Muaz Ibn Jabel (r.a) said that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
"Beytu'i-Makdis" is immanent to the ruins of Metlnin, to the great war of Medina, to the conquest of Istanbul, and to the conquest of Istanbul to Dajjal.
Then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) struck the knee, or shoulder [9], of the one he spoke with (Muaz b. "Certainly, it is as if you were here - or as you sit here." [10]
Muaz b. Cebel (r.a) 'is narrated; The Prophet (pbuh) said:
The great battle, the conquest of Istanbul and the departure of Dajjal will be within seven months. "[12]
Tirmizi says, "This is a strange thing, we know this only from this way" for this hadith. Sarihlar Hadith is Abu Bakr b. They say that Abi Mary can not be taken care of with the incident. [13]
4296 ... Abdullah b. Busr (r.a) said that; The Prophet (pbuh) said:
(Great) "There are six years between the conquest of war and the conquest of Istanbul.
Abu Davud says:
This hadith is safer than the hadith of Jesus (the previous hadith). [14]
Nations Involve Against Wetting (Fighting)
4297 ... Sevban (r.a) Men are narrated that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
"Soon the nations will invite one to fight against you, just as they invite the eaters (others) to their bowls."
"Will this be because of our weakness that day?"
Prophet (p.
"No, on the contrary, you will be as crowded as that day in the flood, but you will be as weak as the hurricane in front of you, and Allah will take away your feelings of fear from you in the heart of your enemies. Again a man:
What is Vehn? or the Messenger of Allah,
"Vehn is to love the world (much) and see death as bad" [17]. [18]
[9] The doubt belongs to one of the ravens.
[10] Ahmed, b. Hanbal V, 222, 245.
Sünen-i Abu Davud Terceme ve Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14 / 417-418
[11] Sünen-i Abu Dawud Terceme and Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14 / 418-419.
[12] The redness. filen 58: Ibn Mace. filen 35; Ahmet b. Hanbal V, 234.
Sünen-i Abu Davud Terceme ve Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14/419.
[13] Sünen-i Abu Dawud Terceme and Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14/419.
[14] Ibn Mace, fîten 35.
Sünen-i Abu Dawud Terceme ve Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14/420.
[15] Sünen-i Abu Dawood Terceme and Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14/420.
[16] This terceme was made according to the description of Avni al-Ma'bud. According to Izzahl in Bezl al-Mechûd, "they are gathered around the nails of the diners").
[17] Ahmet, II, 259; V. 278.
[18] Sünen-i Abu Dawud Terceme and Şerhi, Şamil Publishing House: 14/421
Masih Dajjal
Sheikh Nazim The Battle of Melhame-i Cubra and Amik Ovası in Cypriot Language
Monday, November 13, 2017
Sheikh Nazim The Battle of Melhame-i Cubra and Amik Ovası in Cypriot Language
Diterbitkan 11/13/2017
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