Established in 1948, it is said that Israel's life is 76 years with the Hebrew calendar and 74 years with the millennium calendar. This discovery is also based on the Torah or is attributed. According to this calculation, the year of the collapse of Israel, founded in 1948, is 2022. If we add 74 years on 1948, we reach 2022.
Timeturk Chief Editor Nevzat Cicek stated that after the declaration made by Sheikh Ahmet Yasin, the founder of Hamas, and the US intelligence organization, emphasizing that there will not be Israel after 2020, Israel said, "Israel knows this and wants to be a Mescid He believes that Aksa should be demolished. For this reason, Israel insists to achieve destruction and to be permanent, but this does not seem possible "
Before the death of Shaykh Ahmet Yasin, Ahmet Mansur and the New York Times have been evaluating in this respect, but after the death of Sheikh Ahmet Yasin, 16 US intelligence agencies, with a total budget of over 70 billion dollars, An 82-page analysis, "Preparing for the Middle East," stated that the Israeli state was not to be in 2022, and even "Kissinger" did not deny the words of Henry Kissinger, "There is no State in Israel in 2022. They also know that Israel is not They are preparing for it, "he said
Timeturk Editor-in-Chief Nevzat Cicek has delivered what the Palestinians have said about the collapse of the Zionist Israel in its Extraordinary Program, which is broadcast on the Country TV.
Date: 11.07.2014 Source: Time Turk
The meatal version of the relevant verses is:
"We declare to the sons of Israel in the book: 'You shall bring mischief twice in the land, and you shall make open sorcery, and when the first branch of the people comes, we shall inflict upon you your servants of power and violence upon you, This is a word that must be fulfilled. " (Surat al-Isra, 17 / 4-5).
Many exegesis, in the pre-Islamic times of this verse, the Jews had committed mischief and suffered what they had done, according to him. Certainly, the signs of the past in the Qur'an's expressions do not preclude the future signs.
There are hints to show that you have signs for the future. E.g; 5. "Isa" is a word used as an adverb in Arabic and indicates that the event will take place in the future. As a matter of fact, Uza in Nasr is used in the same sense. In the same way, the "le tufsidunne" and "le ta'unnne", which are in the 4th place, are the people of the future time. At the beginning of these acts, "le" is also used in Arabic grammar to reinforce the beginning of the future mode.
Therefore, it is appropriate to think that the presence of these words, which belong to the future and belong to the future, will take place in a time to come after the passage of the verses that the Jews did not have yet to come up with and that the Jews will come forth and that such news, especially given by the Qur'an, Approach.
It is understood from these verses that the Jews will bring up corruption and corruption after the period of Mecca of Islam, but when the time comes, this fire will be extinguished with the Muslims whom Allah Almighty calls "my servants" and the Jews will be subjected to corruption and all the lands will be controlled by Islam. As a matter of fact, with the Mecca Period, the Medina Hijra, and the subsequent events, the Jews were defeated by the first Muslims despite all the tricks and entrances they had made, and were expelled from the area by destroying the Jewish forces in the regions like Medina, Hayber and Tajma. That is, Israel 17/5. And the Jews had lost their chances of active presence in these regions until their second mischief.
The meatal version of the verses describing the second mischief and disgrace is as follows:
"Then we will bring you victory over you, help you with wealth and children, and increase the number of your fighters .. If you do well, you will do well for yourself." If you are evil, you will also deal with it against yourself. "Then when your next flood comes, As they entered first, they enter the mosque again and we will inflict the enemies of your own selves in order to ruin what they have seized "(Isai, 17: 6-7).
- It is also revealed that God Almighty will be in a "state" style of domination once again in the same regions this time. The word "kerre" in the verse of the verse is used in the words "victory", "victory", "state" and "domination" in Arabic. As a matter of fact, Muslims who did not deal with an important Jewish issue until the 1948s after the first periods of Islam (after the 1st Fesat) encountered a second Jewish abduction in 1948 with the establishment of an Israeli State by the Jews, and the Jews acquired this region by establishing dominance.
- Even if we accept the time of the first corruption-as it happened in the exegetes-as it was in the past, it is very reasonable to apply this second corruption to the present situation. Accordingly, both events happened in Palestine. The catastrophe they suffered for their first mischief and corruption, M. Ö. In 598, Buhtu'n-Nasr, the king of Babylon, took place in the presence of Jerusalem and Beyti'l-Makdis. Buhtu'n-Nasr pulled the Israelites out of Palestine and drove them to various countries.
- I hope the second defects are close. Because all the elements of corrupting which they will do before the disaster in the future are fulfilled are expressed as follows: The Zionists, occupying the Palestinian lands in 1948 with the support of the super powers of the West, established a sunni state on that land. He has expelled three million Palestinian Muslims from their homeland and has given the Islamic world to blood and blood for 60 years. From this point of view, this verse can be regarded as a sign that the oppressed Muslims will be able to take their rights and gain their homeland.
Isra, after the 6th verse of Isra, which the Jews will be declared to us by the victory of the Jews one day, will return to the state, and this state will be persecuted one day and Muslims will enter the Aqsa Mosque again for the first time and punish the Jews. It will be evil to us. Note that, in the statement that the Muslims will enter the Masjid al-Aqsa again; It is also said that the Masjid will be occupied by the Jews. As a matter of fact, the Masjid al-Aqsa was taken over by the Jews in 1967.
Âhirzaman prophet Hz. Muhammed (a.s.m) says:
"The Muslims will not break away from Judgment unless they fight with the Jews, and the Muslims will break them up and ruin them so that if someone from the Jews will hide behind a tree or a stone, that tree and stone will come up and say," O Muslim, There is a Jew, come on, kill him. "Only the Garcia will not inform because this tree is their tree (Muslim, Fiten, 82) This Hadisten shows that the condition of Muslims prevailing: sincere Muslim and sincere / Our Lord is our sincere servant to us, and our Ummah is worthy of his prophet.
You JEWS You will be out of the world on two occasions
1. Abuses of the Jews
1.1. Abuses of the Jews before Islam
A- The First Fate of the Jews before Islam
One of the fezad and punishments in the Torah Hz. It happened after Süleyman. As we have stated before, the Jews did not listen to the judgment of the Torah, they were held to idols, and their prophets, Ash'iya (a.s.), were killed. God Almighty has infested the Jews with a name of Buhtunnasır. These nations killed the elders of the Jews, took their fathers, captured their children, and plundered their possessions. He made the Masjid al-Aqsa a barn, he used a lot of Jewish scholars as servants. Thus the Jewish state In 586 he was deleted from the stage of history.
After that the Jews began to live the life of exile.
B- The Second Falsehood of the Jews before Islam
After a while, our Almighty Lord gave strength to Jews with goods and sons, as mentioned in the following. The Jews are still ungrateful as they always are in the place where they will be thankful. Prophet Muhammad as Prophet. Zakariyya, Hz. Yahya is martyred. Hz. They attempted to kill Jesus. Our Almighty Lord took it before Him, and the Jews had the promise of M.S. In the 70th year the Romans infested it. These cut off the Jews and take prisoners as Buhtunnasir did before. They plundered Jerusalem. He burns the books, destroys them. The Jews once again fought well. Thus, the Jews were punished twice in the Torah as reported in the Qur'an.
After the Jews have been falsified twice and punished twice by God Almighty, they have been repeatedly falsified. God Almighty said, "We will punish those who will torture them with the worst punishment until the Day of Resurrection" and "We will return to punishment if you turn away from the punishment." [3]
1.2. Abuses of the Jews after Islam
1.2.1. The First Fate of the Jews after Islam
"In the Book we have given the Children of Israel the following sentence:" Truly, you will bring mischief twice in that land, and you will be proud and proud. "(Isaiah, 4)
"As for the time of the first of these two, we will send our strongest servants upon you, and they will control all your lands, which is a promise to be fulfilled." (Isaiah, 5)
It is clear from both verses (Surat al-Isra, 4-5) that the Jews will bring up corruption and corruption after the time of Mecca, but when it comes time, this fire will be extinguished by Muslims, And the Jews will be subjected to corruption and all their lands will be controlled by Islam ... Indeed, this is exactly the case, with the Mecca era, the Medina emigration and subsequent events, the Jews were defeated by the first Muslims despite all the tricks and tricks they were leaving, They were expelled from the region by destroying the Jewish forces in the regions. That is, the promise of the 5th verse of the Surat al-Isra has been realized and the Jews have lost their chances of active presence in these regions until their second mischief. [4]
After the Second Punishment, the Jews were left without statutes, scattered in various parts of the earth. They lived under the management of other nations. Some of them had settled in Mecca and Medina. Our Prophet had made an agreement with the Jews after he emigrated to Medina. But the Jews disobeyed this agreement, attempted to kill our Prophet, and fight against the Muslims in a place where they would protect Medina from the enemy. There are many more corruption and mischief in Medina. They have begun to pose a great threat to the newly established Islamic state. This, in turn, punished them with the help of our Prophet and Muslims.
Our Prophet continued many of them from the Arabian Peninsula, punishing some of them with death as required by the Torah, and taking away their possessions as booty.
Years have passed since, the Jews in various European countries have suffered mischief in accordance with their nature. They saw themselves as hosts when they were guests in those countries. As a result, they were killed in many countries, their possessions were seized, and they were exiled in masses.
The Jews were finally punished by Hitler in Germany because they were the most violent of corruption.
As you can see, throughout their history, the Jews have brought out a corruption, and God has punished them every time. The number of these corruption and punishment is considerable. The Jews, most recently, were severely punished by Hitler. [5]
1.2.2. The Second Fate of the Jews after Islam
A-God's Repatriation of Jews
Today, as with every punishment, God has strengthened them with goods and children. A 40-year-old Sreddin, with the help of other countries, has been grateful or a small state. Here comes a question about why the Jews did not slap in the near future. Bediuzzaman said in his response to such a request:
"Because the Jewish nation hubb-u excommunicated in life and earthly pride, they have been destined to eat atrocities and stonecutters every century [for extreme in life and worldly love]. But in this Palestinian affair, there is a feeling of national and religious [national and religious feeling], not a feeling of life and worldliness, but rather a sense of national and religious feeling in the face of the discovery of those old prophets of Palestine [the Israelite prophets] They can not slap quickly. Otherwise, a little cottage in big Arabia would never be able to stand, and it would quickly enter the abbey. "
Yes, the reason for the quick slapping of the Jews is to move with religion and national feelings, not on life and world love on the Palestinian issue. This is a major reason for their quick slapfeeds.
On the other hand, it should be remembered that our Almighty Lord has forgotten the fact that "Muslims are brothers" and penalized millions of Arabs who are enemies of each other and who have absorbed each other's blood, with few Jews. [6]
B-The gathering of dispersed Jews and the establishment of the State of Israel
"Then sit down in the land of the children of Israel, and when the time of the other comes, we shall bring you all together". (Israel 104.)
In the text of this verse, the Arabic meaning of the word 'lefife' in Arabic means 'various communities'. Jewish immigrants who founded Israel in 1948 came to PALESTINE in various communities from all over the world and founded the State of Israel on 14 May 1948. (Jerusalem Post August 10, 1967) Those who are familiar with fine knowledge know very well that the State of Israel has shown its date of establishment until the year, month and day of the word 'lefifah' on this verse. [7]
C-The Establishment of the State of Israel Is Demanding Their Easy Goal
When declaring Israel's independence, Turkey was one of the first countries to open an embassy after the United States.
It is rumored that when the Israeli ambassador started to refer to Ankara, one of his first visits was made to the deceased Head of Religious Affairs, Ahmet Hamdi Akseki (1947-51). The deceased Duke's appointment accepts the request although it makes no sense.
The Israeli ambassador explains the main reason for his visit: In a hadith of your prophet:
"Judgment will not break unless Muslims and Jews collide. Jewish stone, hiding behind the tree, on that stone, that tree is anyone who chases the Jew, 'O Muslim! I have a Jew in the back, come and kill him! " The garkad tree alone will not say anything; Because he is in the trees of the Jews. "(Bukhari, Jihad 94, Manakib 25, Muslim, Fiten 82)
And then it goes on: see how we established the state, what do you think?
I believe that if the Prophet (peace be upon him) said this, I will surely come true, but I think how Muslims will find and know the Jews scattered in a region of the world, as I gather in Palestine, I said I'm getting closer. The ambassador who takes the necessary reply leaves the office without saying anything. [8]
D-The Jewish People Get Deterred for the Second Time After Islam
Which of the Jewish 's well-known second mischiefs is painful and when will it happen?
The sixth verse of the reign of Israel is very meaningful: "We will then bring you victory over them, help you with wealth and children, and increase your number in battle."
This is how God Almighty informs that the Jews will once again be in a 'state' of domination in the same regions. Because the word 'kerre' in the text of ayat is used in the meaning of 'state' and 'domination' in Arabic. As a matter of fact, Muslims, who did not deal with an important Jewish issue until the 1948s after the first periods of Islam (after the 1st Fesalty), faced the second Jewish abduction in 1948 with the establishment of an Israeli State by the Jews, and the Jews acquired this region by establishing domination.
These expressions in the 6th verse of the 6th verse that "... will help you with goods and children ..." are informed to us as a miracle of the Qur'an that the established State of Israel will survive with helpers from Christian America and the West!
The sixth verse of the siege ends with "... in the event of war, we will increase your number ..." It is a miraculous manifestation of this verse in 1948, especially when American Jews emigrate to Israel in staggering filars and for months.
So the second trick of the Jews is the corruption and persecution of the present state of Israel. [9]
Destruction of e-Jews
Those who are still running even in the most remote villages of Palestine, and all who care about the end of the persecution that will embarrass mankind, carefully read the seventh verse of the seventh continuation of the verses 4 and 5 of the Jewish Sura who pointed to the situation after the Prophet.
"When the time of the second of the promises comes, the hundreds of you will go to the Masjid (Jerusalem) as they did for the first time, and wasted what they had seized.
The Masjid al-Aqsa was taken over by the Jews in 1967.
Surat Al-Isra, which the Jewish people once declared to us by the victors of the Jews one day, will return to the state. Surat al-Sūrai, who came after the sixth verse, came back to the Masjid al-Aqsa in the same way that this state persecution would end someday, It is well known to us that they will punish the Jews and their faces will become very bad. [10]
2. Israel in the 2022 Map of US Intelligence None
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said "Israel will no longer exist in 10 years" [11]
The report on Israel, prepared by the US Intelligence Community, consisting of 16 intelligence organizations in the US, leaked to the press. The 16 US intelligence agencies, with a total budget of over $ 70 billion, published an 82-page analysis entitled "Preparation for Post-Israel Middle East".
The US intelligence report by author Kevin Barrett emphasizes that 700,000 illegal Israeli settlers who settled in 1967 will never be able to accept the continuing presence in the land of the earth.
According to the intelligence report, the excessive Likud coalition ruling over Israel supports and condones the widespread violence and illegitimacy of non-illegal settlers.
The report notes that with the savagery and racist attitudes of the settlers, this work is unsustainable and incompatible with American values.
The former author of the report, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, is using the phrase "there will be no more Israel in 10 years." [12]
3. The Jews are also aware of the Inevitable End.
In Israel, we have an enormous Zionist literature that has been openly anxious to maintain its existence, has serious concerns about its fate, and constantly reproduces those concerns. In Israel, a group emerged that gave them the name of the Exiles and the Sharks of the Son. These people are increasingly standing on their prophecies of extinction. The Israeli affair began to take place very clearly on the agenda of Israel.
There is growing concern over Israel's continued existence.
When the reactions within the Israeli state and public opinion are followed closely, it is possible to witness the existence of a real debate about the future of Israel and the Zionist movement.
The Arabs are united in the view that Israel is largely an existence, a struggle for survival. When compared to any crisis, this state has become a state of existential crises.
So we see that the anxiety of sustaining its existence has arisen strongly in the discussions among the Zionists themselves, and that the Israeli state's concerns about the existence and fate of the existence of the Zionists have been severely questioned. Former Knesset President Abraham Burg uses the phrase "Israel is a Zionist Ghetto who carries the roots of extinction in his own words" in an article written by the Haaret newspaper. Similarly, the well-known author, B. Mikhail, writes in an article in Yediot Ahronot, "The end of the State of Israel is on the horizon," while the other Israeli writer speaks of the close of Zionism.
[13] of the Israeli-
Established in 1948, it is said that Israel's life is 76 years with the Hebrew calendar and 74 years with the millennium calendar. This discovery is also based on the Torah or is attributed. According to this calculation, the year of the collapse of Israel, founded in 1948, is 2022. If we add 74 years on 1948, we reach 2022.
Timeturk Chief Editor Nevzat Cicek stated that after the declaration made by Sheikh Ahmet Yasin, the founder of Hamas, and the US intelligence organization, emphasizing that there will not be Israel after 2020, Israel said, "Israel knows this and wants to be a Mescid He believes that Aksa should be demolished. For this reason, Israel insists to achieve destruction and to be permanent, but this does not seem possible "
Before the death of Shaykh Ahmet Yasin, Ahmet Mansur and the New York Times have been evaluating in this respect, but after the death of Sheikh Ahmet Yasin, 16 US intelligence agencies, with a total budget of over 70 billion dollars, An 82-page analysis, "Preparing for the Middle East," stated that the Israeli state was not to be in 2022, and even "Kissinger" did not deny the words of Henry Kissinger, "There is no State in Israel in 2022. They also know that Israel is not They are preparing for it, "he said
Timeturk Editor-in-Chief Nevzat Cicek has delivered what the Palestinians have said about the collapse of the Zionist Israel in its Extraordinary Program, which is broadcast on the Country TV.
Date: 11.07.2014 Source: Time Turk
The meatal version of the relevant verses is:
"We declare to the sons of Israel in the book: 'You shall bring mischief twice in the land, and you shall make open sorcery, and when the first branch of the people comes, we shall inflict upon you your servants of power and violence upon you, This is a word that must be fulfilled. " (Surat al-Isra, 17 / 4-5).
Many exegesis, in the pre-Islamic times of this verse, the Jews had committed mischief and suffered what they had done, according to him. Certainly, the signs of the past in the Qur'an's expressions do not preclude the future signs.
There are hints to show that you have signs for the future. E.g; 5. "Isa" is a word used as an adverb in Arabic and indicates that the event will take place in the future. As a matter of fact, Uza in Nasr is used in the same sense. In the same way, the "le tufsidunne" and "le ta'unnne", which are in the 4th place, are the people of the future time. At the beginning of these acts, "le" is also used in Arabic grammar to reinforce the beginning of the future mode.
Therefore, it is appropriate to think that the presence of these words, which belong to the future and belong to the future, will take place in a time to come after the passage of the verses that the Jews did not have yet to come up with and that the Jews will come forth and that such news, especially given by the Qur'an, Approach.
It is understood from these verses that the Jews will bring up corruption and corruption after the period of Mecca of Islam, but when the time comes, this fire will be extinguished with the Muslims whom Allah Almighty calls "my servants" and the Jews will be subjected to corruption and all the lands will be controlled by Islam. As a matter of fact, with the Mecca Period, the Medina Hijra, and the subsequent events, the Jews were defeated by the first Muslims despite all the tricks and entrances they had made, and were expelled from the area by destroying the Jewish forces in the regions like Medina, Hayber and Tajma. That is, Israel 17/5. And the Jews had lost their chances of active presence in these regions until their second mischief.
The meatal version of the verses describing the second mischief and disgrace is as follows:
"Then we will bring you victory over you, help you with wealth and children, and increase the number of your fighters .. If you do well, you will do well for yourself." If you are evil, you will also deal with it against yourself. "Then when your next flood comes, As they entered first, they enter the mosque again and we will inflict the enemies of your own selves in order to ruin what they have seized "(Isai, 17: 6-7).
- It is also revealed that God Almighty will be in a "state" style of domination once again in the same regions this time. The word "kerre" in the verse of the verse is used in the words "victory", "victory", "state" and "domination" in Arabic. As a matter of fact, Muslims who did not deal with an important Jewish issue until the 1948s after the first periods of Islam (after the 1st Fesat) encountered a second Jewish abduction in 1948 with the establishment of an Israeli State by the Jews, and the Jews acquired this region by establishing dominance.
- Even if we accept the time of the first corruption-as it happened in the exegetes-as it was in the past, it is very reasonable to apply this second corruption to the present situation. Accordingly, both events happened in Palestine. The catastrophe they suffered for their first mischief and corruption, M. Ö. In 598, Buhtu'n-Nasr, the king of Babylon, took place in the presence of Jerusalem and Beyti'l-Makdis. Buhtu'n-Nasr pulled the Israelites out of Palestine and drove them to various countries.
- I hope the second defects are close. Because all the elements of corrupting which they will do before the disaster in the future are fulfilled are expressed as follows: The Zionists, occupying the Palestinian lands in 1948 with the support of the super powers of the West, established a sunni state on that land. He has expelled three million Palestinian Muslims from their homeland and has given the Islamic world to blood and blood for 60 years. From this point of view, this verse can be regarded as a sign that the oppressed Muslims will be able to take their rights and gain their homeland.
Isra, after the 6th verse of Isra, which the Jews will be declared to us by the victory of the Jews one day, will return to the state, and this state will be persecuted one day and Muslims will enter the Aqsa Mosque again for the first time and punish the Jews. It will be evil to us. Note that, in the statement that the Muslims will enter the Masjid al-Aqsa again; It is also said that the Masjid will be occupied by the Jews. As a matter of fact, the Masjid al-Aqsa was taken over by the Jews in 1967.
Âhirzaman prophet Hz. Muhammed (a.s.m) says:
"The Muslims will not break away from Judgment unless they fight with the Jews, and the Muslims will break them up and ruin them so that if someone from the Jews will hide behind a tree or a stone, that tree and stone will come up and say," O Muslim, There is a Jew, come on, kill him. "Only the Garcia will not inform because this tree is their tree (Muslim, Fiten, 82) This Hadisten shows that the condition of Muslims prevailing: sincere Muslim and sincere / Our Lord is our sincere servant to us, and our Ummah is worthy of his prophet.
You JEWS You will be out of the world on two occasions
1. Abuses of the Jews
1.1. Abuses of the Jews before Islam
A- The First Fate of the Jews before Islam
One of the fezad and punishments in the Torah Hz. It happened after Süleyman. As we have stated before, the Jews did not listen to the judgment of the Torah, they were held to idols, and their prophets, Ash'iya (a.s.), were killed. God Almighty has infested the Jews with a name of Buhtunnasır. These nations killed the elders of the Jews, took their fathers, captured their children, and plundered their possessions. He made the Masjid al-Aqsa a barn, he used a lot of Jewish scholars as servants. Thus the Jewish state In 586 he was deleted from the stage of history.
After that the Jews began to live the life of exile.
B- The Second Falsehood of the Jews before Islam
After a while, our Almighty Lord gave strength to Jews with goods and sons, as mentioned in the following. The Jews are still ungrateful as they always are in the place where they will be thankful. Prophet Muhammad as Prophet. Zakariyya, Hz. Yahya is martyred. Hz. They attempted to kill Jesus. Our Almighty Lord took it before Him, and the Jews had the promise of M.S. In the 70th year the Romans infested it. These cut off the Jews and take prisoners as Buhtunnasir did before. They plundered Jerusalem. He burns the books, destroys them. The Jews once again fought well. Thus, the Jews were punished twice in the Torah as reported in the Qur'an.
After the Jews have been falsified twice and punished twice by God Almighty, they have been repeatedly falsified. God Almighty said, "We will punish those who will torture them with the worst punishment until the Day of Resurrection" and "We will return to punishment if you turn away from the punishment." [3]
1.2. Abuses of the Jews after Islam
1.2.1. The First Fate of the Jews after Islam
"In the Book we have given the Children of Israel the following sentence:" Truly, you will bring mischief twice in that land, and you will be proud and proud. "(Isaiah, 4)
"As for the time of the first of these two, we will send our strongest servants upon you, and they will control all your lands, which is a promise to be fulfilled." (Isaiah, 5)
It is clear from both verses (Surat al-Isra, 4-5) that the Jews will bring up corruption and corruption after the time of Mecca, but when it comes time, this fire will be extinguished by Muslims, And the Jews will be subjected to corruption and all their lands will be controlled by Islam ... Indeed, this is exactly the case, with the Mecca era, the Medina emigration and subsequent events, the Jews were defeated by the first Muslims despite all the tricks and tricks they were leaving, They were expelled from the region by destroying the Jewish forces in the regions. That is, the promise of the 5th verse of the Surat al-Isra has been realized and the Jews have lost their chances of active presence in these regions until their second mischief. [4]
After the Second Punishment, the Jews were left without statutes, scattered in various parts of the earth. They lived under the management of other nations. Some of them had settled in Mecca and Medina. Our Prophet had made an agreement with the Jews after he emigrated to Medina. But the Jews disobeyed this agreement, attempted to kill our Prophet, and fight against the Muslims in a place where they would protect Medina from the enemy. There are many more corruption and mischief in Medina. They have begun to pose a great threat to the newly established Islamic state. This, in turn, punished them with the help of our Prophet and Muslims.
Our Prophet continued many of them from the Arabian Peninsula, punishing some of them with death as required by the Torah, and taking away their possessions as booty.
Years have passed since, the Jews in various European countries have suffered mischief in accordance with their nature. They saw themselves as hosts when they were guests in those countries. As a result, they were killed in many countries, their possessions were seized, and they were exiled in masses.
The Jews were finally punished by Hitler in Germany because they were the most violent of corruption.
As you can see, throughout their history, the Jews have brought out a corruption, and God has punished them every time. The number of these corruption and punishment is considerable. The Jews, most recently, were severely punished by Hitler. [5]
1.2.2. The Second Fate of the Jews after Islam
A-God's Repatriation of Jews
Today, as with every punishment, God has strengthened them with goods and children. A 40-year-old Sreddin, with the help of other countries, has been grateful or a small state. Here comes a question about why the Jews did not slap in the near future. Bediuzzaman said in his response to such a request:
"Because the Jewish nation hubb-u excommunicated in life and earthly pride, they have been destined to eat atrocities and stonecutters every century [for extreme in life and worldly love]. But in this Palestinian affair, there is a feeling of national and religious [national and religious feeling], not a feeling of life and worldliness, but rather a sense of national and religious feeling in the face of the discovery of those old prophets of Palestine [the Israelite prophets] They can not slap quickly. Otherwise, a little cottage in big Arabia would never be able to stand, and it would quickly enter the abbey. "
Yes, the reason for the quick slapping of the Jews is to move with religion and national feelings, not on life and world love on the Palestinian issue. This is a major reason for their quick slapfeeds.
On the other hand, it should be remembered that our Almighty Lord has forgotten the fact that "Muslims are brothers" and penalized millions of Arabs who are enemies of each other and who have absorbed each other's blood, with few Jews. [6]
B-The gathering of dispersed Jews and the establishment of the State of Israel
"Then sit down in the land of the children of Israel, and when the time of the other comes, we shall bring you all together". (Israel 104.)
In the text of this verse, the Arabic meaning of the word 'lefife' in Arabic means 'various communities'. Jewish immigrants who founded Israel in 1948 came to PALESTINE in various communities from all over the world and founded the State of Israel on 14 May 1948. (Jerusalem Post August 10, 1967) Those who are familiar with fine knowledge know very well that the State of Israel has shown its date of establishment until the year, month and day of the word 'lefifah' on this verse. [7]
C-The Establishment of the State of Israel Is Demanding Their Easy Goal
When declaring Israel's independence, Turkey was one of the first countries to open an embassy after the United States.
It is rumored that when the Israeli ambassador started to refer to Ankara, one of his first visits was made to the deceased Head of Religious Affairs, Ahmet Hamdi Akseki (1947-51). The deceased Duke's appointment accepts the request although it makes no sense.
The Israeli ambassador explains the main reason for his visit: In a hadith of your prophet:
"Judgment will not break unless Muslims and Jews collide. Jewish stone, hiding behind the tree, on that stone, that tree is anyone who chases the Jew, 'O Muslim! I have a Jew in the back, come and kill him! " The garkad tree alone will not say anything; Because he is in the trees of the Jews. "(Bukhari, Jihad 94, Manakib 25, Muslim, Fiten 82)
And then it goes on: see how we established the state, what do you think?
I believe that if the Prophet (peace be upon him) said this, I will surely come true, but I think how Muslims will find and know the Jews scattered in a region of the world, as I gather in Palestine, I said I'm getting closer. The ambassador who takes the necessary reply leaves the office without saying anything. [8]
D-The Jewish People Get Deterred for the Second Time After Islam
Which of the Jewish 's well-known second mischiefs is painful and when will it happen?
The sixth verse of the reign of Israel is very meaningful: "We will then bring you victory over them, help you with wealth and children, and increase your number in battle."
This is how God Almighty informs that the Jews will once again be in a 'state' of domination in the same regions. Because the word 'kerre' in the text of ayat is used in the meaning of 'state' and 'domination' in Arabic. As a matter of fact, Muslims, who did not deal with an important Jewish issue until the 1948s after the first periods of Islam (after the 1st Fesalty), faced the second Jewish abduction in 1948 with the establishment of an Israeli State by the Jews, and the Jews acquired this region by establishing domination.
These expressions in the 6th verse of the 6th verse that "... will help you with goods and children ..." are informed to us as a miracle of the Qur'an that the established State of Israel will survive with helpers from Christian America and the West!
The sixth verse of the siege ends with "... in the event of war, we will increase your number ..." It is a miraculous manifestation of this verse in 1948, especially when American Jews emigrate to Israel in staggering filars and for months.
So the second trick of the Jews is the corruption and persecution of the present state of Israel. [9]
Destruction of e-Jews
Those who are still running even in the most remote villages of Palestine, and all who care about the end of the persecution that will embarrass mankind, carefully read the seventh verse of the seventh continuation of the verses 4 and 5 of the Jewish Sura who pointed to the situation after the Prophet.
"When the time of the second of the promises comes, the hundreds of you will go to the Masjid (Jerusalem) as they did for the first time, and wasted what they had seized.
The Masjid al-Aqsa was taken over by the Jews in 1967.
Surat Al-Isra, which the Jewish people once declared to us by the victors of the Jews one day, will return to the state. Surat al-Sūrai, who came after the sixth verse, came back to the Masjid al-Aqsa in the same way that this state persecution would end someday, It is well known to us that they will punish the Jews and their faces will become very bad. [10]
2. Israel in the 2022 Map of US Intelligence None
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said "Israel will no longer exist in 10 years" [11]
The report on Israel, prepared by the US Intelligence Community, consisting of 16 intelligence organizations in the US, leaked to the press. The 16 US intelligence agencies, with a total budget of over $ 70 billion, published an 82-page analysis entitled "Preparation for Post-Israel Middle East".
The US intelligence report by author Kevin Barrett emphasizes that 700,000 illegal Israeli settlers who settled in 1967 will never be able to accept the continuing presence in the land of the earth.
According to the intelligence report, the excessive Likud coalition ruling over Israel supports and condones the widespread violence and illegitimacy of non-illegal settlers.
The report notes that with the savagery and racist attitudes of the settlers, this work is unsustainable and incompatible with American values.
The former author of the report, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, is using the phrase "there will be no more Israel in 10 years." [12]
3. The Jews are also aware of the Inevitable End.
In Israel, we have an enormous Zionist literature that has been openly anxious to maintain its existence, has serious concerns about its fate, and constantly reproduces those concerns. In Israel, a group emerged that gave them the name of the Exiles and the Sharks of the Son. These people are increasingly standing on their prophecies of extinction. The Israeli affair began to take place very clearly on the agenda of Israel.
There is growing concern over Israel's continued existence.
When the reactions within the Israeli state and public opinion are followed closely, it is possible to witness the existence of a real debate about the future of Israel and the Zionist movement.
The Arabs are united in the view that Israel is largely an existence, a struggle for survival. When compared to any crisis, this state has become a state of existential crises.
So we see that the anxiety of sustaining its existence has arisen strongly in the discussions among the Zionists themselves, and that the Israeli state's concerns about the existence and fate of the existence of the Zionists have been severely questioned. Former Knesset President Abraham Burg uses the phrase "Israel is a Zionist Ghetto who carries the roots of extinction in his own words" in an article written by the Haaret newspaper. Similarly, the well-known author, B. Mikhail, writes in an article in Yediot Ahronot, "The end of the State of Israel is on the horizon," while the other Israeli writer speaks of the close of Zionism.
[13] of the Israeli-