12 December 2017

Signs of Hazrat Mahdi (as)

1- Breaking of the Moon

The hour is near (the Hour of Judgment) and the Moon is split. (Surat al-Kamer, 1)

The verse which was revealed in Surat Al-Kamer fourteen hundred years ago was realized on the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969. American astronauts stepping on the Moon, doing scientific research on the moon land, the stone and soil samples are in full compliance with the statements in the verse of the moon. (Most surely Allah knows)

1 - Month-to-Splitting

2- Iran-Iraq War

The uprising in the Shawwal month The war in Zilkade, the war will be in Zilhicce. (Portents of Doomsday, page 166)

The uprising in Shawwal ... >> As the first uprising against the Shah of Iran was known, the 5th Shawwal was stated in 1398 (September 8, 1976).

There will be a war in Zilkade and a war in Zilhicce ... >> Hijri 1400 The war between Iran and Iraq started in full in the Zilchic (October 1980).

2 - Iran - Iraq War

3- Occupation of Afghanistan

It was a pity to Talikan (Afghanistan). There is no doubt that Allah Teala has treasures of gold and silver. "(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.59)

There is a sign that Afghanistan will be occupied at the end of the year. Indeed, the 1979 Hijri of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan dates back to 1400, in other words the Hijri falls into the beginning of the 14th century.

There are treasures of gold and silver ... >> In this part of the ritual, attention is drawn to the material richness of Afghanistan. Today, large oil deposits, iron basins and coal mines uncovered for various reasons have been identified in Afghanistan.

3 - Afghanistan-Invasion

4. Cutting of the Euphrates Water

The Messenger of Allah said: (1) The Day of Resurrection will not come unless the Euphrates River is watered (2) and goes out from under a mountain. (Riyazü's Salehin, 3/332)

(1) The water of the Euphrates is withdrawn ... ... In the book of Suyuti, this hadith is mentioned as "stopping the water". Indeed, Keban Dam cut off the water of the Euphrates River.

(2) Unless you go out to a mountain from "Gold" ... >> Thanks to the dam constructed; the production of electricity, the use of collected water in the field to increase the efficiency of the soil, and the availability of transportation, the land has become as precious as "gold".

4 - Breaking of-the-Water Firat

5- Moon and Sun Eclipses During Ramadan

There are 2 signs for the Mahdi ... First of these, the first night of Ramadan is the holding of the Sun in the middle of the second of the Moon. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, page 47)

In accordance with this incident, in the year 1981 (Hijri 1401), on the 15th day of the month of Ramadan, on the Moon, on the 29th day, the sun was kept. Again in "second", in the year 1982 (Hijri 1402), on the 14th day of the month of Ramadan, on the Moon and on the 28th day the sun was kept.

5 - Ramadan, the month-on-month in-and-solar-eclipse

6- Composition of the Comet

Before he comes, a comet will appear that gives the light of the east. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.

The birth of that star will be after the eclipse of the Sun and Moon. (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.32)

As the saying goes:

- In 1986 (Hijri 1406), in the beginning of the 14th century, "Halley" passed the comet near our Earth. This comet is a brightly lit star.

6 - Comet-to-be born star

7- Rape of the Kabe and Blood in the Kaaba

In the year when he comes out, people will leave without an order at the beginning of the pilgrimage ... They all will marry Beyt-i Sharif, then they will attack the Mina, like dogs, the peeps will be robbed and the blood will flow on the Aqaba Cemres. (Portents of Doomsday, pp. 168-169)

In the above hadiths, "a year that will come out of it" is pointed out to a massacre that will take place during the Hajj at the time of Mahdi's departure. Such a massacre took place in 1979 during the Hajj raid. This bloody Kabe raid came to fruition on the first day of Hijri 1400, 1 Muharrem 1400 (November 21, 1979), just before the beginning of the time of Ahir and the revelation of the other signs of the coming of the Mahdi.

7 - Kabe-printing-and-Kaaba in-blood-drained

8- Determination of an Alametin from the Sun

He (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) will not come until the appearance of a sign from the Sun. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, page 47)

One of the signs of the doom is the extraordinary nature that will enter the sun. In the 20th century, there was a big explosion in the Sun and the Earth was very influenced by this explosion. It may be the great explosion of the 20th century, which is to be seen in the hadeeth sun.

8 - Signs of the Sun-in-the-Fade

9- Change of systems

A man called Mahdi will come in a time when the time is up (the time is cut) ... (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamet al Mahdiiy al Ahir Zaman, p.14)

In this hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) said that the Mahdi would "come to a time when the time had changed", that is, as the commentary of many hadiths expressed, that "the time changed" and "the systems changed". What is meant by this "systemic change" to this hadith is likely to be the destruction of communist regimes all over the world in the 20th century towards the end of the century.

9 - Change-rating system

10- A Fit with Dusty Smoke

A dusty smoky, dark corruption will be seen, and others will follow it ... (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Ahir Zaman, p.

In this case, it is mentioned that before Hazrat Mahdi (as) 's inauguration, a dusty, smoky, dark struggle will be seen. It is possible that the hadith will point to the attack on September 11, 2001, which is considered to be the greatest terrorist event in the history of the world, which occurred in the cities of New York and Washington, United States of America. As witnessed on television screens and newspapers, after these two major terrorist events, a large dust cloud and smoke surround the environment.

10 - Powder-smoky-A-Corruption

11- Expansion of massacres

Before the Mahdi, there will be a great cause to widespread massacres (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar Fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.37)

Much of the hadith our Prophet (saas) uttered about the coming of the Mahdi emphasize that confusion, insecurity and restlessness will prevail in the world before the coming of the Mahdi. In addition to wars and conflicts, the massacres of the massacre are among the distinctive features of this period. It is also pointed out that the massacres of the hadis will be widespread, that is, they will live all around the world.

11 --Square-arrive of the commonly-slaughter

12- Death of Damascus and Egyptian Citizens

Before that, the mamas of Damascus and Egypt will be killed (the ruler, the landowner) ... (El-Kavlu'l Muqtasar Fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.

This hadith Hz. It is pointed out that the Prophet (saas) and Egyptian leaders will be killed before the coming of the Mahdi (as) . When Egypt's recent history is examined, it is seen that a "malice" has been killed as indicated in the hadith: Enver Sadat, who took over Egypt in 1970 and remained in power for 11 years (pictured right).

12 - Melik Damascus and Egypt-the-Slaying

13- Destruction of cities

"The big cities will perish like yesterday, as if they were not there." (Kitabul Burhan fi Alametin Mehdiyyil Ahir Zaman, p.

The destruction and destruction of the great cities mentioned in the hadiths as well as the ruined floors brings to mind the destruction that has come to the fore as a result of wars and various natural disasters. In addition, the recent use of nuclear weapons, aircraft, bombs, fuzzers and similar weapons in wars has also caused great damage. These destructive weapons have led to devastation that is not comparable to those in history. Of course, the "big cities" in the target location were also affected first by these demolitions.

13 - City of-Never-Must

14- Fourth Peace and Arab-Israeli Peace

Abu Naim quoted from Abu Naam, the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: Four people will be between you and the people (called the Greeks in a copy), the fourth will be through a man of Heraklius, and this will last seven years. It was said: "O Messenger of Allah, who is the imam of people that day?" He said: "He is forty years old from my child, Mehdi." (Portents of Doomsday, Osman Çataklı, 299/8)

Hadiste Hz. One of the signs of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be found on earth with Jesus. According to this order, a peace agreement will be made between Muslims and non-Muslims for the 4th time, this agreement will last 7 years.

14 - Fourth-and-Peace-Arab-Israeli Peace

Loss of an Army

An army comes for battle, when the battle enters, the battle begins and ends, and the enemies do not survive. (Hanbel, Tirmizi, Ibni Mace, Abu Dawud, History of the Future 4, p.30)

It was one of the most striking events of the war that almost all of the Iraqi army was destroyed almost instantly during the Iraq War in 2003. In many newspapers and on television, the disappearance of nearly 60,000 soldiers, known as the Republican Guards, and about 15,000 Iraqi troops, known as the Feders, were reported. Attention is drawn to this issue in the above hadiths, Hz. It shows that the incident of "the sinking of an army", one of the manifestations of the Mahdi (as), may have taken place. As a matter of fact, the fact that some of the war planes are buried under the desert sands in the coming days strengthens the possibility that the incident is related to the Iraqi army.

15 - The Disappearance of-a-Army

16- Destruction of Baghdad by Flames

By the time Baghdad is destroyed by flames ... (Risalet al-Huruc-ul-Mahdi, Volume 3, p.177)

In the 2003 Iraq War, from the first day of the war, Baghdad became one of the busiest bombed cities. The heavy bombardment caused the nights of Baghdad to flame like the news of the hadith. The images reflected in Baghdad's newspaper and television news are exactly the same as the case in the above hadith. This is one of the clear manifestations of what we have in time.

16 - Baghdad-with Flame-N-BE

17- Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

There will be a peace agreement in Beyt-i Makdis. (Risale-ul Huruc-ul Mahdi, volume 3, p.184)

Beyt-i Makdis is a name of Masjid al-Aqsa. It may be mentioned in this hadith that there is a peace agreement to be made in Jerusalem, called Beyt-i Makdis. As a matter of fact, conflict and tension in the Palestinian territories continue to be over fifty years. But the peace talks in Oslo in 1993 have been an important step in bringing peace and security to these lands. Although some of the decisions taken in Oslo are not fair and some can not be fully implemented, it is important for the two sides to agree on certain issues. In 2003, peace negotiations between the two sides continued, especially the "Roadmap" initiative.

17 - Israel-Palestine-Peace-Talks

18- Restructuring of Iraq

The Day of Resurrection will not happen unless you attack Iraq. And innocent people in Iraq look for refuge in Damascus. Damascus is restructured and Iraq is restructured. (Kenzul Ummal, Kitab-ul Kashkame part-ul efal, c.5, p.254)

Hadiste is pointing out that Iraq will be rebuilt. After the Iran-Iraq War, then the Gulf War, and finally the Iraq War in 2003, many cities in Iraq have been in place. The rebuilding of Iraq, which has been transformed into a huge ruin by the effects of the looting that took place after this war, has become compulsory. This situation is also very broad in newspaper news.

18 - Iraq-Re-Structuring

19- Fitnels in Damascus

In Damascus, as the tides calm down from one side, it flares from the other side. An angel caller "Your Mahdi is your commander. The Mahdi Halifenizdir "does not end the welfare. (Risale-ul Huruc-ul Mahdi, p. 63)

Damascus means "left" in the Arabic word sense and refers to the countries to the left of the Hicaz region (the region of Mecca and Medina). Since the beginning of the century, there have been frequent civil wars, revolutions, conflicts and major wars in this region. One of these confusions has triggered the other, almost all the people living in these lands were affected. It is also remarkable in this respect that the phrase "the fisheye is calmed down from one side and extinguished by the other", which is reported to Hadith. In about fifty years, we can list the major events that took place in this region: the Suez War, the Six Days Wars, the Battle of Yom Kippur, the Lebanese Civil War, the ongoing conflicts and tensions in the Palestinian territories ...

19 - Damascus-strife

20- War between Neighborhoods

Do you see the destruction places that I am seeing? I have seen among your houses the fate and the catastrophic neighborhoods of the violent rains that the seller has opened.
(Sahih-i Muslim, 4/2221, Death-Doomsday-Hereafter and Ahir Zaman Portents, p.368, no.

The method of guerrilla warfare is a method of war that has widespread in the 20th century. The conflicts in which this method is used always continue between the neighborhoods. The century we passed is filled with examples of this method of war.

20 - Quarter-including-War

21- Killing innocent children

When an innocent child is murdered from the Prophet Muhammad, an angel from the heaven shouts, 'The truth is in him (in the Mahdi) and with him'. (Sabban Isafur Ragibin, p.154)

One of the most important signs of Ahir's time is the killing of innocent children. The examples of this situation are seen particularly intensely in the wars and conflicts that have taken place in recent years. In some civil wars in African countries small children are forced to fight and mercilessly slaughtered is one of these examples. One of the places where children are heavily targeted is the Palestinian lands. In 2002-2003, more than 500 children in Palestine were targeted by Israeli soldiers' bullets and lost their lives. During the Iraq War, the birth homes were shot and many children were killed.

21 - innocent-child-killing

22- Growth of Pitts

When the apocalypse approaches, and the hearts of believers; When my sons weaken by reason like death, hunger, the loss of fathers, circumcision, the emergence of bid'ahs, the emiri bil maruf and nehyi anıl munker (ordering the good and forbidding evil), the Mahdi and Cenab-ı hak circumcisions are renewed. Through his justice and blessing, the hearts of the believers are settled among the Acem (non-Arab) and Arab nations.
(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, page 66)

For the believers with sound faith, the spiritual environments lead to the strengthening of their faith, the increase of their patience and their rank in the Hereafter, but the weak and superficial believers lose faith or weaken their faith. The Mahdi will emerge in a period when this kind of corruption environment is most intense and violent.

22 - Fitnah of-Proliferation

23- A Fit that reaches everywhere

There will be a fitna that no one will be shielded from it, it will spread from one place to another, and this will continue until a man named the world says: "O people, your command is now the Mahdi." (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.23)

In the hadiths, everybody is talking about a fitna to reach and spread quickly. That is to say, a faithfulness that will be heard by everyone, against the faithful and against Allah, will aim at the faith of men. Today, the most widespread notion of the existence of God and religion is materialist philosophy. The supposed scientific basis upon which this philosophy is based is the theory of evolution. If it is not based on any scientific or logical evidence, it is totally intellectually and scientifically intensive, it is tried to be imposed on massive materialist centers around the world by means of intense propaganda, deception and fascination.

23 - Reaching-Every-ground-a-Fitnah

24- Halal Counting of Haram

A fitna is seen, followed by other fights. From then on all the haram will come to a halal countenance. (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.26)

Today, many acts such as prostitution, gambling, drinking, bribery are being processed in a growing proportion in many countries of the world, despite their being forbidden. In some Western newspapers and television, those who process these haramings are often praised and encouraged, even those who do not. Statistics show that the number in this issue is increasing. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) 's inhabitant of this dark environment, the news of the Prophet. It indicates that the coming of Jesus (pbuh) is also getting closer.

24 - Halal Haram of-the-Numbers

25- Explicitly Denying Allah

The Day of Resurrection will not come unless Allah is clearly denied. (Kitabul Burhan fi Alamit Mehdiyyil Ahir Zaman, p.

Atheism, which is a heresy to deny God, has become widespread since the end of the 19th century. With the spread of materialism and Darwinism, the number of atheists trapped in the misconception that they have found a philosophical and supposed scientific foundation has increased in the 20th century. Atheists were able to propagate their heresy in this period. Atheism is condemned to disappear by God's will with the idea struggle that sincere believers will carry.

25 - God's clearly-Denial-of-being

26- Acquisition of other gods by Allah

Some people from my ummah will not return to idols until the temple. (Portents of Doomsday, page 241)

Obtaining God besides Allah is certainly a great heresy and a sin. Some people, when it comes to the idea of ​​worshiping idols, think they are only referring to worshiping sculptures made of stone, such as those made by past societies. However, this is a mistake. A person who engages in circus is not just a person who worships man-made idols. As Allah has revealed in the Qur'an, to believe without believing "means to believe in religion only to Allah, by believing in the truth only in the hope of Allah's intercession and mercy". On the other hand, the number of people who sincerely believe in uncon- sciousness will diminish, the number of people who worship for show-offs, and who have acquired some superstitious beliefs from Allah's righteous religion will increase.

26 - God's God-from-another-Acquisition

27- Marking the Expansion of Materialist Philosophy

When the letters of Bismillah are lost, the Mahdi will appear. (Risalet-ul huruc-ul-Mahdi, p.29)

It is the intention to say "feed" that people may have a viewpoint of religious moral values ​​and their beliefs. As a matter of fact, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at a time when people's beliefs are at fault, and they will abstain from these ideas. When considered in this respect, the expression that has been revealed may be a sign that the influence of the materialist and Darwinist philosophy on humans will be overwhelming. Hz. Jesus, who will come before Hz. One of Hazrat Mahdi (as) 's appointees - and perhaps most importantly - He is preparing the environment for Jesus.

27 - materialist philosophy-of-the-Proliferation Signaling

28- Days of Anarchy and Confusion

There are days of anarchy and turmoil near the apocalypse. (Suyuti, Cami'is Sagir, 3/211)

Anarchy and conflict are one of the most prominent features of the century we left behind. Civil wars, revolutions and revolts have cost thousands of lives, and security and peace have become one of the greatest aspirations of people. Civil wars that do not end in some African countries, revolutions and revolts in some countries, especially in South America, conflicts and wars in South Asia, and tensions in the Middle East are just some examples of this confusion.

28 - Anarchy-and-mayhem-Days

29- Peaceful Development

Because all the hearts are bad, some people talk to each other and make peace and alliance. However, unless there is a period in which the opposition to peace and alliance is in their hearts, the Resurrection will not happen. (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Ahirzaman Portents, pp. 382, ​​No. 701)

The above hadith is clearly evident today. Especially peace between Israel and Palestine, despite all attempts and efforts, could be one of the events pointed out by the hadith. (Most surely, Allah knows.) Moreover, today, there are demonstrations by peacemakers all over the world for peace settlement, war and fighting on earth. However, all these demonstrations can not prevent the ongoing conflict, war and massacres in many parts of the world, not just in the Middle East.

29 - The Peace-Kalkman

30- Having the Revolutions

... (At that time) there are many wars, confusion, revolutions, and people kill each other. People take their own lives and cover the earth. (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 482, No. 901, Kitab-nihaye, İbn-i Kesir, 1/131)

The increase of internal conflicts and revolutions is the important information that our Prophet (saas) gives about the time of the fall. Since the end of the 20th century, there have been revolutions, bumps and counter-bumps all over the world, mainly in Central and South American countries like Salvador, Nicaragua. In Central America at the beginning of the 1980s, conflicts of interest between a group of executive and military leaders, and the strengthening of guerrilla movements organized in rural areas, turned into an atmosphere of great conflict and chaos, affecting nearly 22 million people. With the revolutions, the Somoza government was overthrown in Nicaragua, and there were great revolts in Honduras, El Saldavor and Guetemala. During all these events alone, in 1982, 15 thousand people lost their lives in the region in question.
