The Great Anunnaki Empire (Anunnaki)
[2] The meaning of the word of the moment in Sumerian language is "coming from the sky into the world". The old ahitte has been questioned and interpreted as "giants" in the sense that the last meaning of the "Nefilim" word is "sent down", and has been traced back to ancient civilizations.
[3] Zecharia Sitchin has pursued a lifelong research on the inconsistencies of the Bible. The journalist's question is extremely right. The word "Nefilim" is not a "giant"; have been described by many researchers as the heroic beings and the ancient heroes who have emerged as the result of sexual intercourse of Human women. [4]
The concept of "Anunnaki", which means "descendants from the sky" in ancient Sumerian texts, is not a mythological god of dream products, but a special one used to describe "strangers" who descended from our planet Marduk hundreds of thousands of years ago and established a colony on it! Similarly, according to Sitchin, in the sixth verse of Tekvin, the first chapter of the Torah, in the Qur'an describing the pre-Flood era, this foreign al-Qurka was referring to this foreign al-Qaqa himself, "Those times were Nephilim on earth, they were powerful and famous men of old times". The word "Nephilim", some of which have been changed to "Devler" in the modern dialect, also came to mean in the old Hebrew, just like "Anunnaki" in Sumerian language, "those descending from above." [5]
Sitchin et al., A well-known scholar of Russian origin, have begun to interpret the Sumerian tablets with the thought that Sumerian will be written as understood and perceived rather than as a myth after being learned fluently, but with the support of his theory of archaeological finds, the written history does not reflect reality at all. The end of his research is the same thing as the Ancient which Neo-fascination with Sumerian mentions.
And this idea is an idea that all senior executives, from Freemasonry to the Thule association, know and adhere to.
The story of Anunnaki is shudder; 450,000 years ago, a group of human-like alien beings came to Earth called the Earth. The planet they arrive is described as "Nibiru" in the name of the Sumerians and "12th Planet" in the ancient Sumerian literature. In 1981, American astronomers were working on the possibility of a tenth planet in our Solar System. Images of a satellite telescope rotating around the Earth and irregularities in the orbit of Plato have convinced scientists that it is another planet.
If the evidence of the United States Navy observation house is true; this is evidence of how advanced the Sumerians are in the field of astronomy. Since the Sumerians, Moon and Sun are also included in the solar system; This number 12 is astonishingly correct. The Sumerians have defined planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluton very accurately and have prepared their diagrams, and the impossibility of doing them without a telescope allows us to make a design for Sumerians. Hele takes into account that Uranus is 1781, Neptune is 1846, Pluto is in 1930 ... [4]
Enuma Elish, known as the last interpretation of the Sumerian texts, a featured epic of creation, offers incredible information about the state of our solar system.
In the Sumerian texts, a traveler plan called Nibura a long time ago, about four billion years ago, has entered our solar system, and a large planet called Tiamat has missed a glimpse of it, resulting in serious gravitational problems. Afterwards, Marduk in nibiru- Tiamat was really shot and bombed by the Nibiru nun officer. The other half of the planet ran to a new orbit near the sun, which led to the earth yelling in time, while the various fragments of the Tiamat In remained in its original orbit forming the asteroid fence. Kingu, one of the nun The moon that we know as the moon has become.
Interestingly enough, this theory logically explains why some parts of the Earth's surface - the Pacific Ocean - are missing, and how the asteroid belt is formed. In much of the world, sea water has been thrown into space with soil and rubble, and they have formed pieces of dirty ice. This theory grew even stronger with some recent findings; Some meteorites found in the Antarctic contain gases from the atmosphere of Mars, while scientists have found microorganisms in a mars meteor that are found to be four billion years old.
Because the orbital passes between Mars and Jupiter, the Nibiru, which is the passage planet, continues to its elliptical orbital orbit, which removes it from the solar system and is again introduced by mass gravity. It is called a winged disk in the corn record.
Life in the world has evolved based on a year of rotation around the sun. The familiar life, compared to the time of rotation around the sun, is about 3,600 times the world time. This situation suggests that life in Nibiru has developed much earlier than in the world.
Nibiru in the Sumerian record, Anunnaki, 450,000 years ago, in the second glacial period of the world, Nibirun's highly developed beings traveled to the Earth after approaching the two planets. How astronauts descend into the ocean as they approach the earth, making the first descent of Anunnakid aqua.Many of these ancient astronauts, There is a camp site that provides water and fuel supply and there is only one zone that fits this place: MEZAPOTAMYA.
Some researchers are skeptical of the fact that this first Ancient settlement remains in the south and is constantly being bombed during wars. When we return to our records, when the absolute Nibiru ruler Anu - or An Yada El directs the operation from the main planet, the two sons of Anu, Enlil and Enki, lead a systematic colonization movement around the world, and the leaders of the whole Anuni then enter the role of Nephilim Yada God. It is NAZI.
Enlil is the commanding officer, and Enki is the manager and science officer. There is enmity between the two siblings regarding the Nibiru protocols. The grandchild has a second degree prefix because it is not the official wife of the mother of the unan.
In one of the well-preserved texts, Enki describes his landing on the Persian Gulf as follows: When I approached the world, I realized that there was a lot of water. When I approached the green meadows, I was elevated by my own emotions and formed kums.
Enki is both a scientist and an engineer. Under the leadership of Noon, the marshes in the northern part of the Persian Gulf are made with dried irrigation channels. Supporting troops come under the leadership of Marduk of the big city. This event which is a very long year in the world time is only a few years for Anunnaki.
Some researchers have produced very complex metaphysical explanations of Anunnaki's work on Earth. Many of them talk about the energy fields and spiritual dimensions that are distorted by the passage of Nibiru. The theory of Stchin and other researchers suggests that colonists are pursuing mineral wealth all over the world;
"The Anunnaki are looking for gold to repair their own atmosphere with the kind of damage we give Ozone thanks to our hydrochlorocarbons."
he explained. Surprisingly today our scientists say that the solution of the best repair of the ozone layer is to throw the tiny gold particles into the atmosphere. But this gold extraction in the Persian Gulf has not been enough to meet its needs. Along with the Varicose Enlil, Anu visits the colony and assigns Enki to find more gold. Enki goes to South Africa and then to South America. It was proven in 1970 that gold was in South America. Excavation traces were found in Central and South America. This Anunnaki gold exploration work continues in certain regions of the planet and explains the spread of man in the beginning. The important support and resource in this regard is the similarity of cities in Mesopotamia with those in Central America. [4]
The Annaks will withdraw from the earth. But the esoteric information they leave is stored in encrypted form in many cultures and communities for thousands of years. These groups include Alchemists, Majus, Kabalists, Gnostiks, Knights and Freemasons. Hiram Abif, who was considered the founder of the Masonry, knew the connection between the real Anunnaki and the God of the Children of Israel named "YHVH" (Yahweh, Jehovah) while performing the Solomon temple in Küdüs 3,000 years ago. Because of this knowledge he was murdered because he disobeyed the Children of Israel. It is said that this information is still in the Masonic mystery. [6]
Anunnaki and Iggy
Before the creation myth, they were divided into gods, masters and slaves. Anunna and Iggy were included in the slave class and were servants of the great gods. The master of the underwater freshwater ocean, EA, refused to be slaves of the gods; they were the servants of the gods upon the creation of men. The place slave gods are also removed from these offices. After that, the Anunnaks and the six gods, Ereşkigal; The gods constitute the god of the sky god Anu. We see that these gods have considerable influence in the Sumerians' religious life and in their many interests. [7]
Esoteric View
Long ago, "Ascended Masters" put into effect a plan to create a "galactic society" in the world. The three points of this plan were as follows:
The rise of new technologies;
Spreading of education;
An income (road-method) to restructure the fortune of the world.
Anunna and his greedy, ego-centered followers wanted some "rewards" in order to guarantee co-operation to execute a plan that would certainly be harmful. New inventions and innovative technologies were needed to sustain the new industrial system and competitive advantage. This ensured the future of conscious-boosting technologies. When this plan was implemented, a globally literate society was desirable, and Anunnaki's world followers allowed this to develop. Because it was a trained work force, serving its own purposes. In the end, a World Trust was set up to handle banking and financial needs. This would constitute the backbone of the foundation of your galactic community at the right time. [8]
Sitchin's Chronology
I. Events before the Deluge (BC)
According to Zecheria Sitchin; 450.000 years ago today, life is going to disappear due to the deterioration of the atmosphere of the planet Nibiru (Marduk), a planet distant from our Solar System, lives on the planet Annaknakis (Nefilimler). The ruler Alalu is taken down by Annu. Alalu escapes from space and finds shelter in the world. He has got into the world and discovers that gold is needed to preserve Nibiru's atmosphere, but gold is not in Nibiru. [9]
445,000 years ago, Anunnaki, the son of Anu 's son Enki, took his head to the Earth and set up the city of Eridu (World Station 1) to take gold from the waters of the Basra Gulf. 430,000 years ago, the climate in the Earth is soft. There are more Anunnaki income in the world, among them Enki's step sister, Ninhursag (Chief Health Officer).
416,000 years ago, when gold production slowed down, Anu went down to Earth with the legitimate presenter Enlil. It is decided that gold with vital presets will be mined in South Africa. The end result of the draw is Enlil's management of the World mission, and Enki, who falls in love, is sent to Africa. When she leaves the world, Anu challenges the grandchild of Alalu.
400,000 years ago, seven functional settlements were established in southern Mesopotamia, with a space station (Sippar), a command center (Nippur), a metallurgy center (Badtibira) and a medical center (Shuruppak). Mine Ore is brought with the ships from Africa. The treated metal is sent to the satellites governed by the "Iggy". Then it is transported to Nibiru by periodically loading it into space ships.
380,000 years ago, the grandson of Alalu, who received the support of Iggids, attempts to seize control over the Earth. The old Gods wins the Enlil side.
300,000 years ago, the Anunnaki 's, who worked in the gold mining industry, will revolt. With Enki and Ninhursag genetic manipulation, Monkey creates primitive workers from women. They take over the choreography of Anunna's. The dominant orders of the Enlil mines lead some primitive workers to Edin in Mesopotamia. Equipped with reproductive skills, Homo sapiens start to multiply.
200,000 years ago, along with the New Ice Age, the living conditions on Earth deteriorate.
100,000 years ago, the climate gets warm again. The Annaks (Nephilim in the holy book) marry human daughters, although Enlil is saddened.
75,000 years ago, "the curse of the world" (a new Glacial Age) begins. The declining types of people spread to the Earth. The Chromium (Cro-Magnon) Human remains alive.
49,000 years ago, Enki and Ninhursag exalt people from the line Anunnaki by allowing them to rule Shuruppak. Enlil, who is angry with him, plans to destroy the human race.
13,000 years ago, Enlil, aware of the fact that Nibiru's passing too close to Earth would create a terrible submarine wave, made the Anunnaki swear on the upcoming catastrophe for hiding from the human race.
II. Post-Flood Events (BC)
11,000 years ago, he ordered the order to destroy an Enki oath and make a ship (submarine) capable of submerging Ziusudra / Noah. The flood occupies the whole world, the Anunnaks witness this massive chaos from the spacecraft in orbit.
Enlil gives seeds and tools to the remains of the human race; thus starting agriculture in high regions. Enki tame some animals.
10,500 years ago, three districts were assigned to those who came from the descendants of Noah. Ninurta, the firstborn son of Enlil, makes water to the mountains to open Mesopotamia to settlement, and opens channels to the rivers. Enki again claims the Nile valley. The Sina peninsula is held by the Anunnakis to build a post-flood space station. Establish a control center on Moria Tepesi (future Jerusalem).
9.870 years ago, Enki's first-born son, Ra / Marduk, divided the dominion over Egypt between Osisirs and Set.
9.330 years ago, the Set seizes Osisirs and breaks apart; Nile announces absolute dominance over the valley.
8,970 years ago, Horus started the first pyramid war, and his father took Osiris' revenge. Set flees to Asia, captures Sinai peninsula and Kenan.
Enlil, who came to take over the administration of all the space facilities at the end of Anki's heirs, started the second pyramid war 8.670 years ago. Ninurta, the winner of the battle, takes all the devices in the Great Pyramid.
Enki and Enlil's half-brother N, nhursag, organizes a peace conference. The division of the world is reconfirmed. Egyptian domination passes from Ra / Marduk to Tot dynasty. Heliopis is built as a backup signal point.
8,500 years ago, the Anunnaks set up control points instead of switching to space facilities. Eriha is one of them.
7,400 years ago, as the Peace period continued, the Anunnaks offered new advances to human beings; Neolithic age begins. In Egypt, the semi-gods go under the rule.
3,800 years ago, when the Anunnakids rebuilt the old cities by starting with Eridu and Nippur, the first bases of urban civilization were laid in Sumer. Anu visits the World for a celebration ceremony. In honor of a new city Uruk (Erek) is built; the temple of the city, the house of his beloved grandson Inanna / Ishtar.
III. The kingdoms of the world (BC)
3.760 years ago, the kingdom of human race is granted. The quiche under Ninurta's dominance is the first capital. The calendar starts at Nippur. Civilization blooms in Sumer (one region).
3.450 years ago, Sumerian supremacy passes to Nannar / Sin. Marduk declares Babylon "The Gate of the Gods" ("Babylonian Tower" incident). The Anunnaks confuse languages of the human race.
Marduk / Ra, who failed the coup attempt, returns to Egypt, dismisses Tot, seizes Dumuzi, who is engaged to Inanna. Dumuzi is the result of an accident; Marduk, alive Great piramide is closed. Thanks to the emergency exit space, it escapes but is sent to exile.
3,100 years ago, 350 years of chaos comes to an end with the first Egyptian Pharaonic king in Memphis. Civilization comes second.
2,900 years ago, the kingdom goes to Uruk in Sumer. The third area is given to Inanna; Civilization begins in the induz valley. 2,650 years ago, Sumer's kingdom capital changed. Kingdoms are back. Enlil loses patience with the obedient human being.
2.371 years ago, Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). Sargon establishes the new capital Agade (Akkad). The foundations of the Akkadian Empire are thus thrown away.
2.316 years ago, Sargon, aiming to manage all four regions at once, receives the monumental land in Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna rivalry fires again. The clash ends when Marduk's brother Nergal goes to Babylon from south Africa and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.
2.291 years ago, Naram-Sin Akkad ascended the throne. The warrior is led by Inanna and enters the Peninsula of Sinai, occupying Egypt.
Twenty-five hundred and fifty-five years ago, Inanna forcibly took over the sanctuary in Mesopotamia; Niram-Sin pollutes the sanctity of Nippur. The Great Anunnaks destroy Akkad. Inanna gets away. Sumer and Akkad, Enlil and Ninurta are invaded by foreign troops.
2.220 years ago, the Sumerian civilization rises to new peaks thanks to the intellectuals of Lagaş. Tot helps King Gudea to build a new ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.
2.193 years ago, Terah, the father of Abraham, was born into a noble family who led the tradition of nephews in Nippur
2.180 years ago, Egypt divided, the fans of Ra / Marduk held the south, opposed the pharaohs to seize the Egyptian throne down.
2.130 years ago, while Enlil and Ninurta gradually moved away from Sumer, central authority in Mesopotamia also remained. It will not be long for Inanna to reclaim the kingdom in Uruk.
IV. Fate Century (BC)
2.123 years ago, Hz. Abraham is born in Nippur.
2.113 years ago, Enlil entrusted the land of Sam to Nannar; Ur becomes the empire's new capital. The board Ur-Nammu comes out and is also called the guardian of Nippur. A Nippurian priest (Terah, Abraham's father) comes to Ur to establish a relationship with the royal sari
2,096 years ago, Ur-Nammu died in battle. The public regards his timeless death as the betrayal of Anu and Enlil. Terah leaves with her family to go to Harran.
2.095 years ago, in the Ur, Shackle emerges, empowering empire ties. As the empire grows, Sulgi gradually grows into Inanna's magic and becomes her love. He gives Larsa to Elam'lılar for being his foreign legion.
2,080 years ago, the Teb princes of Ra / Marduk pressed north under I. Mentuhotep. Marduk's son, Nabu, is a pro-worshiper in West Asia.
2.055 years ago, on the orders of Nannar, Shulgi sent the troops of Elam to suppress the chaos in the cities of Canaan. They reach the entrance of the Sinai peninsula and the Space station.
2,048 years ago, Shulji, he will die. Marduk settles in Hittite country. Hz. Abraham goes to southern Kenan with special horsemen.
2.047 önce, Amar-Sin (Kitabı Mukaddes'teki Amfarel) Ur'un kralı olur. Hz. İbrahim, Mısır'a gider, orada beş yıl kalır; ardından beraberinde daha çok birlikle geri döner.
2.041 yıl önce, İnanna tarafından desteklenen Amar-Sin, Doğu'nun krallarıyla bir koalisyon oluşturur, Kenan ve Sina'ya bir askeri harekat düzenler. Lideri, Elamlı Kedorla'omer'dir. İbrahim Uzay İstasyonu'nun girişinde önlerini keser.
2.038 yıl önce, İmparatorluk parçalanırken Şu-Sin, Ur tahtında Amar-Sin'in yerini alır.
2.029 yıl önce, İbbi-Sin, Şu-Sin'in terine geçer. Batı eyaletleri giderek Marduk'a bağlanır.
2.024 yıl önce, destekçilerinin başını çeken Marduk, Sümer üzerine yürür, Babil'de tahta çıkar. Savaş, Mezopotamya ortalarına kadar yayılır. Nippur'daki Kutsallar Kutsalı'na saygısızlık yapılır. Enlil, Marduk ve Nabu'nun cezalandırılmasını ister. Enki, karşı çıkar; ancak oğlu Nergal, Enlil'in tarafını tutar. Nabu, Kenanlı takipçilerini Uzay İstasyonu'nu ele geçirmeye yönlendirirken; Büyük Anunnakiler, nükleer silah kullanılmasını onaylar. Nergal ve Ninurta, Uzay İstasyonu'nu ve doğru yoldan sapan Kenan şehirlerini yok ederler.
2.023 yıl önce, Rüzgarlar, radyoaktif bulutu Sümer'e taşır. İnsanlar, korkunç şekilde can verirler. Hayvanlar telef olur, su zehirlenir, toprak çoraklaşır. Sümer uygarlığı, bitkin şekilde yere serilir. Mirası 100 yaşında yasal bir varis sahibi olan Hz. İbrahim'in soyuna geçer. Bu mirasçı, soyunu devam ettirecek oğlu Hz. İshak'tır.[10]
[1] Leick, Gwendolyn, "A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology" (NY: Routledge, 1998), s. 7.
[7] Asistan kadriye Tansuğ ve Özel İnanlı, "Sümerlinin Dünya Görüşü ve Babil Edebiyatı'na Toplu Bir Bakış",
[8] Sheldon Nidle, "Spirituel Hiyerarşi ve Galaktik Federasyon", Tercüme: Semra Ekmekci,
[9] "Atlantis ve Nuh Tufanı",
[10] Zecharia Sitchin, "Tanrıların ve İnsanların Savaşı" kitabından.