What is the sign of Dajjal?
Muâz b. According to Cebel (r.a.), the Prophet (s.a.v.) said: "A great and bloody incident will be within seven months of the conquest of Constantinople and the coming of Dajjal" (Muslim, Fiten: 9)
?? Tirmizi: In this regard, Sa'b b. Cessâme, Abdullah b. Büsr, Abdullah b. Hadith was also reported from Mes'ûd and Abu Said al-Hudri.
This Hadith hash is a sahih garib and knows only this way.
Enes b. According to the narrative of Malik (r.a.), he said: "The face of Judgment by the conquest of Constantinya" (Muslim, Fiten: 9)
?? Mahmoud says: This hadith is weird. Because Constantinople is the city of the Greeks and will be conquered when the Dajjal comes. Constantine was conquered once in the time of Prophet Muhammad.
Abû Bekir es Sıddık (r.a.) 'has been reported. Rasulullah (S.A.V.) spoke to us about the Dajjal, saying: "The Dajjal will come out of the region called Horasan from the east. People who look like shields with their skin covered with skin will obey him" (Ibn Majce, Fiten: 33)
?? Tirmidhi: Abu Hüreyre in this regard, Hadith is also reported from Âişe. This hadith is bad. Abdullah b. Şevzep reported this incident from Abu't Teyyah. This hadith is known only as a narration of Abu't Teyyah
According to Ibn Omar (r.a.), Prophet Muhammad said: "Rasulullah (s.a.v.), when he ascended among the people and praised him as worthy of Allah, said after the Dajjal:" I have saved you from it, and every Prophet has saved him from him. But I will say a word that no Prophet did not tell his people;
You know that he is one-eyed, he will be found in the image of god with this condition, but God is not one-eyed. Zührî says: Ömer b. The fixed hand Ansarî reported to him that one of the Prophet's brothers said: "The Prophet (s.a.v.) said that while he was keeping them from his dictatorship that day, he said: You know that no one of you will ever see your Lord before he dies. He is a kafir among the two eyes of the Dajjal. Those who do not like his behavior will read this article. "(Muslim, Fiten: 20, Abu Davud, Melahim: 14)
?? Tirmidhi: This hadith is sahihtir damage.
According to Ibn Omar (r.a.), the Prophet (s.a.v.) said: "The Jews will fight against you, and you will rule over them with all your might. Even the stones will say: "O the Muslim, a Jew is hiding in my back and will kill him." (Muslim, Fiten: 18, Bukhari, Jihad: 93)
?? Tirmidhi: This hadith is sahihtir damage.
According to Ibn Omar (r.a.), the Prophet (s.a.v.) was asked of the Dajjal, but he said, "Be careful, your Lord is one-eyed and not astonished. Note that the Dajjal is one-eyed and the right eye is like a grape on the water. "(Bukhari, Fiten, 27, Ibn Majce, Fiten: 33)
Tirmidhi: In this regard, Sa'd, Huzeyfe, Abu Hüreyre, Esma, Câbir b. Abdullah, Abu Bakre, Ashe, Enes,
Ibn Abbas, Feletan b. Hadith has been narrated from AIM.
Tirmidhi: Abdullah b. This hadith as a narration of Ömer is a wicked sahih.