Hasan Sabbah Poppy and Alamut Fortress
Hasan Sabbah Poppy and Alamut Fortress
Hasan Sabbah is one of the most interesting leaders of the Middle Ages, renowned for the Hashish tradition he founded based on his belief in İsmailism sect. In addition to being an authoritarian leader, Hasan Sabbah has a distinct and deep character with religious knowledge. The factors that make Sabbah different in the history scene are the relentless assassins he has trained and the famous Alamut Fortress, which has survived for 34 years without ever leaving.
Hasan Sabbah was born in Kumm. Although the date of birth is not known clearly, it is said that it came to the world in the middle of the 11th century. He also studied religion in Rey. It is said that his father, who is called Kufe, is devoted to the belief of the Twelve Imams and that he is of Yemen origin. Another rivayette, though not very convincing, is said to have come from the line of the female Himyar. According to a story told, Hasan Sabbah, Omer Hayyam and Nizamülmülk are school friends who have been educated at the same time. According to their solidarity and their promises, if any of them is very successful, they will help others. Nizamulmulk fulfilled this promise after he had ascended to the tops of the state. Ömer Hayyam, a retirement pension is attached to itself, demanding a free and comfortable life. However, Hasan Sabbah wanted to come to a much higher position in the palace. Then, in the process of living, Hasan, who wanted to come to the position of vizier, was asked to give rumors to the vizier in honor of his move. Upon this, Hasan Sabbah settled in Egypt. However, this story has not been passed beyond legend. Because there is a difference of about 30 years between Nizamülmülk and Hasan and Hayyam. The truth of the story is that there is little to be tried. Because there is a difference of about 30 years between Nizamülmülk and Hasan and Hayyam. The truth of the story is that there is little to be tried. Because there is a difference of about 30 years between Nizamülmülk and Hasan and Hayyam. The truth of the story is that there is little to be tried.
Alamut Castle
The castle of Alamut was built on a large rocky site in a supreme and dominant position, seeing a wide range of valleys. Alamut Castle, which is two thousand meters in height, had a steep, steep and winding road. With this feature, it seemed to be very difficult to access and reach. One of the interesting rumors about the castle was that it was built for one of the Deylem rulers. According to Rivay, the king left his eagle in the air before the castle was built. The eagle stopped at the rocky where you were. For this reason, the castle was made to this point. The name is, eagle's teaching ?? ?? Aluh Amut ?? meaning ?? . When the Sabbah was inhabited, the Alevi Mahdi was the sovereign and ruler of the name. Having succeeded in attracting the people to his side, Hasan Sabbah began to work to get herself. On 4 September 1090, the castle was seized with a secret work. Alawi Mahdi who ruled Kaley, had to leave kalayı. According to some Iranian historians, Sabbah has given a great amount of gold to Mahdi. But what is important here is that the Sabbah has founded the Hassassin sect since this date.
It has been reported that for almost 34 years since the placement of the Alamut Fortress, it has never left the house, or even abandoned its room in the castle very little. Having made plans against the Greater Seljuk State and the Abbasids after taking the Alamut Fortress, Sabbah, with the populist assassins he raised, carried out almost 50 assassinations only during his period. According to some sources, the most important of these assassinations is the murder of Nizamülmülk. Other assassinations are the assassinations of the leaders of the upper Seljuks of the Great Seljuk Empire and the important clerics of the Abbasids. Following the killing of Nizamülmülk, after the death of Meliksah, Sencer, The Great Seljuk Empire began to fall into collapse because of the throne rages between Berkyaruk and Muhammed Tapar.
Hasan Sabbah transformed these negativities in favor of him and made it possible to receive other qualifications during his term. In May of 1124, Hasan Sabbah fell ill after falling ill and chose to be the successor of Lemeser Castle commander Kiya Buzrug Ummid as his successor. Abu Ali also took over the missionary activities. He also took the son of Hasan, the son of Kassan Adem, and Kiya Abu Ja'far, and gave the commandment on the subject of succession. On 23 May 1124 he died. He chose the Fortress of Fortress Lt. Kiya Buzrug Ummid as the successor to manage his forces after himself, calculating that he would die.
Abu Ali also took over the missionary activities. He also took the son of Hasan, the son of Kassan Adem, and Kiya Abu Ja'far, and gave the commandment on the subject of succession. On 23 May 1124 he died. He chose the Fortress of Fortress Lt. Kiya Buzrug Ummid as the successor to manage his forces after himself, calculating that he would die. Abu Ali also took over the missionary activities. He also took the son of Hasan, the son of Kassan Adem, and Kiya Abu Ja'far, and gave the commandment on the subject of succession. On 23 May 1124 he died.
The death of Hasan Sabbah naturally ended the leadership as well. Sabbah is not only a keen, intelligent, arithmetic-minded leader, but also an expert in areas such as astronomy and magic. Hasan Sabbah, who is the father of the "assassination", is also known as the person who raised the first terrorists of history.