July 04, 2017

Hz. Who is Mevlana?

Hz. Who is Mevlana?

Mevlana was born on September 30, 1207 in the city of Belh of Horasan, which is located in the borders of Afghanistan today. Mevlana's father is Bahaeddin Veled, the son of Hatiyin Hatibi, who is one of the elders of Belh City and who has the title of "Sultans of Scholars" in his health. Mother is the daughter of Belh Emiri Rukneddin.

Sultanu-Ulema Bahaeddin Veled had to leave Belh because of some political events and the oncoming Mongol invasion. In 1212 or 1213 the Sultan-Ulema was separated from Belh along with his family members and close friends.

The Sultanu-Ulema's first stop was Nishabur. Also known in the city of Nishabur, the well-known Sufi slave Feridüddin Attar. Despite his young age, Mevlana attracted Feridüddin Attar's interest and won his appreciation.

He moved the Sultan from Ulema Nishabur to Baghdad and later to Kufe by way of Kufe. After fulfilling the pilgrimage, he came to Damascus. After Damascus, Malatya, Erzincan, Sivas, Kayseri, Nigde road came to Larende (Karaman). They settled in the medresa of Karaman, which Subasi Emir Musa built.

In 1222, Sultan and his family from Karaman stayed here for seven years. Mevlana was married to Karaman in 1225 with the daughter of Şerefeddin Lala, Gevher Hatun. Mevlana from this marriage had two sons, Sultan Veled and Alaeddin Çelebi. Years later, Gevher Hatun was lost and Mevlana had a second marriage with Kerra Hatun, a widow with children. Muzaffereddin and Emir Alim Çelebi and two daughters named Melike Hatun came to the world from Mevlana's marriage.

In those years, a large part of Anatolian was under the rule of the Seljuk State. In Konya, this state was the chief city. Konya was equipped with art works, filled with scholars and craftsmen. In short, the Seljuk State had the most brilliant period and was the ruler of the State Alaeddin Keykubad. Alaeddin invited the Sultan of Keykubad-Ulema Bahaeddin Veled from Karaman to Konya and asked him to settle in Konya.

Bahaeddin Veled accepted the Sultan's invitation and came to Konya on 3 May 1228 with his family and friends. Sultan Alaeddin greeted them with a magnificent ceremony and allocated the residences of the Altunapa (Yarn) to his residence.

Sultanu'l-Ilema died in Konya on 12 January 1231. As the grave site, Selçuklu Palace's Rose Garden was chosen. It is still defeated in Mevlana Dervish Lodge which is still used as a museum.

When the Sultanu-Ilema died, his talents and his followers were gathered around Mevlana this time. They regarded Mevlana as the only heir of his father. Indeed, Mevlana was a great scholar and religious scholar, and he gave sermons at the İplikçi Madrasa. The sermons were filled with what came to hear him.

Mevlana met with Şems-i Tabrizi on 15 November 1244. Mevlana saw "the presence of absolute kemalin" in Şems as well as "the lights of God". But their draws did not last long. Shams suddenly died.

Mevlana was retreated for many years after the death of Sems. In the following years Salahaddin Zerkubi and Hüsameddin Çelebi tried to replenish Shams-i Tabrizi.

Mevlana, who summarized his life with the words "Praise, puked, burned", got the mercy of Hakk 'ın on Sunday, December 17, 1273. The funeral prayer of Mevlana would be made by Sadreddin Konevi upon Mevlana's will. However, Sadreddin Konevi could not stand to lose Mevlana whom he loved very much and he fainted at the funeral. On top of that, Kadı Sıraceddin made the funeral prayer of Mevlana.

Mevlana believed the day of death as a rebirth day. When he is dead, he will have what he loves, that is, Allah. For him, Mevlana was saying "Şeb-i Arus" on the day of his wedding or the bride's night, and he was willing to say to his friends after his death, "Ah-ah, woe-woe.

"After our death, do not search our place for our followers!"
All the works of Mevlana, who see all kinds of kemal access, are in love. Because love is your life, it is essence. The reason for the creation of the universe is love. 'Without you I would not have created these heavens.' Kudsi hadith; It is stated that the only reason for the creation of the worlds of existence is the love that Allah Almighty has for the Prophet (pbuh). Since the yeast of existence is a love, the most advanced point of love, Allah loves and loves everything. Mevlana acted upon this thought, thousands of beyitte say divine love. It is possible to sum up his beliefs about love in four groups. Mind and love companions, the superiority and value of love, the invalidity of love in fanaticism, the misfortune of those who are not in love ...

According to Mana Sultan Mevlana, reason and knowledge are inadequate in the concept of the realms of the unseen. They lead people to a point, but they can not reach the target. But if man has wings of love, science and love are as enviable as they can not imagine. Just like it's Miraculous Night. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and Gabriel (pbuh) ascended in the heavens on that blessed night, as for Sidre-i Münteh; Gabriel (pbuh) "I am a fingering man, I am burdened." And the Prophet (pbuh) passed through Sidra and reached the last of the nearness of Genev-Hakk'a. The place called Sidre-i Münteha; The angel, the prophet, is the last point that all beings can reach. In other words, it is the place where everything else comes to an end. Moving from here, the Sufis are the symbols of the intelligence, intelligence and intelligence of the Gabriel (pbuh)

Hazrat Mevlana points to this point:

"At first, though, the mind is in order.
The mind is like Gabriel; 'We go one step further; This arm, the wing burns.
Do not look at me, go, go! There is no more room for me. "(Mesnevi, I / 1112-1114)
Therefore Mevlana; Love sees each suffin life as a necessary condition. According to him, however, love and love are the hearts connected to Hakka. (Mesnevi, I / 1853). Like Gabriel (pbuh), man can not reach Allah with reason; It stays halfway. If there is a sea between man and God; Mind is a swimmer in this sea, love is a ship. The swimming is beautiful, but not enough for a long journey. People can become tired, suffocated when swimming. But it will reach its destination. (Mesnevi IV / 1423-27)

The nature of this love is not spoken of, it can not fit in lines. But the tans know:

"Someone asked: 'What is love?' I said: "You know how it is like me!" (Mecalis-i Sab'a, 82)
The Supreme Sultan said, "Be me!" The word "to know, to find, to be in the way of reaching Cenab-ı Hakk" expresses that the last degree of the stages of the beings is realized with love, Science and reason only provide knowledge.

"Love, in whatever form I reveal, whether or not I explain it, human remains lame.
The pen, though, writes everything, but when it comes to love, it turns away. "
"The mind is like a donkey in a muddy way of telling love, and love and loveliness will again explain love."
"The sun is the sun, and if you need proof, do not turn your face from the sun." (Mesnevi, I / 117-121)
While it is said that the brains do not fit the transcendental tariff, aklin hastiness is expressed once again.

Mevlana, who says that the dress is torn by love, is cleansed from shyness and shame, that all the diseases of love are medicine, arrogance and pilgrimage, and that the body created by the earth is made up with love (Mesnevi, I / 22-25); He wants to express that people are being cleansed from Divine love, such as greed, tamaha, arrogance, jealousy and hatred. In the majority of those who know the divine love and spiritual realm in the society, the disruptions will be restored and peace will prevail. On the other hand, as a person learns an art for living in the world, it is advised that learning an art to win the Hereafter is also the love of this art of religion and the gain. (Mesnevi, II / 2618-27)

Mevlana says:

"I love love, my father love,
Prophetic love, Allah is love,
I am a love child,
I came to say this love and love. "
It is understood from this that the only ones who are obedient to the rules of religion, those who do not recognize the nature of religion and remain in the shell. It is that the noble man adds worship of Allah to his worship, worship with full sincerity and sincerity.

Hadrat Mevlana can not test love for lovers outside Allah's love;

"If love is connected to color and smell, it is not love, it is a shame to the person." (Mesnevi, I / 224)
"Love as a fool is not eternal, for man is not able to judge this order, eternity.
Divine love is the look, which is always fresher than the gonad, with the eyes and spirit of the soul, who gives heart to the heart at every moment.
Always fall in love with the living and the eternal, take your secret to that.
Ask for his love, because all the prophets, the paupers, know this love, the potion himself.
Do not say, 'I do not have the ability to fall in love.' There is no object that Kerem's owner does not bestow. "(Mesnevi, I / 226-230)
"Those who fall in love with the crown do not esteem the crown." (Mesnevi, I / 2903)
Mevlana states that lovers of Allah do not value anything else except God Almighty, and that those who direct their love to the mortal elements are devoid of the love of Allah. Sometimes, however, there are exceptional cases. If the human being is fiercely devoted, loyal and loyal, this metaphorical love can lead him to true love, divine love:

"If the Vehme is loyal and loving, this metaphor takes him to the truth." (Mesnevi, I / 2861)
Majnun came out with the love of Leyla and eventually reached the love of Mevla. But if man is neither metaphorical nor realistic in love, Hazret-i Mevlana, a tough dirty trick:

"If you do not fall in love, go wool, spin thread.
You got a hundred jobs, you got a face color, you got a face, you got a face ...
I do not have love wine in the skull,
There is a bowlings in the kitchen of the abundant people ... "(Rubailer, p.126)
"Whoever is not in love with love, he is like a flying bird without wings." (Mesnevi, I / 31)
Mevlana, who finds the essence of Creation and the ascension of man's mortal self, Life without love, life does not count:

"Baht is for you;
Love makes a great deal of work with you.
Counting life without love;
He will stay out of the count because ... "(Mecali-i Saba, 43)

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