12 December 2017

The great portents of Doomsday

(Eşrâu's-Saa), indications that the Kıyamet is about to come to an end, emerging at the time of the time (end of time). These statements are generally divided into two sections: Small Signs (Alâmât-i Suðra) and Big Signs (Alâmât-ı Kübrâ).

The Qur'an tells us that no one but Allah knows the time of Kiyâmet (al-A'raf, 7/187, Lokmun 31/34, al-Ahzab, 33/63). However, he declares that he is near (al-Zumer, 54/1), near (en-Nahl, 16/77) and suddenly his future (al-A'raf, 7/187). It does not tell them about the signs of the Qiyâmet (Muhammad, 47/18). However, if the second episode of the verse "The hour is near, the moon will be broken" (al-Kamer, 54/1) will be understood as "moon", this event will become the only sign of Qiy'am mentioned in the Qur'an.

Hadith küllâhâtâl contains many hadiths that mention the signs that will emerge before Kıyâmet. Islamic scholars have evaluated the portents mentioned in the hadiths in terms of their qualities and collected them under two headings as Small Alamat (Alâmât-i Suðrâ) and Big Alamet (Alâmât-ı Kübrâ). The main signs of Small Signs, which manifest themselves in the form of religious feelings, thoughts and behaviors weakening in the pre-Koran period defined as city time, not giving the necessary adherence to religious rules, abandoning worship, and proliferating morality, can be categorized as follows:

a) People compete for building (Buhârî, Fiten, 25, see Tecrid-i Sarih Terc, 1/58).

b) Wish people to die (Bukhari, Fifen, 25, Muslim, Fiten, 53-54)

c) To give birth to the master of the Carians (Muslim, Iman, 1).

d) To illuminate the feet of the tops in Busra (a place near Şam) with a fire in Hicaz (Bukhari, Fiten, 24, Muslim, Fiten, 42).

e) The waters of the Euphrates river shall be withdrawn from the river bed (Muslim, Filen, 29-31).

f) Two great Islamic armies fighting each other, both of which claim to have the right (Buhâri, Fiten, 25, Muslim, Fiten, 17).

g) The rise of Islamic sciences, the increase of ignorance (Bukhari, Fiten, 4).

h) The proliferation of earthquakes (Bukhari, Fiten, 25).

i) The approach of time is equal to day and night (Bukhari, Fiten, 25).

i) The prosperity of the splendor, the appearance of the welfare (Bukhari, Fiten, 4, Muslim, Fiten, 18).

j) Fighting of Muslims with Jews, Muslims killing Jews (Tecrid-i Sarih Translation, VIII, 341, Muslim, Fiten, 79-82).

k) Clear processing of the zine, increased consumption of liquor, multiplication of women and decrease of men (al-Ali al-Nasif Tac, 5/335).

l) One of the Kahtân'ın leaving the people, the Prophet of Bukhari, Fiten, 23).

The great signs of the Qiyâmet are mentioned in the hadith-i sharif in bulk: Huzeyfetu'l-Gifari (r.a) 'narrated: While we were talking amongst us one day, the Prophet came out of our minds. "What are you talking about?" said. We replied, "We are speaking on the Day of Judgment." Prophet Muhammad said, "No doubt, the apocalypse will not break unless ten signs are seen," and he said, "Dajjal, dukhan, dabbet al-arz, sun rise from the west, Jesus (as) (Müslim, Fiten, 39) said, "Three places will collapse, in the east, in the west and in the Arabian peninsula, and finally in Yemen,

These ten great portents of the Qadam are explained in other hadiths or in Islamic scholars in the following way:

1. The emergence of Dajjal: The Dajjal is a liar who will appear on the oceans and will want to make the Islamic Religion and the Muslims obsessed with evil and corruption. That Dajjal was blind to his right, that he wrote "infidels" between the two eyes, that he was not a child, that he could not enter Medina and Mecca, that it would be forty days on earth after he appeared and that he would show some extraordinary events during this period, Hz. (Bukhari, Fiten, 26, Muslim, Fiten, 37, 39, 40, 91, 101, 110, 112) that Jesus will be killed by him when he comes down to the earth.

2. The output of Duhan: Duhan, meaning smoke, is one of the great portents of the Almighty (Muslim, Fiten, 39). Before the contest is over, the earth will be covered with a cloud of smoke, and forty days and forty nights will be as if the believers were kept in custody, and the unbelievers would be like drunks.

3. Dabbetü'l-arz 's output: It is a creature reported before Kıyâmet. The word means "ground animal". In the Qur'an, "We bring forth some kind of animal from the earth when it comes to the heads of those who are told to them, that they say to them that men do not believe our signs at all" (En-Neml, 27/82). Hz. About the Prophet Dabbb al-arz: "Among the portents of the Almighty which will come out is the birth of the sun by the west, and the day of a bird against a people, a dabbenin (animal) is coming in. One of these two signs comes before the friend. income "(Muslim, Fiten, 118).

4) The sun will rise from the West: the sun will rise from the west, people will believe in it all together, but the faith of those who have not believed before will not benefit them.

5. The descent of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh): According to the Ahl-i Sunnah belief, the Prophet Jesus will descend to the earth, invite the Christians to Islam, kill the Dajjal, and judge the Prophet (pbuh) Büyû, 102, Muslim, İmân, 242-247).

6. Exodus of Ye'cûc and Me'cûc: The origin and the indefinite origin of the people, who will go out before the Day of Judgment and "make mischief in the earth" (al-Kehf, 18/94) (Muhammad Hamdi Yazir, , IV, 3288). Hz. With the opening of Zülkarneyn's saddle (El-Enbiya, 21/96), they will attack the people who will dumble on the earth and destroy the cities and ruin them. In some narratives, it is mentioned that it was Chinese (Muhammad Hamdi Yazır, A.G., IV, 3291, 3374, Buhâri, Enbiyâ, 7, Muslim, Fiten, 1,2).

7.8.9. It is also the great portents of Kıyâm (Muslim, Fiten, 39) that the settlements in three regions, in the East, in the West and in the Arabian Peninsula,

10. The great fire that will come out of Yemen is putting people in front of them (Muslim, Fiten, 39).

According to some hadiths in Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi's Sunnis, the appearance of Mahdi is also the great portents of Kiyâm (Sünen-i Tirmizi, IV, p.1-93: Sünen-i Abu Dawud, N. Shr. Hamid IV, 100, 106).

Hz. The Prophet (s.a.) has reported that Kiyamat will fall on the bad people and the infidels. According to these hadiths, the souls of the believers will be taken away before the Judgment is broken and their emigration will be ensured (Bukhari, Fiten, 5, Muslim, imam, 53)
