27 October 2017

Secret Organization Symbols and Signs

The Illuminati (the Age of Enlightenment) is a community founded on May 1, 1776. The founder of the Illuminati community is Adam Weishaupttur, professor of church law at the University of Ingolstadt. Adam Weishaupt founded this community with five people in 1776. The records and information of the members of this community are kept strictly confidential. Each member has a code name, and these code names are used in correspondence and correspondence. It is known that Adam Weishaupt's code name is "Spartacus".

The basic principle of the Illuminati organization is the structure called 'the order of origin from the rains'. Their aim is to break down the existing regime and build the only world that can be governed on a single state and one religion.

According to conspiracy theoreticians, many US presidents, these militants serve directly or indirectly. It also has a role in many events that affect the world. According to Myron Fagan, for example, Waterloo War, French Revolution, John F. Kennedy assassination is the work of this organization.

It is also claimed that in many well-known children's cartoons subliminal messages (also known as the 25th Square) are used and brainwashing is performed in this way. As you know, the caterpillar changes after a while and turns into a beautiful butterfly. People who enter the Illuminati are likened to butterflies. They show a great change. Some conspiracy theorists regard the Illuminati members as people of light or enlightened.
