6 February 2017

How the Doomsday Will Happen


If you do not have the word "Doomsday, it will break in history", I will dare to guess history here. Of course nobody can be sure of what will happen tomorrow. But as death comes closer, you feel your closeness. The Creator says, "I will almost conceal the apocalypse" (1), coming to the point of approaching and being fully explained. When the apocalyptic approach is closer, you begin to say that it is coming, and your predictions approach the truth.

Allah warns them, "They ask you when the Day of Judgment will come. Say: His knowledge is only with my Lord. His time can not explain his time. Those heavens and the earth have become heavy. He will suddenly come to you. "(2)" The knowledge of the time of the Hour is only on Allah's part. Nobody knows what you will win tomorrow. "(3)" The apocalypse is approaching as it approaches. "(4)" You are smiling and you are not crying. You linger without warning. "(5)

Doomsday scripts from the Qur'an

October 26, 1992 I saw the break of the night in my dream. When I realized that the apocalypse would start, I dived into the streets; I was telling them that I should hold on to them in their arms and prepare in the Hereafter. Whichever I caught, it was gone before I could finish it. While I was running in sorrow of my lecture, the breakdown began and I had fallen down and watched the death.

The world is fluctuating; Flames flashed on cracked and shattered floors. I was afraid of rocks, mountains, or flames that would spill over. When my knees stopped and waited, I said, "God, do not give me pain."

I lost my body in the dark. Then I opened my eyes on the charred ruins; I was moving somewhere. I was feeling sorry for myself, "Why did not we listen?" I turn my head and wake up when I see the land black and the chest dark.

In the morning, I went to the task of the Parliamentary Investigation Commissions. I was trying to make sense of my dream while I was sipping a newspaper of the day with the elimination of tea. I open a random page of the paper. Gözüm was attached to the title "The date of the apocalypse was determined". I'm excited, I'm creepy. "The Day of Resurrection, which everyone is curious about, is finally revealed: August 14, 2126. The famous astronomer Duncan Stell in the British-Australian Observatory announced that a comet named Swift Tuttle came to us at 37 mph at 37 mph and calculated a million nuclear bomb He explained that he would hit the earth with a more effective explosion. "(6)

I was influenced by the news coming upon my dream, and I did research on the history of the doomsday. Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The life of my people will go a thousand years; But will not exceed a thousand and five hundred years "(7). In a hadith interpreted by the account of the Abd al-Hijri I saw that the date of the Hijri 1545 (Miladi 2120) was the date of the apocalypse. (8) When I put together other similar histories, I realized that an interesting overlap pointed to the same years.

Nine years after this dream, I wanted to write a book about Doomsday; (9) Experts from Swift-Tuttle's development experts. I ordered Brian G. Marsden. Prof. Marsden's e-mail response on April 17, 2001 reads: "If Swift-Tuttle intersected with the orbit of the orbiting earth, it would have been on August 14, The comet is delaying every passing. The Chinese 68 and M.S. In precise calculations, taking into account the observations of 188, it became clear that the probability of collision to the earth was very low at that time. " I also asked Marsden if there was any possibility of a collision in 2120. "If there will be a collision at that time, it could be with an object we do not know yet".

It is likely that the meteoroids we do not know are likely to be approaching the earth. According to NASA scientists, the 400-meter-wide 2004 meteorite called MN4, which was discovered in June 2004, could hit the earth with a three-percent chance on April 13, 2029. (10) The probability of a collision increases as the meteorite approaches; The last calculated probability is one in thirty-eight (11) ... What are we going to read more like this, without getting seriously ...

Will it really be a flood after 2100? Will the environmental imbalances chase each other up to the hour of Judgment, after the next 50-70 years? When will the apocalypse catch the world? Every awake conscience finds its own answer.

In 2004, 50 thousand light years away, the explosion of the Neutron star's energy at the moment, the sun can only spread in a million years. According to the scientists, this explosion would have lasted us for 10 light years, most of the life of the world would be extinguished. (12) From now on, the news of the doom will blow like the winds of storm. Eventually, the actual storm will suddenly come and go when it is unexpected and unexpected. (13)

In a report cited by the German Bild newspaper, scientists were warning the doomsday. Professor speaking to the BBC. Sir David King said, "If the worst of the world does not get any worse, it will be 60 years before we can have a right to live." (14) Even if we look at the Washington Worldwatch Institute, there is no world after our grandparents. .

Should we be afraid of the years when the world will become uninhabitable, and should we abandon our efforts? On the contrary, the way of being worthy of eternity goes beyond repairing, making good marks. The knowledge of the doomsday must provide us with direction and goodness.

The Collapse of the Universe

How will the apocalypse break? It will only cover the world and the solar system; Or will it encompass the entire universe? Will the Earth's stink and the solar system and the universe be in the same cross section?

"Are they waiting for the Day of Resurrection to come suddenly? Certainly His signs have been revealed. (16) But, unfortunately, "most people do not believe in the future" (17).

"The heavens and the earth are the unseen Allah. The command to that hour / the end of the world is like a blink of an eye, even close to it. Allah's power is enough for all things. "(18) Just as the body that created the Creator gave its body suddenly, Every job that seems to be on its way is suddenly reversed.

The threats are increasing in my world. Recently a meteorite tangent near the earth. (19) Could scientists be sure if a meteorite would hit it, could they explain it to us? Mikhail Smirnov of the Russian Academy of Sciences declared that "the meteorite will not fall within 175 years". According to Smirnov, "until that time mankind has already found that they will destroy their meteorites" (20)

According to a study published in Science magazine, a meteorite of a kilometer-wide meteorite struck the earth on March 16, 2880. Scientists believed that we could improve the technology of altering the orbit of the meteorite. Even Jon D. Giorgin from the Jet Propulson Laboratory was not worried because he thought that we would take advantage of him for the longest time in the future. (21) The same foolishness and the same distraction ...

The meteorites, the stones are the work of business. The Divine Power directed towards the collapse of the universe flows into the world through the breath of Israfil (as) from universal angels. If the energy spreading over the Israfil breaks the energy balance of the universe, the system starts to collapse. Unbalance reaches every grain; The universe begins to collapse with galaxies and sky floors. On that day the wall was blown; And whoever is in the heavens and the earth, they will be struck down and destroyed, except those whom Allah pleases. (22)

The universe expands like a stretched rubber sheet; All the particles from atoms to galaxies are moving away from each other. Scientists think that this situation may arise from the hidden darkness within the universe. (23) You can imagine the universe, the result of the withdrawal of that energy, in the hands of a hidden energetic that is dozens of times larger than itself.

Whether it is the coming, curtaining for a reason suddenly created, or the process of destruction initiated with or without reason, surrounds the world. A meteor strikes; The energy balances of the universe are distorted; Solar systems and galactic systems collapse? How it is, the apocalypse begins.

If God draws back the force that the heavens and the earth have sent to the electrons from the Unseen, imagine what they will be in that moment. All the clocks of the universe clock break apart; The particles of the substance maker flare out of their places like arcs. There is an indescribable looseness and the disappearing and extinction like foam.

The earth's death is terrifying: (24) When the earth is shaken and the earth's weights are removed ... (24) The earth is shaken violently, the mountains are sprinkled as it is sprinkled, It will return to the sand pile!
Death spreads to the house. (28) The sky cracked with his horror, and his promise was fulfilled. "(29) When that ostrich, the lunar eclipse, the sun, and the moon He will be gathered together ... On that day the man will say, "Where to escape!" (30)

We would have fallen into the darkness as the sun entered a curtain. If the creator stops the reflections of the light, the moment, there is no universe at the moment. We are making apocalyptic scenarios.

Return to Absence

When the Day of Resurrection is reached, people around the world will be living with only their physical pleasures, indifferent and insensitive people. If they see all the signs, they will still figure out how to get rid of it in a certain way, they will linger, they will continue their revolt.

Such an earthquake will be shaken by the noise that many hearts will explode in the chest. Most of them will crack the brain vessels on the spot. Think of the flames that stretch out from you to the Moon. The seas are flowing out of the sky. The mountains are torn from the foundation, the floors are falling, you are watching out of the ground. The earth is screaming death, the sky is death.

At the apocalypse, angels, demons, demons, spirits are powerless and helpless, astonished, shivering. The universe was born and was not confronted with such incredible horror. "O people! Fear your Lord! Because the earthquake is a terrible thing in the time of the earthquake! "(31)

Every living creature witnesses the horrors of doom until death. After people die, they continue to see events with their souls. The destruction is experienced in the presence of the spirits of the principal. The Berzah universe is also torn apart. The terrors of the fires of hell are confused with the heralds of those who wait for heaven.

They take the execution prisoners at night and take them to the galleries or galleries. They also crowns the leaders who have been elected in great ceremonies ... On that day, everyone feels they will live soon. Everything will be revealed in the presence of everyone; Soon will be the greatest settlement of history.

"On that day we will take the pages of the chest books as we bend." The material of the universe collapses, the systems disperse. The collapse of galaxies follows the closure of the storm floods. The souls and the angels are gone, and the final judgment of the verse (33) takes place.

The apocalypse is broken. Time is over and no one else's body will be destroyed. All things are only knowledge of Allah. The last page of a great novel has also been experienced and tarihe has been sent. Everything in the name of matter and body has gone out like foam; The universe melts like a candle.

(1) The Qur'an, Taha 15.
(2) The Qur'an, Psalm 187.
(3) The Qur'an, the Reckon 34.
(4) The Qur'an, Najm 57.
(5) The Qur'an, Najm 60.
(6) See. Hürriyet, 27.10.2002 ... In addition, I mentioned this issue for the first time in my article published in New Asian Journal dated 18.11.2002 under the heading "When will the Doomsday break?"
(7) Al-Berzenci, Doomsday Portraits (Istanbul: Pamuk Yay., 2002) from Celaleddin Suyuti's book titled "al-Kashfu fi Mücazeveti Hazin al-Ummati al-Elfe Ellezi Dellet Aleyh al-Asar" p. 299.
(8) We are now Hijri 1426 (Miladi 2005). About the topic bk. Bediüzzaman, Kastamonu Lahikası, p. 23.
(9) After completing all kinds of information about the Apocalypse, I can now write my book, and I renewed my computer. I was then taken to the formattan so that I learned that I had removed the apocalypse.
(10) Milliyet, "Is the apocalypse on 13 April 2029?" (25.12.2004).
(11) Homeland, "Meteor Alarm", (10.4.2005).
(12) Hürriyet, "Giant explosion in the Milky Way" (20.02.2005).
(13) "He will only come to you suddenly" (Qur'an, A'raf 187).
(14) Hürriyet, "The world has 60 years life" (07.11.2004).
(15) NTVMSNBC, "We have one or two generation times" (10.01.2003).
(16) Qur'an, Muhammad 18.
(17) Qur'an, the believer 59.
(18) The Qur'an, Nahl 77.
(19) Hürriyet, "A meteoric tangent passed" (19.03.2004).
(20) Hürriyet, "175 year meteor will not fall" (05.02.2001).
(21) In the evening, "Resurrection after 878 years" (05.04.2002).
(22) Qur'an, Zumer 68. Hz. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) described the great angel Israfil (as) as "the prophet of the wall" Gabriel (as), on the left Hz. It indicates that Mikail (as) is located. (Abu Dawud, Hurufve'l-Kıraat 1, 3999) With these three, Azrael (pbuh) represents four very large fields of energy, consciousness and order, spread over the dimensions of the universe. We understand that Israfil (as) represents the field of energy that plays a role in the fundamental destruction and resurrection of God's universe.
(23) The known baryonic material (galaxies) of the universe is 4% of the total body. It is thought that 75% is black energy and the rest is dark matter. See. Http: //universe.gsfc. Nasa. Gov / science / darkenergy.html
(24) The Qur'an, Zilzal 1-2.
(25) The Qur'an, the Foundation 4-6.
(26) The Qur'an, the Müzzemmil 14.
(27) Qur'an, Murselat 8-11.
(28) Qur'an, Infitar 1-3.
(29) Qur'an, Müzzemmil 18.
(30) Qur'an, Doomsday 7-10.
(31) The Qur'an, Hajj 1.
(32) Qur'an, Enbiya 104.
(33) The Qur'an, November 88.
