October 25, 2017

Bohemian Grove Bohemian Village - Bohemian Clubs and Rites

For Bohemian Grove, it can also be called the Contemporary Pharaonic Club. Members are made up of people from the top tier of the world's skink layer. The elite of the elite, such as US presidents, global power banks, media, energy, industrial firm owners, directors and CEOs, high-level military or civilian government officials, bank owners, key figures or well-known people and artists, an organization that can be.

Among the former and current members are Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. People like Bush, George W.Bush, Gerald Ford, Henry Ford, Henry Kissinger, Henry Edward Huntington, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Jack London, Paul Newmann, Theodore Roosevelt, David Rockefeller, Henry and David Morgan, Neil Armstrong, Arnold Schwarzenegger features.

They meet for two weeks each year, which will last for three weeks in July.
In California, San Francisco, Bohemian Avenue, there is a 1,100-acre site in a century-old corn forest.

In the field, different groups are formed according to their profession and interests.
Bohemian way of life is to live as you desire, by ignoring the rules of society. Members of this club are accustomed to reaching everything that they want and want, doing what they want, and they are enjoying bohemian

In 1989, P.Weiss, a writer of "Spy" magazine, managed to stay in the camp for a few days by showing himself as one of the invited guests. He then writes: "On the one hand, you can see a man listening to music from the trees, a drink in one hand, a penis in the other hand, and a place in the middle of nowhere. This is the sign of the freedom of the most powerful men to do what they want, to do whatever they want. "

When the former US president Bill Clinton was asked, the answer was: "Did you say Bohemian club? Is it where the proselyte Republicans go and stand naked in front of their redheads? I never went there, but you should go. It would be good for you. You will get fresh air. "

Richard Nixon, former president of the United States, said in his memoirs: "My most carefree and satisfying speech throughout my political life is the speech I made at the lake in Bohemian Grove in 1967. Because this conversation was not traditionally recorded, it was closed to the public. But on the way to my presidency, it was the determining factor of very important triangulation points. "
Symbols are the symbol of your wisdom. Ceremonies 12 m. It is made in the field in front of an owl statue of height.

Apart from theater plays, musical entertainments, the most interesting ceremony,
"Cremation of Care" ceremony. [*]

This ceremony is held in front of the owl statue. In the scene of the owl sculpture accompanied by sound, light and fire effects, a model in the form of a human being, symbolizing fear or anxiety, is burnt by specially dressed people.

It seems that with these ceremonies and behaviors, the strength from the union is increasing, and the feeling and fear of disturbing the world's rulers to do what they want in the world for money and power is eliminated.

The maximum number of members and guests is 2,900.
The membership fee is $ 25,000 and the waiting period is 15 years. Guests can attend the meeting with the reference of members and members. Members' families can participate as a visitor at certain sales.
Actor and Principal Entomologist Henry "Harry" Edwards at the California Academy of Sciences is the founder of the club.

Edwards decides to settle in New York to continue his career in 1872.
Upon his departure, about a hundred members of the association organize a "laughing" party in the Marin Country, where the current S.P Taylor park is located, among the red-headed. Drinks, Japanese musicians make music. In the following years, this camping tradition continues in different places.
The annual camps are still in their present location, which they hired in 1893.

The club's slogan, "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here", means that personal business connections, personal interests can not be negotiated here.

At these meetings national and international political and economic decisions are taken and plans are made. Participants are informed by former and new US presidents, professors, CIA presidents, military and administrative high government officials, and senior representatives of oil and energy companies. At this special meeting, it is said that the old members entered as listeners and then they explained as much as they approached the new members.

It is said that the Manhattan Project, the Vietnam War and other similar decisions regarding the disposal of atom bombs were taken at these meetings.

