1 May 2017

Sufyani and Yamani Information

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful

Praise the Lord of the Worlds

Salat and Salaam Muhammad and Al-Muhammad, Imams and the Mahdi

I hope Allah (subhane and teala) will be helpful to Yamani's call and trial from these pages, which is especially concerned with the deputy and vassal of Yamani and Imam Mahdi The hadiths are listed in order to understand that the reader is an important person who will come from the land other than Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) and that it is wajib to follow him. These hadiths are found in the books of both the Shia and the Sunni Muslims, and all prove that there is a man who will initiate his end of slavery in addition to the Mahdi (aleyhisselam), and he aims to show that he is no other than Ahmed al Hasan. This book focuses on proving that there is a great help before the Holy Imam Mahdi (pbuh), so it will be useful to describe this important point.

1- Allah's Caliphate comes from the East

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi and alihi and wahelem) said: "Three will be killed beside your treasures, three are the sons of a halifen. Then there will be none of them (the caliphate). Then the banners will ascend from the land and will kill you in a way that they have not killed any peoples before. "Then I recalled something that I do not remember and said:" If you see him, go crawling on the ice because he is the Mahdi . "Ibni Mace, The Prudent Section of the Hand Fiten Mahdi h.4074

From Ibn Masud it is conveyed as follows: "We came to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sellem) and he met us happily and we realized the happiness in his face. We did not ask him anything until he spoke. Then came young people from Hashem who were among them Hasan (aleyhisselam) and Hussein (aleyhisselam). Rasulullah (sallallahu allah and alihi and sellem) saw them and embraced them and cried. We said: "O Messenger of Allah, we see something in your face that we do not like." He (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sellem) also said: "We were elected by Ahlulibeyt Allah not for the Earth but for the Hereafter, We will meet with expulsions and exiles, so that the black banners will rise and will not be given to them. So they will fight until they have victory. Whether you or your children meet him, crawl on ice or even go to the Imam from my Ahl al-Bayt because they are the banner of guidance. They will give it to a man from Ehlibayt, whose name is similar to that of mine and whose father's name is similar to that of my father. He will reign on the earth and will fill the whole world with justice and prosperity after being filled with injustice and iniquity. "Müstedrek-ul Hakim c.4 p.464

Hussein bin Yakub Adil Yahya bin Abu Talib from Abdulvahab bin Ata, he is from Khalid Hiza, he is from Abu Kelbi, he is from Abu Esma, and from Shaaban: "Horasan If you see the rising black banners, if you crawl on the ice, go to them, because among them there is the Mahdi of Allah. "(This hadith is according to Shehey.) Müstedrek-ul Hakim, Kitabul Fiten and Melahim h.8531 8671

2- Income before the Mahdi Sufyani

Emirel Müminin (aleyhisselam) said: "The Mahdi is Ekbel (with potholes), his hair is scattered, there is me on his cheek, his beginning will be from the East. When this happens, Sufyani will succumb and reign as a woman's pregnancy. "Gaybet-i Numani p.316

Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) will come after Sufyani, so who is this Mahdi?

3- A man will swear allegiance to the Mahdi, and he is the small black-bred man from the east

Kab tells us: "A man with a small black star from the earth will come first from Damascus (Levent), who will be the ally to whom he will allegiance to the Mahdi." Abu Kabil also narrates: "Then a black-skinned man will reign and will fill the world with justice. He will walk toward the Mahdi and will swear allegiance to him and fight for him. "Seyid Ibni Tavus, Melahim ve Fiten p.

4- A man from the line of Hussein will come from the east

Abdullah bin Ömer transcribes: "A man in the line of Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) ın will be hung from the East, if the mountains meet him, he will destroy the mountains and turn them into paths." Ibni Hammad c.1 p.372 and S.407, Beyanul Chief s. 513, Ukdul Durer p.127, Kavlul Muhtasar p.15, İhkakul Hak c.29 p.222

5- He will come to the east to kill Hazrat Mahdi's sister Sufyani

"... Allah will raise the Mahdi's deputy against the Sufyani from the East, and He will follow Sufyani on the way to Damascus (Levent)." Seyid Maraşi, İkakul Hak c.29 p.620

6- One of the Mahdi's Ahl al-Bayt will carry a sword on his shoulder for 8 months

Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said: "A man from Ahlulibeyt of the Mahdi will appear before the Mahdi in the East and will carry a sword in his shoulder for 8 months ..." Sheikh Quran, Mumahidun p.110

7- Mehdi's Caliphate comes from the east (from Khorasan)

Messenger of Allah (sallallahu allah and alihi and wa sallam) said: "If you see black banners from Horasan, even if you crawl on ice, go to them because there is the caliph of the Mahdi among them." Melahim ve Fiten p.53

8- Ehlibeyt and the Messenger of Allah

The Emirel believer (aleyhisselam) said: "... The starters will come from the Birth of the Earth. There is no omens on them, not cotton, ketjen or silk. The seal of the Great Messenger of Allah (Rasulullah) will be sealed by him, and a man from Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi and alihi and sallam) Ahl al-Bayt will raise him. It will come from the East and its smell will reach the West, just like a shed. Fear will be in front of them for a month's distance and eventually they will arrive at Kufe demanding the blood of their father. While they are in this condition, the horses of Horasani and Yamani will compete with each other like two race horses. Dust, sand, sad faces, condemned ones ... If you see what they say, "There is no good to sit here after today, O God, we are the ones who repent." They are the idols they told us in the book of Allah: "Allah loves those who repent and cleanse themselves." Their friends are Al-i Muhammad (aleyhimusselam). Sheikh Ali Yezdi Hairi p.103

9- Yamani who has the blame of the Mahdi, and the Prophet from the east, tell him to go

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sellem) took the hands of Abbas and Ali (aleyhisselam) and said: "A man who will fill the world with the persecution and injustice of this man's (Abbas) generation will come and if this man (Ali (aleyhisselam) A man will fill the world with justice and prosperity. If you see this, go to a Yamani man because he comes from the East and he is the one with the mantle of Mahdi. "El Mahdi El Muntazar al Mevud b.4 p.107

10- Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) before the arrival of Yamani is the most definitive ground

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "There is no more sanctified flag than Yamani's sanchen, he is the spear of guilt, because he calls you to your owner. If Yamani grunts, he will ban people and every Muslim from selling weapons. If Yamani grunts, go to him because his flag is the guilt map. It is not lawful for any Muslim to turn away, but whoever does so will be the hell of the people because he calls the right and the right way. "Gaybet-i Numani p.264

11- There is a Yamani, a caliph who is called by an angel to say, "Bless you and all your friends"

"They will be gathered and they will look upon whom they have allegiance to. They will hear a voice that is human and not in this state. "Bless his own name and blah blah." He is not a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. H.228

12- The shadows of the Almighty are from Ehlibeyt of the Mahdi and I am from Hashem

Abu al-Abdullah said: "When the righteous shall come forth, the people of the east and west shall curse him. Do you know why? This is because they will see him from the Ahlulibeyt before he is displeased. "Gaybet-i Numani pp. 308 section 17 h.4, Biharul Envar c.52 p.365

13- Dabbetül's income before the supply of Sufyani

Imam Sadik (aleyhisselam) said: "Then Dabbetül Arz emerges between the Rukun and Makam. On the face of the believer the 'believer' will be written as 'kafir' on the face of the kafirin. Then Sufyani will appear and walk with them to Iraq ... Zevra (Baghdad) will be destroyed ... Kufe and Medina will be destroyed ... Then they will come to Beyda ... and the earth will swallow them. "Sheik Istrabadi, al Ricat p.100

14- If Sufyan comes, the Mahdi will disappear

Imam (aleyhisselam) said to Hazrat bin Bashir Ali bin Hussein (aleyhisselam) when he told me about the remedy of the Mahdi: "Before him, a man with the name Avf el Selimi in the land of Cezire (Iraq) will murmur. His house will be in Tikrit and will be killed in the Sham Masjid. Then, Shayab bin Salih from Samarkand grunts and then the angel Suhyani grants him from the Valley of Yabis. He is the son of Utbe bin Abu Sufyan. If Sufyan comes in, the Mahdi will disappear and then he will grumble. "Biharul Envar c.52 p.213

So there is a Mahdi who appeared before Sufyani.

15- One of the portents before Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is Dabbetul Arz

Ali bin Ibrahim bin Mehziyar When Imam (aleyhisselam) asked if Imam Mehdi (aleyhisselam) would come to mind, Imam (aleyhisselam) said: "Something like that, sometime in the year between Safa and Merve, a Dabbatul Arz will be hurting and next to it Süleyman 'There is a ring.' "Besaretul Islam p.236

16- If Ehlibeyt is gathered around a man, if he is crawling on the ice, go to that man (if he is gathered around a man in a dream)

Imam Cafer (aleyhisselam) said: "When the black banners come from Horasan, sit in your house because if you see us gathered around a man, come to us with your weapons." Gaybet-i Numani p.197

17- 4 Hadith points out that if Sufyan is grunted, point towards us

Ebu Abdullah (aleyhisselam) said: "There is no escape from Sufyani, and he will not give up in another month from Recep." I said to a man Abu Abdullah (Aleyhisselam): "Ebu Abdullah (aleyhisselam) What happens? "Imam (aleyhisselam) also said:" If this happens, come to us. "Biharul Envar c.52 p.249 h.135

Abu Abdullah (aleyhisselam) said: "If Sufyan is grumbling, he will send his troops to us and to you. If this happens, come to us from every easy and difficult path. "Delailul Imam p.261, Biharul Envar c.52 p.253 h.145

Imam Sadiq (aleyhisselam) said: "O Sudeyr, stay at home and become a Hales from the Ahlaths. Sit at home day and night. If someone tells us that Sufyani is harassing you, come to us on foot. "Biharul Envar c.52 p.303

The writer is conveying Fuzeyl, I was with Abu al-Abdullah and a book came from Abu Muslim, and the Imam (aleyhisselam) said: "We have no answer for your book-then he said: Allah does not hurry because the servants are in a hurry. Dismissing a mountain is easier than removing a government that has not arrived yet. "I said:" I am your Fed, what is the sign between us and you? "Imam (aleyhisselam) also said:" Do not travel around the world until Sufyan hurts. If Sufyan is grunting, answer us, answer us, answer us (we have done this 3 times). This is the inevitable ones. "Vesailush Shia c.15 p.52

Who can we respond to when Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) has not appeared yet? Imam (aleyhisselam) 'ın' us' whom he ordered? Can this person be someone other than Yamani, who has the most spiritual flag?

18- If you follow anyone coming from the land, the methods of the Prophet will be given to you to act with them

Emirel the believer (aleyhisselam) said: "Vaad has come near, the comet from the east and the bright moon shine on you. If this happens, pay attention to your repentance and know that if you are following someone who has come from the earth, the methods of the Prophet will be used to act on them and you will be free from blindness, deafness, and dumbness. "El Kafi c.8 p.63

19- Praise Allah if the star will appear

Imam Sadik (aleyhisselam) said: If you are in your own state, your star will appear, please praise Allah. "Melahim vel Fiten p.158

Imam Sadık (aleyhisselam) for a star because we say to praise Allah? How can a star of Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) have benefited us when he has not appeared yet? Indeed, this star is Yamani and the Halifee from the East.

20- It is pointed out that another hadith will appear after the disappearance of the star

Ibni Harbut conveys this to Ebu Cafer (aleyhisselam): "Tell me about yourself?" Imam (aleyhisselam) also said: "Our situation is similar to the situation of the stars, and if one disappears, another star emerges. Salvation and Islam, a door and a key ... It is not known that Allah will make you your Master until Abdulmuttalib is founded. So praise Allah (azze and celle). He will choose between difficult and easy. "I said:" I will be your Fed, which one will you choose? "Imam (aleyhisselam) also said:" He will choose. "Miratul Ukul Ahbari Al-i Resul c.4 p.46

21- Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) says that even if you are in a closed box, break it or roll in it and go and get killed under the banners coming from Horasan

Abu Tufeyl says from Imam Ali (aleyhisselam): "Amr, if you are in a closed box that hears black banners coming from Horasan, break that lock and box and go and be killed under those flags. If you can not do this, roll them in the box until they are killed under them. "Kenzul Ummal c.7 p.278, Muhammad i Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) c.3 p.79

22- 12,000 followers from Horasan from the east will be called "Ahmed, Ahmed" and this is the slogan of the banners that you should be killed under

Imam Bakır (aleyhisselam) says: "Allah (subhane and teala) has a treasure in Talikan. They are neither gold, nor silver. They are 12,000 people from Horasan. Their slogan is "Ahmed, Ahmed". A man from Beni Hashim, a red bandan above a gray mule, will lead them. I can see that he passed the Euphrates. If you hear him, even if you crawl on the ice, go to him. "Müntehabul Envarul Musician p.343

23- The first person to believe in the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is Ahmad and the son of Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam)

Say to my son Hüseyin, who is a clean and Maktul, and when it is time for him to die, give him to Zaynelabidin Ali his son, and when death comes to him, give him to his son Muhammad Bakr and when his death comes, give him to his son Cafer Sadik When it is time to die, give him to Moses Kazim, his son, and when it is time for him to die, give it to Ali Riza, his son, and when death comes in it, give him to his son Muhammad Sika Taki and when his death comes, And when it is time for him to die, give it to Hasan Fazl, his son, and when it is time for him to die, pass on him to Emiri Muhammad of his son Al-i Muhammad. These are 12 Imams. Afterwards, there are 12 Mahdi, and when Hüscet bin Hasan comes to the death, he will hand over the first mukarribe to his will, his son has three names,

24- Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is the province of Ahmed

Imam Sadık (aleyhisselam) said of Imam Mehdi (aleyhisselam) 'ın yarenler: "... and Ahmad from Basra ..."

25- There is a Kaim who will rule from Basra

I came to the Emirel believer and I said to him, "How long is the time of Kaim, the Emirel of the believer, your sons?" He took a deep breath and said, He said: "Kaim will not come unless the children have their affairs and the rights of the Rahman are not damaged. The Quran will be used for singing. If Abbas's kings are killed, they will be the people who are in front of the faces of hundreds of religions in blindness and astonishment. Basra will be demolished, and there will be kâm from the sons of Hussein (aleyhisselam). "Ali bin Yusuf Hilli, al-Aded'ul-Kaviyye fi Def'il-Mahavif'il-Yevmiyye s.75-76

26- Ehlibeyt (aleyhisselam) has a big event in Basra

Imam Sadiq (aleyhisselam) said: "There is a big event for us in Basra." Melahim vel Fiten p.134

Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said: "There will be a movement around Basra, which I will not mention." Imam Ali (aleyhisselam)

27. There will be a small number of followers called Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) 's "Ensar"

Ebu Basir writes from Abu Abdullah (aleyhisselam): "The day of the aphorism is at your mosque - the person in the mosque of the Kufes of the earth - and so on. 40,000 people will be killed from Babul Fil to Ashabul Sabun. Avoid this path and stay away from it. Those who are in the best condition are the ones who keep the road to "Ansar".

28- Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) says Ahmed is a leader

Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said: "... when Ahmed leads them and when he is believed in Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi and alihi and wa sallam) ..." Imam Ali (aleyhisselam)

29- The man who will carry a sword in his shoulder for 8 months has a crane to be cursed

Ebu Basir says: Imam Abu Abdullah Jaffer Sadik alayhisselam said: "Kaim will not appear unless the people are completed." Delivered: How long is the circle (completion)? He said: "Ten thousand. Gabriel comes from the right, Mikail from the left. Then he will open the flag and travel with him. Everyone in the east and west will curse that flag. That is the flag of the Messenger of Allah, which Gabriel sent down on the Day of Bedir. "He said:" O Abu Muhammad! Vallahi is not the flag, neither the cotton nor the kettle, neither the wool nor the silk. " What's the flag doing? He said: He is the leaves of heaven. The Messenger of Allah opened him on the Day of Bedir, and then folded him up. He gave it to Ali. Flag Cemel until the day Hz. He was with Ali. Hz. Ali opened it that day and Allah is the Prophet. He conquered Ali. Then he overtook him and now he's here with us. No one will be able to open that flag as long as it is slaughtered, and everybody who is in the east and west will curse that flag when he opens the flag and opens the flag. With his coming, fear will move from his front, back, right, and left in a month. "He said:" O Abu Muhammad! He will come in the wrath and sadness of Allah for the wrath of this people and for the blood of his grandfathers, because these people have turned their backs. This will be the shirt which Rasulullah wore on Uhud's day. In addition, the wolf of the Messenger of Allah (the cloud), his long armor and Zulfikar will be covered. Eight months will barely wander and kill the kafirs with regret. It will begin with the Shaybeids (the rulers of the Kaaba) first. He will cut off their hands and hang them on the Ka'bah, and his dynasty will say: These are the thieves of Allah. Then he shall return to the Quraysh and behave with them only against the sword. Before Kaim's appearance, two articles (papers) about Ali's bereavement will be read, one in Küfe and the other in Basra. "Gaybet-i Numani pp. 307-308, Biharul Envar c.54 p.361.

The man who will carry the sword on his shoulder for 30-8 months will kill so many that the suspects will say "He is not the son of Fatima (sa)"

Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said: "Allah will bring salvation from the trial with a man from my house ... He will carry a sword on his shoulder for 8 months. Finally, Quraysh will ask the world and its contents to see me in a place, and I will take some of the things that I will give them and take away from them. Some will not accept what will be done to them, and they will say: It is not from the Quraysh. He would be merciful to us if he had been from Quraysh and the sons of Fatima. Allah will overtake Me, and will take them under their feet, and they will be like the oppression of the millstone. "The Book of Solomon bin Kays p.268-269

31- I am going to meet you against your Fatma Sahi (Allah's Caliphate)

From the father of Ali bin Ibrahim, he sent from Safvan bin Yahya from As bin Kasim, I heard that Abu al-Abdullah said: "If you see that one of you came to you, what are you grumbling about? Demeyin Zayd had a crush. No doubt Zayd was a scholar and the right one. He never invited you to yourself. He invited you to the service of Al-i Muhammad. If he had reached the zafere, he would have given what he had invited you to, and he was harassed by a compromised authority to destroy it. Today, we are telling you that when we rebel against him today, we are not pleased with him and that nobody will join him, for the one who hurts us today and calls on Al-i Muhammad. Vallahi is your Sahib, but he is the one whom Beni Fatima has collected against herself. It is not a problem if you want to delay this until you reach Saban. Maybe this is better for you if you want to fast with your family. Su fiiani is sufficient as a sign. "Al-Kafi c.8 p.264

32- Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is a fact that must be followed before hurucundan

Imam Sadik (aleyhisselam) said, "It goes forward from you and leaves behind the wishing." (Müddessir, 37) said: "Before Kaim's surrender, he accepts the truth that pleases and goes to him, and he who wishes can stay behind before him." Biharul Envar c.24 s.325-326

Who is the Custodian before Kaim's leave? Who is the true person that must come forward and join him? Let's take a look at the portents of Kaim's previous post, and find out who this is.

Ebu Abdullah (aleyhisselam) said: "Before Kaim's slaughter there are 5 inevitable portents: Yamani, Sufyani, the murder of Nefsi Zekiyye, the displacement of Seyhe and Beyda" Biharul Envar c.52 p.215

Which of these five signs is the truth that people have to go and join him, and those who do not join him will be in hell?

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "There is no more benevolent sanjak than Yamani's sancer ... he will be the hell of a person who turns away from him ... If he gets upset, get up to him because he calls the Reality (Hakka)." Gaybet-i Numani p.264

33- Unknown to the Imam (which does not conform to the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam)) will be allegiant to the Prophet and the Makam

Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said: "When the Orders are prepared, when the various leaders are sour, when the rebellion rebels, when the kafirs are destroyed, the expected Kaim and the Unknown Imam will appear with honor and virtue. O Hussein (aleyhisselam), He is your son, There is no such thing. He will come between the two torn rafters. He will rule over all people and cleanse the world from every evil. Blessed are those who live in his time and benefit from his government. "Biharul Envar c.52 p.235

34- The person to be allegiant to the Qur'an and the Qur'an has three names, such as Ahmad the son of Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) in the will

Huzeyfe bin Yeman Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi and alih) 'he says, "It will be allegiance to Rukun and Makam. His names are Ahmed, Abdullah and Mehdi. These are his three names. "Gaybet-i Tusi s.305

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi and sallam) will testify: "... When the Prophet bin Hasan arrives at the time of his death, he will hand over the first mukarribe to the will of his will, there are three names, one of them is the western one, Abdullah as the name of my father, And the third one is Mehdidir and he is the first to believe that "Gaybet-i Tusi p.150

35- The person who is to be allegiated to the Prophet Muhammad will have to join him, not the descendants of Husayn (aleyhisselam) and other banners

Jabir transporter, Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "O Jabir, there is a flag for me, and there are others for them. Stay away, stay away, stay away. (Repeat 3 times) You will finally see a man coming from the line of Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) 'ın and being allegiant to him between Rukun and Makam ... "Müstedrekül Vesail c.11 p.38 h.12376, Usul-u Sitte Aşer p.79, Cami- I Ehadis-i Shia c.13 s.75 h.164

When Ebu Cafer (aleyhisselam) was asked when it was time to come, he read the following verse: "Wait, I will wait with you" and said: "There is a turtle in the family of Cafer bin Abu Talib. Abbas's family is more miserable and has a bad crest. Hasan bin Ali's family has no crest. The son of Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) will be removed and his case will be the subject. "Şerhul Ahbar c.2 p.97

The meaning of the matter is that the Hussain from Ehlibeyt (aleyhisselam) will escape the fence with the man who is the owner of the sancağın. That man is the promised Yamani. There is no more sanctuary than that.

Cabir Cufi says from Ebu Cafer (aleyhisselam): "Nothing that will surprise you should surprise you with the promise, the gun, and the gun of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sallam). Stay away from the deviated people of Al-Muhammad. Because there is a flag for Al-i Muhammad and Ali (aleyhisselam), and for others there are flags. Stop at your place and do not follow a man. Finally a man from the sons of Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) will come up with the promise, the mantle and the weapon of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sallam). "Biharul Envar c.52 p.224

Ahmad al Hassan (aleyhisselam), who comes from the Prophet Muhammad (alayhisselam), is a testament to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi and sallam) and is now proofing his position with the word.

36- Nobody else will know his place except Mevla who will reach the matter

The student of the Sikatul Islamic Kuleyni, Shaykh Numani Kitab-ul Gaybe, and Shaykh Tusi, in his book Al-Gaybe'de Mufazzal bin Ömer'dir with two reliable surnames, Ebu Abdullah (aleyhisselam) said: "The owner of the owner has two gayes, Some will say 'he is dead' and some will say 'he is gone', and some will say 'he is gone', but no one will survive except for the very least of his companions on his subject and his children or his children, other than Mevla, No one from anybody else will know his place. "Gaybet-i Tusi p.160-161 h.120

Contrary to what is presently in Gaybet-i Numani, the word that Shaykh Tusi endorses in his household does not allow for a misspelled word or corruption.

Bahauddin Necefi Müntehab-ul Envar-ul says in Müzie, What is real to me is the narration that extends from Mufazzal bin Ömer, who is Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad Müfid (who is Sika in the Müfid), " Some will say 'he is dead', and some will say 'he is gone', and some will say 'he is gone', except that only a few of his companions will be left out of his habitation and his children or his children, other than Mevla, No one else from anywhere else will know his place. "Müntehab-ul Envar-ul Müzie p.155

37- Another hadith Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) speaks of a previous Mevlân before hurucund

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "A few of these regions will be a ministry of his owner." And he pointed to Zi Tuva (Najaf) with his hand and said: "It will come to the Mevlana with him before him. Gaybet-i Numani p.187

38- Before the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) there is a Mevlana

When Imam Bakır (aleyhisselam) mentioned the movement of the Mahdi, he said: "Finally, when he arrives at Salebia, a man will descend from the line of his father, and he is the toughest with his body and heart except the owner of the matter. He would say: "What are you doing? You frighten people like you're scaring Vallahi's cow. Is this from the time of Messulah? "Then he will swear to him that he has sworn to him:" If Vallahi is not silent, I will shoot you in your eyes. "Mücem-i Ehadis-i Imam Mehdi c.5 p.26-29

39. There is a hadith saying that Kaim and Sufyani will be in the same year, and there is a hadith that Yamani and Sufyani will be in the same year. There is a hadith saying that Kaim and Sufyani will be like two race horses, and there is a hadith saying that Yamani and Sufyani will be in the same year.

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "Sufyani, Yamani and Horasani's harvest is the same year, same month and same day." Gaybet-i Numani p.264

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "Sufyan and Kaim are in the same year." İmamul Sani Aşer c.2 p.250, Mektebul Shamil

A Sun Yat-sen ravail goes through a rivayette: "Sufyan and the Mahdi will grumble like two racing horses. Sufyani will defeat the one after him and the Mahdi after him. "Muhammad-i Ehadis-i Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) c.1 p.424

Ebul Hasan Riza (aleyhisselam) said: "Yamani and Sufyani are like two racing horses." Gaybet-i Numani s.305

40- The man of the starters has the name of a Prophet and the nickname of his uncle's uncle

Abdulla bin Hasan Salebi conveyed from his father, I saw Ebu Cafer (aleyhisselam) during Hajj or Umrah and said to him, "I am old and my bones are weakened. Will you give me a word and tell me when Ferec will be? "The Imam (aleyhisselam) also said:" He is deserter, alone, alone. He is the only one of his family, who is present by his father and is the nickname of his uncle. He is the man of the banners, and the name is the name of a Prophet. "Rabbi Babeveyh Kummi, Imam and Tebesir p.115

The man who is the nickname of his uncle's uncle will carry a sword on his shoulder for 8 months like the man from the family of Mahdi's family

Isa bin Hashib refers to Imam Hussein bin ali (aleyhisselam): "Are you the owner of the order?" Imam (aleyhisselam) also said: "No, sahib, abandoned (Terid), homeless (Şerid) What is the nickname of your uncle's uncle. He will carry a sword on his shoulder for 8 months. "Sheikh Saduk, Kemalud Din p.318

Here is a rumor related to his uncle's nickname, Imam Ali (aleyhisselam) said in a Kufe sermon: "O Ebul Abbas you are the Imam of people."

We know that Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is Eba Salih, not Ebul Abbas. This is the mystery of Sayid Ahmed al-Hasan.

41- Kaim's hidden name is Ahmed

Imam Bakir (aleyhisselam) said: "Kaim has two names, one is hidden and the other is open. It is Ahmed who is hidden and Muhammad is open. "Kemalud Din c.2 p.653 bab 57

42- A man will come before the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) and there will be no bribery in the period of his government and we must know that a man allowed to reign according to Ahlibeyt (aleyhimusselam) must be innocent

Ebu Basir conveys, Imam Sadik (aleyhisselam) said: "The ummah of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi and aliah) will not be comfortable unless he has a state that will destroy either Eba Muhammad, me or Abbas. As soon as it is destroyed, Allah will send a man from Muhammad for the ummah of Muhammad. He will walk with religiosity, work for guidance, and there will be no bribe in his government. Vallahi, identify him with his name and his father's name. And then a man with a medium-sized, one-bodied, two-angled, fair leader, and a guardian of his leaving behind will come. Once that world is filled with cruelty and injustice, it will fill it with justice and prosperity. "Biharul Envar c.52 p.269

Hadith is talking about two people. The first is a man from Ehlibeyt (aleyhimusselam) who will come before Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam). We know that when one is described in this way, that is to say, from the Ahl al-Bayt (aleyhimusselam), the Imam (ie Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam)) like Selman-i Muhammad must be the best Ashai and Shi'a. According to the hadiths, Mevla, the first Mahdi and the Yamani, who first believed and would reach the first mukariff and gobbet-i cubim Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) intellectuals.

43- There is a hadith saying that the Mahdi's father will come after the Mahdi

Then Sulaim bin Kays sent a long hadith from the Selman-i Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and aliah). Then he shot his hand on Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) and said: "O Selman, after the world is filled with cruelty and injustice, My nation, my Mahdi, who will fill with prosperity, is this child. Imam, the son of Imam, the son of scholar, the guardian's son, and his father, a follower of his father, Imam. "I said:" O Messenger of Allah, the Mahdi or his father? "He said: It is a fad. The first is that they have all the reward, because Allah guided them through him. "The Book of Suleym bin Kays p.429

Sheikh Nazim Ukili:
The Mahdi in this narration can not be Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) because his father's coming after him does not conform to Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam). Because the father can not come after the son, but the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi and aliah) said, "Imam is the father of a scholar who will come after him." And no doubt there is no parent coming after his son, so only the Mahdi (aleyhisselam) remains. , His father will arrive after he arrives and this is exactly what Ahmad, the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) and his vassal and son, is sleeping with. Therefore, these narrations show that the first Mahdi will appear before his father, Imam Mahdi Husband bin Hasan (aleyhisselam), ie the first Mahdi, the son of the Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam), who will come after his father.

Moreover, Imam Hasan Military (aleyhisselam) Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is not a fallacy by the hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi and alih).

Abu al-Abdullah said: "Allah has chosen all of the 9 Imams from the sons of Ali, Hassan, Husayn, and Husayn, and their ninth is submerged, and they are their most fruitful, and he Kaim. "Gaybet-i Numani p.73,

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sellem) said to Imam Husayin (aleyhisselam): "Eba Abdullah, you are Seyid Seyid and you are Imam's son, Imam's brother and 9 Imam's father. Their 9th is their Kaim and Imam, their most knowledgeable, most knowledgeable and the best. "Jewellery, Muntahabul Eser p.8-9

Ebu Basir transfers from Ebu Cafer (aleyhisselam): "Hüseyin bin Ali (aleyhisselam)" will have 9 people from our line. Their 9th is Kaim and their best. "Delailul Imam p.453

Another hadith says that the first one is better than the other one, that is, the first Mahdi Ahmad al-Hassan, and if the province was Imam Hasan Askeri (aleyhisselam) here, it would be incompatible with the hadiths.

Süleym bin Kays Hilali Transfers a long line from Selman-i Muhammad and said: "My brother Ali (aleyhisselam) is the best of the ummah. After Ali (aleyhisselam) and my two sons Hasan (aleyhisselam) and Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) and their sons -Resulullah (sallallahu alayhi and alihi ve sallam) pointed to Hüseyin (aleyhisselam) and then Hamza and Cafer umumimin en They are good. The Mahdi is with them. It's better than the one before him. The province is better than the other because he is his Imam and the vasis of the other. For us Ahlulibeyt, Allah chose not the world but the Hereafter. "Book of Solomon bin Kays p.132-134

We finish here. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Muhammad and Al-Muhammad, the Imam and the Mahdi
