14 December 2017

Hazrat Mahdi 313 (Ashabi) Military Hadith

"Kaim (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) is a young man who is in the jungle and inside of the a. However, the rubbing in the eye, or the salt in the mouth, is cured and the least of the salt is salt.
"(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p

. Hazrat Mahdi (as) 's flag will be light, light yellow, a little YOUNG.
"(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p

. (A ) Ahir Zaman (pbuh), chapter: 5 (pbuh), the Prophet (pbuh) will know that the helpers of the Prophet (saas) will not be as sad as they are about GOD. Mikyal al-Mekarim, vol. 1, p. 65)

Hz. The souls of Hazrat Mahdi (as) are light like lamps, and their hearts are enlightened.
(Mikyal al-Mekarim, Vol: 1, page 65)

"He said:" Seek them on the edges of the earth. Their lives are steadfast, their houses are on their backs, if they are ready they will not be recognized, if they are lost, they will not come to them, no one will come to them if they want to get married, if they do not join the fatal folks. They share their property equally among themselves and visit one another in their tombs, even if they are in separate cities, their will is always the same. "
(Gaybet-i Numani, p.239)

"I seem to see them; SAME COLOR, THE SAME SIZE, FACE THE SAME AND WEAR THE SAME ... as Hazrat Mahdi (as) allegiance would have. "
(Ibn peacock, hand-Melah my wal-Fitan, p.122)

" including women, also found 31 They form a group of 3 people. They will prevail against each other. Their hearts are like iron, and they are lions in the day, and they are in the night. Neither the first nor the succeeding ones can reach them in sacrifice. "
(Eq . (1) -" En-Najmu's-sibib fi declaration

" The soldiers of the world will be born and wandering the Faith of Hz. The Mahdi (as) is their friends. "(Mahdi, Ansariyan Publications, Iran, p: 75 in the Qur'an According to the Shi'a Qur'an Tefsirciler)

"With the permission of Allah they (Hazrat Mahdi (as) soldiers) revel in the dead ... " (Bihar-ül Envar, Vol. 52, Page 318, Mikyaal al-Makaarem, Volume 1, Page 148 Basaaer al-Darajaat ' from transfers.)

Hazrat Mahdi (as) soldiers WORLD iN SEVERAL will roam power per minute .
(Mikyal al-Mekarim, Volume: 1, page 144)


... (Hazrat Mahdi (as) 'ın talebeleri) WELCOME ON WATER AND WELCOME ON PEOPLE ...
(Bihar-ül Envar, ; Mikyaal al-Makaarem, Volume 1, Page 148 from Basaaer al-Darajaat)

Hz. Ali (as) will say: "... Allah is the Prophet. The Prophet (saas) protects his helpers, helps them with their sight and portraits, and sets them on the surface of all human beings. Thus, people will not want to deserve the right. "

Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as) 's helpers are natual and educated. (Al-Melahim and al-Fitan, p. 205)

His side (Hazrat Mahdi (as) will inevitably come CHOSEN, AND LEAVE they will ELIMINATED. MAJORITY not EXCEED THIS SCREENING. (Gaybet'ül Nomani, Chapter 12, page 299)

"When you hear people coming from the East and who are the lovers (very intelligent, very intelligent, very understanding, wide-minded), and who have heard that the peoples of the people who have taken care of the lovers, they have fallen on the shadow of judgment." (Naim bin Hammad Kitab -ul Fiten-121)

... Hz. The Prophet said ... The Gabriel informed me that the Ahl al-Bayt will be persecuted after him. This tyranny is theirs, Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will come to appear, THEY will (HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) AND TALENT) HAVE TO HELP THE UNIVERSE AND THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY. WE WILL REDUCE THOSE WHEN THEY WILL REDEVE THAT, AND THEY WILL BE DISAPPOINTED AND EXPERIENCED. (Leaders of Hidayet, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, Volume 1, p. 314)

Hz. Mahdi (pbuh) against will be more obedient and subservient is against the lord of a slave . (Mikyal hand-I Space, Volume 1, page 65)

Cafe takes Juaf, Imam Muhammad bin Ali al from Bakr would narrated as follows:

" Hz. Mahdi (AS) 313 will be military there when Zuhr meat, they are before them without any agreement, LIKE THE SKY agglomerations DIFFERENT CLOUD TOGETHER are the FUTURE. " (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 223)
" This is God's "... Wherever you are, God will bring you together. Allah has power over all things "(Surat al-Bakr, 148)

Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be composed of believers who Allah has heard from them in Kalu Bela 

Ali bin Ebu Hamza says: Imam Abu Abdullah Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Allah (as) Hazrat Mahdi most of the people will deny it. Because he will appear as a young man. (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) will only permit the beliefs of Allah in the sight of Zerr. " 
(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p 247)

"They are visionary, prejudiced and humble. They do not show interest in the world's goods, they have faith and wisdom,... Compassion, compassion, honor and cehd. They are steel-hearted and powerful. They are tired, they are strong. They are so durable that they are sent to the mountains and they are punctured by holes. Those who believe in Hakka, the devotees who obey and surrender to the Guide (to Merehdi (as)), the love of martyr, the willingness to reach Allah, the sacrifices raised on the brink of danger and difficulties ... Patience is their feature. Trust is their way. Steel-hearted, iron-steadfast, night prayers are decadent, conceivable, each one of the forty men of strength. "
(Safi Golpeygani, Muntahab al-Eser, p.
