesting, we get a very important information from the Qur'an about the Hiram myth. Keeping in mind that Hiram is the master or the "building" master who undertakes the construction of the Temple, the Sad Sûres'i Hz. When we read the verses about Solomon we have a very important clue about the origin of masonry:
«... we tested Solomon, we left a corpse on his throne. Then he returned (to his old position). 'Lord, forgive me and present me a possession that no one has ever given to anyone after me. Surely you are a free gift. ' So we gave the wind under its command. His orders were gentle in his direction. And the demons (we gave them under his command); Every building master and diver. And others bound together with firm ropes (for not doing evil). »[36]
Verses, Hz. Solomon's emrine "devils" are given and Hz. He tells you that Solomon is working them. One of the characteristics of these "demons" is that they are "building masters" ...
So Hz. Those who work at the command of Solomon and build the Temple, They were not as believers as Solomon. "Building masters" who built the temple, Hz. They were the "devils" of Solomon's emrine and submissive to his power. (This is a special power given to Prophet Solomon, and Solomon explained that Prophet Solomon used disbelievers' jinn with the help of God, so that Prophet Solomon could use the demons who were afraid of his own power and power. )
Therefore, Hiram, who undertakes the construction of the Temple, and the masons beside him, Solomon's emrine is the given "demons". Hiram, contrary to this truth, Hz. The masonic sources that show as the closest and assistant of Solomon are those who came from Jewish sources. The fact that the Jews have such a joke is, as the Qur'an puts it, Hz. It is about Solomon, "to obey what the devils have invented" (Bakara, 102). Hz. Thus the Jews who have attributed Süleyman to "blasphemy" (denial) have kept it with the "master of building" demons who naturally made it the Temple.
As a result, Hiram Abiff and the "building masters" next to him, identified as Masons, are becoming evil in the Qur'an's words.
There is a very interesting fact about the fact that is pointed out all the time. In the book Rose Croix written by master mr Brigadier ACF Jackson on 33rd, it is reported that the Templars returning to Europe after the Crusades were established as localar, which is known as "Diver's lodge" (47) , And that some of the "demons" under the command of Prophet Solomon are "divers", we can better understand where "Diver's lodge" is inspired.
Apparently, the Templars, Hz. They decided to pursue the tradition of Satan, who had been given the emre of Suleiman and the devils described as building masters and divers in the Qur'an. The mystical mystery is that these demons are Jewish beliefs. It is the tradition of using magic and similar methods that they share with Suleiman that Kabbalah is the tradition of this tradition. This is also the source of the relationship between the Kabbalists and the Freemasons. Therefore, the tradition that forms the roots of atheism is "satanic" with the expression of the Qur'an.
There can be no more significant symbolic roots than masonry has been in conflict with religion throughout history and behind all kinds of anti-religious movements. [37]
Double column
One of the invariable decorations of the Mason local area are the twin pillars at the entrance of the room. These columns, on which the words "Jakin" and "Boaz" are engraved, The two pillars at the entrance of the Temple of Solomon are known as imitations. However, in fact, in this symbol, the prophet of masons, a prophet Hz. Not to mention Solomon, Hz. It is to express the pagan beliefs inspired by the slander produced about Solomon. The origin of these columns is also ancient Egypt. In the article entitled "Allegories and Symbols in Our Rituals" in Mimar Sinan's magazine, the following statement is made:
For example in Egypt Horus and Sut were twin architects and bearers of the skies. And so was Baccus in Tebai. The two pillars of our site are of ancient Egyptian origin. One of these columns in Egypt is in the city of Thebes in the south and the other in Heliopolis in the north. At the entrance to the temple named Amenta dedicated to Ptah, the chief god of Egypt, there were two columns as at the entrance of Solomon's temple. The oldest myths about the sun also mention two columns named intellect and force stood in front of the entrance gate of the infinity. [2]
Solomon's Sacrifice and Sirius Cult
In the secret organization of the Templars there was a group known as "Shemsu Hor" (the cult / group that worshiped Horus). Shemsu Hor was actually the name of an ancient Hebrew cult in Egypt. According to this cult belief, the "Sirius" had created Hebrews and developed ancient Egyptian cultures.
They tell a very interesting story about the origins of freemasons, sects and civilization. According to their belief, in a mythological past extending as far as the Sumerians, civilization in the world is called "Oannes", indicating that it resembles the divine gaze from the Sirius star system.
The Egyptian goddess Isis also carried a fish-shaped head. This alien was a crucial home, a star of Sirius, very important for ancient Egyptians. For this reason, both their calendars and the direction of their temples were arranged according to Sirius.
Harry Leblson talks about extraterrestrial beings in his book, The Search for Ancient Astronauts.
The extraterrestrial beings that brought civilization to the world by visiting the world thousands of years ago, together with the principles of construction and geometry they brought together, formed the founding legends of Masonry.
Interestingly, there were those who believed in the myth of "Oannes" in the 20th century. The "Dogon" tribe in Africa still retains an interesting secret cosmological tradition related to it. Dogo has been transmitting mouths from the mouth for centuries. This secret tradition is the birth of some religious beliefs and secret organizations (the Illuminati) that derive from it.
Dogon messages confirm that there is such an extraterrestrial contact.
The Dogons knew not only Sirius, but also Sirius B, the little conch. The problem is that the Sirius B was not visible to the naked eye and could only be discovered thanks to the powerful telescope of the 20th century. The Dogons were not limited to Sirius alone. Them:
- They knew that Saturn was a circle around Saturn, although there was no way to learn this fact without a telescope.
- They knew the planets and the Milky Way in our solar system.
- The Dogons say, "The Moon is as dry and dead as a dead blood of the Moon" for the Moon of the Earth.
- They knew Jupiter had four sats.
- They knew you were spinning around the world.
- They knew that Sirius B's orbital period around Sirius was 50 years. How could they detect such a fact without a telescope? Where did they get this information?
The Dogons told me that they had taken this information from "intelligent" amphibian creatures who called "Nommo" and came from Sirius thousands of years ago with disk-shaped vehicles. The Dogons called Nommo "Those who shaped the world." This phrase coincides with the concept of "builders-builders" in the Masonic literature. (I want to remind you that Masonic word means "masonry".)
The Dogon's cousin "Bozo" tribe called Sirius "Eye Star", which reminds us of the "Isis" symbolized by the "eye within the triangle".
The spiral ascension of Sirius occupies a very important place in both the Egyptian and the Dogonian religious ceremonies. The Doogons symbolize the heliocentric rise of Sirius with a crucifix containing a flower-like sunshine in the center, which is called the "Rose Crusaders" Followers are also used by Masons and "Ordo Templi Orientis" (OTO).
In his book "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare," Michael A. Hoffman mentions that Sirius is described as the "secret god of the cosmos" in the top occult environments.
According to the writer, "the eye that sees everything" on the incomplete pyramid (this symbol can easily be seen on a dollar bill) symbolizes Sirius's vision and his surveillance.
In a survey of Masonic beliefs, it was revealed that "brotherhood" is an updated version of the Osiris / Isis / Sun god / Mother goddess program of thousands of years. Such a worshiper can be traced back to the beginning of his written history. This mythology crystallized in the Isis / Osiris, Sun / Moon cult of the ancient Egyptian priests.
The masters of the Sun / Moon program (Freemasonry is one of the leading arms that have come up to the heart) are called the Illuminati. "Illuminati-Enlightened" is now given to masters who worship the sun god.
The Isis / Osiris believer constituted the foundations of the first-century mystery religions and the Masonic rituals that derive from it.
"Light" is a symbol, covering all Mystery religions. Masters were saying "they saw the light" and "their eyes opened." All these rituals were made in caves at night.
Light = Enlightenment = Illuminati.
What is important in the European sects that continue the mystery beliefs today is the "Priory of Sion".
From the Gnostic sects, a translation of a document of a recent Katharian documentary revealed that they were a direct "Isis" cult.
Kabbalah "which is the Jewish / Gnostic mystic practice that most influences the mindset of secret organizations such as" Rose-Crusaders "and" Knights Templar ".
Kabbala was a great philosophical influence on Freemasonry. In the mid-1700s, the Masons returned to the mythology of the god of the sun / mother goddess, as well as the practices that indicated the importance of the Sirius star.
Freemasonry has become one of the most influential and most active "Illuminati" façades in the world today, beyond being a Gnostic religion, with the great influence of world politics and world intelligence organizations.
Throughout history, secret organizations such as Freemasonry have always been linked in a way that we call today UFOs, from other worlds.
Throughout history, many occultists alleged that they received channel information from outside the world. The Illuminati, Roger Bacon, Jerome Cardan and the famous Leonardo de Vinci claimed they had contacted the beings from other worlds.
Will the Nommo be back in the Middle Ages?
The Masons had a sacred mission that they wanted us to believe; The "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" had to be established in order to complete the plans of an old tradition based on the immortal blood bond from the Sirius star system (re-construction of the Süleyman Temple and crowning of the King of the World).
French UFO researcher Jacques Vallee has contacted an interesting UFO group in Paris. This group was called "Melkisedek Tarikatı" and its emblem was "David Star" (6 Corner Star). The sect's program was aimed at establishing a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" and eliminating all religions in the world - except for their own UFO-oriented religions.
Jewish mystic cosmology used by other occult groups, such as AOTO and Freemasonry, was using Kabbalah in mystical practices of the order.
Vellee realized that many of his organizations were used as front organization of Melkisedek. These include: "Christian Liberty Front", Jesus People Europe, Jesus Revolution, Christian Socialist Party "Charismatic Christian", Jewish and Arab Movements.
[1] Qur'an, Surat al-Bakari, 102.
[7] Ancient Tales
[8] Books Bible, Old Testament, Psalms / Psalms, Psalm 100.
[9] Book The Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah 6: 1.
[10] Book of Bible, Old Testament, Jeremiah 14:21.
[11] Book of Bible, Old Testament, Jeremiah 17:12.
[12] Reference to the Bible is required.
[13] Book of Bible, Old Testament, Joshua 56: 7.
[16] Book The Bible, Old Testament, II. Kings, 24: 1.
[17] Book The Bible, II Kings, 24: 10-15.
[19] The Holy Qur'an, Surat al-Niml, 44.
[20] The Holy Qur'an, Surat an-Naml, 22-27.
[21] The Holy Qur'an, Surat an-Naml, 28.
[22] Qur'an, Surat al-Niml, 29-44.
[23] Qur'an, Surat al-Isra, 4-7.
[24] How do you know?
[26] M. Faik Kurtulan, "The similarity between the goals of World Zionist organizations and Masonic Locals",
[28] Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma", The Roberts Publishing Co., Washington, 1871.
[29] Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, "The Hiram Key", Arrow Books, 1997, p. 37.
[31] Source must be given.
[33] Oktay Gök, "Tekris in Ancient Egypt", Architect Sinan, 1995, Issue 95, p. 62-63.
[34] Michael Howard, "The Occult Conspiracy: The Secret History of Mystics, Templars, Masons and Occult Societies", 1.b., London, Rider, 1989, p. 8
[35] Michael Howard, A. Ge., P. 9
[36] The Holy Quran, Sad, 34-38.
[38] I would like to check out /content/view/463/29/
[41] Mert Esin, "Forcing the God to the Judgment",
[42] Book The Bible, New Testament (Bible), Revelation 16:16.
[43] Book The Bible, Old Testament, Ezekiel 38:22.
[44] Roger Garaudy, "The File of Zionism", Pınar Publications, Istanbul 2004, p.
[45] Lawrence Stage, "Jerusalem as Paradise", Biblical Archeology Review, May / June 2000.